Heart Pain Alpha Chapter 206

Heart Pain Alpha Chapter 206

Chapter 206 


It was already quite an insightful day for me

After I left the cell, I went to one of my secret hiding places 

Somewhere I could be at peace. Where no one, not even Ivy could find me

There I reflected on everything I heard directly from Hazel 

needed to talk to Moon

Whilst it was something to raise a brow too, something told me I still neede 

He was at the center of all of this, and I needed to speak to him directly

That wasn’t the only case. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Jenner told me

Everyone kept saying the same thing. They were even beginning to sound like a broken record

But the problem was that I didn’t know what to believe

Everyone couldn’t be wrong right! But what if this was the rare case where they were all wrong

What if I chose to believe them, and ended up regretting it later

I wasn’t feeling like much of an alpha lately

My alpha senses had been blurred. I couldn’t even make out a lie from the truth

I sat facing a tree filled with ripened oranges 

If I liked oranges, I would have plucked half of the tree already

But I realized seconds after that I was just looking for a distraction 

Something to keep my thoughts from wandering towards the direction it was headed

I closed my eyes, and I couldn’t stop my mind from picturing her 

It was always the case when I went for these solitude missions

I would be doing great, until out of nowhere, she would ap 

No matter what I did, I couldn’t shake her off

Tappear in my head

She had gotten deep into my system, and all I could think of when I tried to silent my mind was her

Sonia my lips moved, calling her name, as my mind conjured a picture of her

Sonia crying. Sonia smiling Sonia laughing. Sonia coming to hug, or kiss me, after using her healing powers, just so I could recharge her. Sonia giggling in my ears, as I made love to her. Sonia, shy, but insightful

shades of Sonia. The good, the beautiful, and the intelligent, because I couldn’t think of a single bad thing about her

Except for the day I risked my life to bring her back to me, and she blatantly refused me

My ego had taken the biggest bit of my entire life

Teln’t gone 

with enough armor, so I couldn’t even the consequences, and 


instant war, like a li 

a brave alpha would do

Instead, I had left with

my tail tucked in between my legs 

Coward,I whispered, and the gentle breeze that made up the afternoon, carried my words around

I had been a coward, I have been the biggest coward

Chapter 206 

But I couldn’t be a coward that basked in self pity

It was time for an action, having spent so long being inactive

Rising to my feet, I began to return back to the pack

Where have you been?I heard behind my back, just as I got to my quarters

Leave me alone, Daisy,I repled without turning my head behind to look at her

Wrong answer. I came here to help you. I just can’t leave you alone.” 

Do you realize that you have a pack?I asked her

I do. A huge pack,she gloated

Do you realize big large packs need their alpha’s? I’d never understand leaving my pack for another pack, the way you and Liam do. Are you that bored, and jobless Or is there nothing fun to keep you in your pack?I asked, hoping my harsh words would irritate her enough to leave

I forgot I was dealing with a maniac, but was hastily reminded when she burst into a feat of laughter

What’s so funny?I asked, stopping and turning to face her

You of course. You’re trying unnecessarily hard to be mean. Maybe you think if you are, it would push me away. But it already does have the opposite effect. Makes me want to stick around, and annoy you, whilst also helping you. What do you say?” 

I say go to hell,I replied, and continued walking

Ihastened my step so she didn’t catch up with me,

Hey, wait up!She called after me 

because I was done talking

I hurried into my room, and slammed the door shut behind me 

Thankfully, the person I wanted to see was there

What are you doing in my room?I asked, realizing she was really in there

without my knowledge

Oh common, Ramon. I thought we were way past that?she drawled

I regarded her briefly with my eyes. She was starting to swell in her face. Soon, she would have a protruding belly

It was that thought that kept me from raising my voice at her

Lorena, we need to talk,I said, walking over to my bed

1 sat, and she sat next to me with a worried expression over 


for face

What is it? Did something happen” 

I didn’t know how to tell her this, or even

ask her the questions on my mind without upsetting her

I didn’t want to upset her, and in extension, upset my child

She was 

fe was already fragile, and delicate as it was

Hey, ask me anything. Talk to me about anything at all,she said, placing her hands in mind

I looked down at our fingers joined together, but my woll wished it was with someone else

Ignoring its needs, I tried to sweeten the question by smiling first

Right after, I asked what was on my mind

Have you betrayed me in any 

by way, Lorena?” 

Her brow shut up, and she made to move back, but I held her hands firmly in mine. 

6.31 PM 

Chapter 206 

I just want to be sure we’re on the same page. Have you betrayed me.” 

I can’t believe you’d ask something that despicable. Is that how low you think of me?” 

Her lips began to vibrate, and right before my eyes, she burst into 


Heart Pain Alpha

Heart Pain Alpha

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English


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