Chapter 76
I most have fainted twice. When I opened my eyes again, I was
s surrounded by n
The darkness was so thick, it could dissolve the images of one’s imagination.
I don’t know why, but I
but I projected my hand. Perhaps, Thoped to touch something. But I couldn’t even push my hand forward.
I nigged, and that was when I realized I was bound.
My hands were twisted behind me, and bound.
I was alone in this extremely cold, dark, and stinky place, with no trace of the world.
My heart pounded hard against my chest, when my situation finally dawned on me
This was my punishment. My punishment was confinement, for probably the rest of my life.
I could take the insults and humiliation, but solitude was the worst of punishment you could give me.
I had lived through it in my pack. If it wasn’t for Seth, and unbiasedly, Freya, I would have demanded my father reconsider his stance on protecting
- me.
Although I was locked in a room in my pack, I had some sort of freedom.
This was eternal damnation. It was worse than hell.
I could take anything.
but absolutely refuse to take this
Unable to hold my fear in anymore, I opened my mouth and began to scream
I pushed every pain and misery into my screams, and I let them out.
As I screamed. I moved my body every way I could.
I needed to project as much sound as possible. Someone needed to come to my y aid. I didn’t care who it was, but I needed to be saved.
I felt myself growing weaker and weaker, but I didn’t stop screaming. I would much rather be unconscious, than consciously in chaim With eve
every screech, the strength in my voice reduced.
Soon, I could only manage a whistle. Tears poured down my face like an intense rain.
“Please,” I begged no one in particular, because there wasn’t anyone around. “Anything else but this.”
My body began to fail me. At this point I figured my wolf was gone. I couldn’t hear from her.
This was it. I was dying. That was the last thought, as the dark hold of the void took me
Imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes, and they actually opened.
I was still in that dark room. On impulse, I opened my mouth, ready to continue screaming.
A land covered my mouth, causing me to jolt in shock.
“Who are your” My voice came out muffled, because whoever it was, blocked my mouth.
I tried to sniff them out, and that was when I noticed I couldn’t feel my wolf.
She was either too weak, or I was really losing her. That would mean I was dying.
“Please,” I said mo the hand
“The alphu Kamon has given you two options Remain in the dungeon for the rest of your life, or agree to the punishment he would give you”
I wondered if this wasn’t punishment enough. Anything that could be worse than this would be my cruel death.
Chapter 7tc
Eleven take that over having to live this ways
The an pulled his hand away from my mouth, perhaps, so I could make a choice.
TII take the punishment. Anything but this please,” I said in a heartbeat.
was a no brainer, really. Anything else than this travesty
I thought that would be all. He would report back to Alpha Ramon, and I’ll be taken away from this awful place, with the awful stench.
Hat fresh pain coursed through my body when a stinging slap landed on my cheeks.
Another followed, and then another. After about five consecutive slaps, it finally stopped.
“I’ll tell the alpha about your choice.”
Tonly brand bits of what he said. My hearing was almost gone. The only thing I could hear was the ringing in my ear.
It sounded mocking. It was morking.
Mocking me for all the sins of my father that have brought me at the mercy of a bigger monster.
There was no redemption for someone who would do this
What did I do to be treated so unkindly?
Theger for the escape of unconsciousness. So far, it wasn’t forthcoming.
I had to deal with the soreness of my body all along.
My wolf was still silent. I was as good as dead in the
of the world.
However, it got even worse, as I felt extremely cold water on my body
I went from feeling heated to my bones, to being almost frozen to death
“Untie her, and bring her along.” I heard another unfamiliar voice say.
The voice was
was able to push through the temporal blockage of my ears with how thick it was.
My shackles came undone, but that wasn’t the start of freedom. It was unfortunately the beginning of another round of pain, as I felt something |_ around my neck
I couldn’t tell what it was, until my body suddenly jerked forward.
I was being dragged away with whatever had been put around my neck…
It was the reason I could even walk, considering the immense pain on my legs.
I stumbled forward like a slave, feeling like death was a better option than this.
Closing my eyes, I awaited death. I was tired of fighting. I couldn’t do it anymore. I had fought a hundred years worth of battles in just a few monthis. It wasn’t fair in mnr.
No one
one could say I had done anything to deserve ilds.
I was suffering, and it was because of the sins of my father.
Someone kicked me to the ground, and before I knew what was happening, climbed on my body
I felt my dress lacing lifted up. I still couldn’t see, but I didn’t need my sight to tell me what was about to happen.
“Not” I screamed. I didn’t know where that came from, but I had to do it in hopes of saving myself.
“What are you doing? That wasn’t part of the alpha’s instructions to us.”
“Who cares? She’s been mileinned in a life o
of eternal misery. It’s better I have my fill brst before she bites her tongue to death when the pain
I panicked, and began to wilmate with fear. My bo
My body was going to be violated again.
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Chapter 76
“Please Ramon,” I whispered.
“Soon, you’ll be begging me,” the creepy voice snickered.
I heard the sound of smacking lips, and knew I wasn’t going to escape this misfortune.