Love at first sight Ch 2

Love at first sight Ch 2
  1. 2

When I didn’t move, Emily’s voice hardened

I said come over here.” 

I didn’t answer, my spine stiff as a board. It 

was like I was trying to hold onto the last 

scrap of my dignity

Even though that shred of dignity had been 

ripped away the moment I begged those loan 

sharks for mercy

Without my reply, the car was dead silent

Maybe Emily couldn’t take the quiet. Or 

maybe she was just getting impatient. She 

reached out for me

My back tensed as her hand got closer. I was 

pinned by the window, no way to get out of 

her reach

The second she touched my arm, I caught

whiff of her perfume

It was her usual scent, the one Jake had given 


The one that caused me to snap at Jake and 

lose my temper, which is how my parents cut 

off my credit cards and I ended up back in 

the sticks with only the cash in my pocket

Grandpa’s kidneys were failing, and he 

couldn’t get treatment because I didn’t have 

the money

I got him to the hospital, but I couldn’t afford 

the surgery. I called my parents, but they 

didn’t pick up

Then those rich jerks I used to run with 


showed up in T City. They came to me with 

smiles plastered on their faces

I heard Mr. Stark is a little strapped for cash 

these days.” 

Listen, we ain’t all bad, so here’s an offer. If 

you crawl between our legs, we’ll give you 

some dough, how’s that sound?” 

I didn’t hesitate. I went to my knees, bent 

over, and crawled between their legs, inch by 

agonizing inch

Grandpa had raised me since I was a baby.

couldn’t miss a single chance to save him

The room was quiet enough to hear the 

scraping of my clothes on the floor


laughed and tossed three red bills on the 

ground before sauntering off

They took pictures of me at my lowest, then 

Ethan, take a look at yourself. What makes 

you think you even stand a chance with 


That little bit of true loveyou had for Emily 

is worth that much.” 

That’s how I ended up in the hands of those 

highinterest loan sharks

And Grandpa ended up dying from lack of 


After the funeral, when the loan was due,

called Emily to beg for a loan. But she 

impatiently told me to come back and 

The memories made me choke. Every cell in 

my body revolted, I felt like I was being 

constricted by a serpent. A cold wave of 

nausea washed over me

Dizzy, sick, and ready to puke

I yanked away from Emily, doubled over

grabbed the seat in front of me, and started 

dryheaving into my hand

I hadn’t eaten in days, so nothing came out

The car filled with a sour smell. Emily pinched 

her nose and said my name in disgust


I couldn’t hear anything. I kept dryheaving 

until my stomach finally calmed down

Emily didn’t say anything, just stared at me 

with a cold expression. I knew her well 

enough to know she was about to blow


I didn’t try to play dumb like I used to

Because I knew I couldn’t afford to push it

My body was shaky with exhaustion. I hung 

my head, gripping the back of the seat with 

too much force

SorryI’ll pay to have the car washed when 

we get back to the house.” 

I can get out and walk. I’m so sorry I got 

your car dirty.” 

Emily paused giving me a suspicious look 

Emily paused, giving me a suspicious look

After a long silence, she reached out to touch 

my forehead

I tensed as her hand got closer. I knew I shouldn’t pull away. I’d always wanted her to return my feelings

But she was always so critical, so quick to tear me down. Any time I bothered her, she’d 

say something so cutting that I’d be too 

humiliated to speak

I sat frozen in the seat, telling myself not to 

flinch, not to anger her

But the moment her cold fingers touched me

that sick feeling came back, and I couldn’t 

help but jerk my head away from her touch

Emily’s hand froze in the air. When she looked 

at me, I saw anger and impatience in her 


The dizziness hit me again

I shook my head, and Emily’s face 

disappeared, replaced by the image of 

Grandpa in his hospital bed

Because of them, I lost the only person who 

was ever good to me

I blinked and a tear rolled down my cheek

Love at first sight

Love at first sight

Status: Ongoing


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