Marion chuckled, “I used to work at a barbershop for a while, so I’m pretty
Tenor we cant get over a fever you need to be extra caratul don’t deck F
you could end is with a teadache all day Marion
Dettera de ameed hem). Thow did the legendary fence Mc Houston end up working a barbershop
“That was a long time ago in a foreign and you do whatever you need to sumine.” Martion replied
Debra didn’t futter the subject further
Cutside the house the driver had been wating for a while. They ared at the hospital and saw Shanley kneeling the ward Rach didn’t even lock at
Ben tactfully withdrew from the room, giving them privacy
Uncle Ralpht” Debra called out
Ralph’s expression soffered, and he asked ungenty. Debra how are you? Are you furth
Son’t worry I’m fine Debra replied, laying her eyes on Stanley Stanley has seen ineeling here for a while Uncle Rach, take it easy”
Ralph’s expression darkened read the news. This scoundrel meaned you like that I don’t have such a son.”
Sad, I was wrong Please don’t send me to the police station again. I’m sorry” Stanley pleaded desperately, disregarding his dignity
But Sun Ralph held his ground. “Even if Debra forgives you, I won’t From now on, 1 will cut ties with you and your mother be divorong her
Stanley collapsed to the ground. Debra was shocked. Despite everything that had happened before, Ralph had never been so ruthless
Debra booked at Ratch her eves filed
Joncem. “Uncle Ralph, have you
Thought this Through?”
She feared that Ralph might come to regret his deciss
“This beast dares hit his father. What else would he hesitate to do? Today not only will sever our father son relationship, but I’m also calling a press conference to announce my divorce from Rosalie From now on, none of my inheritance will go to them.”
Stanley was devastated. “Dad! You cant do this to me. Everything in the Frazier family should rightfully be mine. How can you leave it all to outsiders?