Chapter 168
“Hey, why are you so grumpy this morning“” L
Liam asked on our way to
training ground.
As level headed as he was, he sometimes asked silly questions.
I didn’t feel like answering him. I didn’t feel like saying much, either, I didn’t even feel like speaking at all.
When he barged into my room like he owned the place, to come and call me out for a little training, I almost used my pillow as a knife to his neck.
He was lucky to have dodged my sharp adım.
I guess I wasn’t able to make my point clear, because I w
was on my way to the training ground, anyway.
“Blane said he suggested you host a party, and you agreed,” he said.
He knew how to get me to talk, that bastard.
“Why’s Blane discu
discussing our discussions with you? Are you trying to steal my Beta?” I asked in a scolding voice.
He chuckled, and smacked my arms, then hurled forward.
“I’ll race you to the field, Ramon. You know, like old times,” he said.
“And you’ll lose.” I replied in a bored tone.
“If I lose. I give you the diamond dust I discovered recently.”
At that point, I knew he wasn’t going to lose. There was just no way he would so easily part ways with something as important as the diamond dust.
“Fine. It’s your funeral”
Before I was done talking, he had taken to his heels already.
“Cheater!” I screamed, running after him.
In the middle of running, it dawned on me what he had done.
I definitely did feel better, and it was his plan from the start.
“Bastard,” I smiled, and quickened my pace.
He did arrive at the training ground before me.
By the time I arrived, he was already
ly talking smack to my
kinny wolves
“Hey, no one listen to that no good, scoundrel. He cheated!” I said,going after him.
He ran when he saw me approach him, with intent to lay a pinch of two.
I chased after him, as we went round and round the field.
Finally, I caught up with him, just when he thought he had cluded my hold.
He fell to the ground, and I jumped on his body.
“You bloody cheat“” I screamed into his face, as he laughed heartily
From behind, my wolves cheered us up, howling for us to make ups
I was going to, but not before I gave his skin a good squeeze.
“Ouch, that hurt!”
1:22 PM
Chapter 168
He tried to swat my arm, but I was fast enough to jump in my feet.
As we made it back to my wolves still bickering, they clapped..
“Is this what it feels like to be an alphat I think being a
a beta is so much cooler,” Daniel
We both threw him a glare, amidst the laughter of the wolver
“Alright, funs
over,” Blane said, calling on everyone’s attention.
When Liam and I were being this goofy, it was left to him to draw the serious sword.
“We have some training to do”
We all went silent, as he turned to me.
“Alpha, is Daniel leafing the session today!”
“Why not? He’s in charge, isn’t he? Liam is just here so I can kick his ass the way I’ve always done.”
“You wish,” he scoffed.
We spent the next two hours, proving to anyone who cared to that we were just as strong as each other. Totally exhausted we laid on the ground, and struggled to catch our breath.
Blane, and Daniel moved closer to us, and shook their heads.
“You do know we didn’t end up actually training because of you two, right?” Daniel asked.
“Oops.” Liam replied, and we burst into a feat of laughter.
“I’m out of here.” Blane said, and turned around. “Training dismissed!” He screamed at the top of his voice to the wolves.
“When they don’t master claw punch in key places by the next training don’t punish me for not doing my job properly.” Daniel said, as scolding us.
He turned right around, and stormed out of the field.
“What’s his problem” Liam laughed.
“I don’t know, but I’ve not feli as light as I feel in a while. You know what would make this day even better?”
“A dip in the stream,” he said as if reading my mind.
“Let’s go u
We got up, and the wolves th
that were still around hailed us as we left the field.
“See how I flex my muscles? You can’t do that because you barely have muscles,” Liam said, rippling
ling his arm muscles.
I steered at has foolishness,
“You’ve forgotten so soon how I practically taught you how to train. I wasn’t for me,you’d still be mini Liam.”
“Don’t call me that!” He hissed between his teeth
“Mini Liar” I called again, and took off running.
Just like the same way he came, but a little switched, he ran after the, whilst I ran towards the stream.
As I ran, I made a quick decision to go to the far stream.
It was wider, and at this time of the day had argually fresher water.
I ran through the forest, ignoring my legs that had begun to ache
Dream–Road Romance,
s if he was
122 PM c ct
Chapter 168
My wolf began to jump as I drew closer to the stream.
I stuffed her out even before I saw her. It was her scent that made me stop in my tracks.
Hiding behind a tree, I peeped, and saw Sonia taking off her clothes.
Ivy was at the bank seated. Thankfully, fully clothed
I cringed, and returned my attention to Sonia.
“I told you. Id-
“Shhhh!” I swiftly turned around to silence Liam. “And don’t you dare look,” I warned when he tried to see why I was stopping him from talking.
“Let me guess, Sonia?”
I hated how obvious I was, so I just shrugged, and changed directions.
“Where are you headed?” he called after me.
“A different stream,” I replied, carrying along with me the mental image of Sonia’s naked body.
Chapter 169