Chapter 23
I stood at a distance on the hill that separated the rest of the pack with the training ground, and watched Daniel as he trained the new recruits.
It didn’t take two minutes of me watching to figure out what was actually wrong.
Because the majority of them were young wolves, they relied more on their strength and less on their intellect.
There was really nothing he could do if they thought force was the only way to battle.
That was the core thing that separated them from the infamous bloodmoon warriors
Jumping down the hill, I began to journey towards the training ground.
As I drew closer, I made sure to prepare myself for what I was about to say to them. It was going to be a lot, action included, but after today, my hope was that they at least get the basics of the knowledge that would turn them from okay warriors to professionals.
Before I reached the crowd of warriors pulled together in a circle, I saw they had moved into one on one combat.
From the bulge of their muscles in their gait, you could really see my theory. They relied too much on their core strength, leaving their brain behind.
I halted, and allowed myself to watch for a few minutes. Like I knew it would be, it was a disaster. I could already see the frustration in Daniel’s eyes.
Deep down, I wondered if he was losing his touch. Although I didn’t entirely blame him for the orientation of the young wolves, the Daniel I knew would have spotted the problem already.
I was going to wait a few more minutes before letting my presence known. But a wolf saw me and began to howl.
Their heads turned in sync, and found me watching. One after the other, they dropped to their knees.
Their worship gave me the boost of energy I needed to continue forward. As I drew closer to them, the circle they had formed parted a little to give me the space I needed to go through.
I stopped in front of Daniel who had also dropped to his knees. “Rise,” I spoke directly to him.
He did, and smiled with that permanent mischievous glint in his eyes. “You couldn’t stay away, could you?” He asked, and chuckled.
“I told you I was going to come see what the problem is, I think I may have found it.”
“You see. You’re the alpha. More intelligent than any one of us. You see things far beyond our eyes. I’m forever under y mercy,” he said, trying to placate me with saccharine words.
I couldn’t say it didn’t work. After all, I smiled. “I’m not here to punish you, Daniel.”
Turning around, I faced my warriors in training. I raised my head into the heavens, and howled in greeting. They responded with collective howls.
“Rise!” I ordered, and they all did with a sharpness akin to their youths.
“I’ve watched a lot of you from afar, and I must say, I am beyond disappointed. It is one thing to be wolves, and another to be wolves of bloodmoon pack. It is even a higher thing to be warrior wolves of bloodmoon. You all have been specifically chosen because I believe you’re qualified and have met the conditions in which I and Daniel created. So tell me, why do you put your alpha to shame!” I asked, allowing my eyes to roam about the crowd.
Ag–free Reading
6:26 PM ď ď
Chapter 23
They all adorned an innocent appearance, but truly, it was just a reflection of their youths.
My soldiers in the battle field had years of experience fighting. Some fought for my father before me. They knew what it took to be warriors of bloodmoon. It wasn’t something that was going to happen in the day. Thankfully. I had all the patience in the world to make it happen.
“Where’s Blane!” I questioned Daniel.
“The special assignment,” he replied.
I instantly understood what he was referring to. I ordered him to send a message to the moonsea pack. For him to have yet returned, only meant that it was a tough code to crack.
However, I wasn’t all that worried about it. I knew he would succeed. If they wanted to live, he would. It was only because I permitted it, that’s why their pack had not been submerged under the leadership of Alpha Ferins.
“I’m going to let you know what I observed,” I said, turning to the wolves. I began pacing around the circle, with my hand carefully crossed behind me. “You all think because you’re young, your strength is all you need to fight. Sure, when you’re young, your wolf is hungry, and impulsive. It wants to lash out. But being able to lash out the best doesn’t make for the greatest warrior. For the most part, intellect and control is what you need. And I’ll show you what I mean.”
“Get ready guys, Daniel said, smacking his lips.
“Can I get a staff?”
He ran towards the little building built as a storage for certain weapons that could be easily grabbed, and returned back with a
It was long, and thick on the ground, just the way I wanted it.
“Do you all see this?” I asked, looking around.
“Yes alpha!” They chorused.
“On a normal day, the majority of you would feel limited if you were asked to use it in battle. Do you want to know why?”
“Because you think fighting is about bringing out your claws and tearing into the next man’s flesh. Or slamming them to the ground. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all techniques, but it takes more than that to become a warrior. And I will show you how.”
I held the staff in place, and beckoned on Daniel. He drew closer, grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re going to make me your first victim, alpha?” He asked.
“Not a victim, just an example. Attack!” I growled.
He did, jumping into the air first. I knew he was going to do that because I had already studied his stance. With my right hand still holding down the staff, I bent, and his kick flew past my head.
Before he reached the ground, I tossed him to the ground with my free hand.
He jumped to his feet and attacked again. This time, he came with a fist. I lowered my body, and his hand went past me. With my leg. I kicked him from behind, and he dropped to the ground.
He stood up immediately, and raised his hand in surrender.
The wolves broke into howls and cheers. “Quiet!” I growled.
They all went silent.
Ad–Fred Fooding
6:26 PM c c
Chapter 23
“You’re excited, but do you now understand what I’m trying to communicate? You?” I pointed to a wolf that had caught my
He was one I discovered laying in front of the pack some years back. One of the stray wolves that had been tossed away. I named him Zion, and watched him grow over time.
He stepped forward, and bowed. “Tell me, what did you observe?”
“Your hand never left the staff. You studied his movements first.”
I smiled. “Good, at least one of you is following,” I said, and bobbed my head with pride, because I was highly impressed.