If the crabapple blossoms again
Chapter 1
- 1.
Three years with Jason, and still no ring.
Then, he falls head–over–heels for my
Total whirlwind romance.
This time, I didn’t cry.
I didn’t wait around for him to get it out of his
Instead, I chucked every gift he ever gave me.
I shredded the wedding dress I secretly
On his birthday, I ditched D.C.
Right before boarding, Jason texts me.
“Where are you? Everyone’s waiting.”
I just laughed and blocked him.
He had no clue.
Two weeks ago, I said “yes” to my college
sweetheart, Chris.
We’re getting married as soon as I land in this
new city.
“Chris, I’ve made up my mind.”
I stared at my pale, skinny reflection.
Making a huge life decision wasn’t as hard as
I thought.
“Sarah… will you marry me?”
Chris’s voice was low and hopeful on the
other end.
My heart kinda squeezed.
Right before a tear could fall, I nodded.
“Sarah, you know I’ve been waiting for this
since college?”
A small smile played on my lips.
“Give me two weeks to sort things out here.”
“Okay, Sarah. I’ll be waiting.”
I hung up and BAM!
My bedroom door flies open.
“Sarah, honey…”
My dad clears his throat, all awkward.
“Your sister’s not feeling well. Your room gets
the morning sun. How about you two switch
for a few days?”
I didn’t say anything.
I just stared at my stepmom and stepsister,
Tiffany, behind him.
Stepmom jumps in.
“Oh, Don, don’t trouble Sarah.”
Tiffany chimes in, all pouty.
“Yeah, Dad, it’s okay. Don’t make your other
daughter upset because of me.”
“Nonsense. You’re my daughter too.”
Dad glares at me.
“Sarah, be the bigger person.”
I was stunned.
I thought I’d be a wreck.
Crying because my own dad favored his non-
biological daughter over me.
But I didn’t shed a tear.
I just smiled and nodded.
“Sure. We can switch.”
I’m leaving in two weeks anyway.
Who cares what room I’m in?
- 2.
Dad looked so relieved that I was being
Stepmom’s got a smug little smile on her
They leave, but Tiffany hangs back.
“Can I help you pack, Sarah?”
She’s standing there all innocent.
But she can’t hide the glee in her eyes as she
looks around the room.
“I never thought Dad would let us switch
“Are you mad at me?”
“I mean, I stole Jason AND your bedroom that
you have had since you were a kid.”
I just grabbed my suitcase, ignoring her.
Then, she goes “Ouch!” and dramatically falls
on the floor.
Her arm hit the corner of my desk.
Already bruising.
“Sarah! What the hell are you doing?”
Jason, out of nowhere.
He saw Tiffany fall.
His face turns dark.
He rushes over and helps Tiffany up, all
“I’m okay, Jason. Sarah didn’t mean it.”
Tiffany’s crying, but still smiling through the
“It’s okay, really.”
“Your arm is bruised!”
Jason’s looking at that little bruise on her
Full of concern.
Then he glares at me.
“Sarah, you got a problem, take it out on me.”
“Leave Tiffany alone. She’s been through
“You were born with a silver spoon. You have
no idea what life is like.”
I thought I was immune to his BS.
I thought I was done crying over Jason.
But I’m just a normal girl.
I’m not made of steel.
We grew up together.
Three–year relationship.
Now, he’s obsessed with some younger girl.
Treating me like I’m the villain.
I don’t wanna cry, I wanna laugh.
But my tear ducts are screaming.
“Jason, we’ve known each other for years.
You know what kind of person I am, right?”