Chapter II
Chapter 11
I left Maddie’s place at ten on the dot, wanting to be alone. When I got home, I hurried up the stairs to freshen up; it soothed my skin, and I felt a little bit relaxed.
After changing into a new cloth and taking some advil to relieve my aching head, I went back downstairs to the living room, where my mom was watching her favourite Spanish movie.
“Hey mom.” I greeted her, taking a seat beside her. I rested my head on her shoulder, staring directly at the TV.
“Hey sweetie. How was your sleepover?” she asked.
“It was ok, where is Asher!”
“He is still at Conner’s place; his mom called to say she was taking them to the park. She will bring him later in the evening.” She replied before laughing at something on screen. Have you had breakfast yet!”
“Yeah. Cara made us some omelettes and bread” 1 let out a yawn, getting. I think Em going to sleep some more.”
“Okay, sweetie.”
1 walked back up the stairs to my room, tired, and once i got in, i didn’t hesitate getting under the cover of my duvet, my eyes droopy. The sound of my phone pinging alerting me to a text message had me pulling them back open. I groggily picked up my phone to see that it was a text from Sofie.
Dark highness? Hey, Boooo, how was the party?
Sassy princess. It was lit, still a little hangover though
Dark highnessth Expect nothing less when it comes to Daniel Parker, I tried texting Maddie, but she sleeps like a log.
Sassy princess? Yeah, she was pretty much hungover, so was
Dark highness??:1 will chat with you later, I still need more detail/
Sassy princess? Yeah sure.
I turned off my phone, and it didn’t take a minute before I drifted off to deep
“Bree, mom says to get up or you will be late for school!“.
My eyes flutter open and I yawn, stretching my body and my arms over my head. I get up from the bed, wiping my Imaginary drool off my face-
or was it real: Who cares!
I walked into the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror, and almost had a heart attack at my reflection.
Why can’t I wake up looking and feeling like a Kardashian? Instead, I wake up every day looking like a deranged human being escaping from the asylum I squeezed the toothpaste on my brush and brushed my teeth.
And today is just another day of the same old routine. I dragged myself into the shower for a quick bath, and when I stepped out of the shower, I lazily stood with my back hunched like an old lady,
Walking back into the room, I glanced at the alarm clock, and it read 7:30. I smiled and then froze.
What the bell! I’m late for school.
I quickly y towelled my body and changed into a khaki green top with a black skirt. I rop it off with a black blazer and dark green sneakers. I throw my blond hair into a meny ponytail, sprinting down the stairs.
Heer breakfau before you go,” my mom’s voice called from behind me,
Trant, mori, Tim already late”
Dreame–Read Romance Storles
Chapter 11
“I will get something to eat; I’ve got to go.” I pecked her on the cheek. “Bye, big man, see you after school“. I rutile my brother’s hair
“Bye, Bree,” Asher said, waving his hands.
I grabbed my bag and an apple from the kitchen counter before running out the door. And before 1 stepped out of the door, I heard Sofie yelling at me from her car.
Look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maddie couldn’t pick me up since Dylan drove her to school, and my other alternative was Sofie. But seeing how cranky she was this morning, there can only be one answer. The red queen decided to make herself known
1 got into the car, letting out a breath. “Hey, Sofie” I was greeted but was welcomed with silence. “What crawled up your ass and died?” I sassed. Sofie sent me a deadly glare before responding. “Mother nature,
I guess I was right after all.
It hurts like a bitch, so don’t blame me if we end up crashing” She drove out of the front porch
That doesn’t sound very encouraging. I put on my seat belt just to be safe.
“I am stating the truth, boo, because right now I feel like my stomach is being hit by a hammer.”
“You know what? Why don’t I drive?” I suggest, I might not be a good driver, but I think I can get us there safely.
“Nope, with you on the wheel, we would end up in the afterlife. Sorry, but I still have a lot to do, Alive, Bree.”
Ok, now I feel offended. I am not that great of a driver, but I doubt I was that terrible a driver. I think not.
“Ouch, your words sure do stab.“. I replied, placing my hands on my chest to demonstrate my feelings as I feigned being hurt.
“You know I’m right. Who fails the driver test five timest
“It was clearly not my fault, the instructor just stinks. And just so you know, I have improved a lot since then.”
“That’s what you said the last time, and you almost ran Maddie and me off the bridge. So….no.
1 scowl at her, my lips bent in a pout.
“That was one time, meanie, and it was a mistake. I was trying to hit the break; how was I suppose to know I was stepping on the wrong peddle?” “Common knowledge, Bree. You should know the minute the car started driving hell fast and above the speed limit.” She scolds. I huff, turning to look out the window. “Like you said, better safe than sorry. Sofie says as she continues to drive us to school.
We got there safely, but extremely late. Let’s just say the first period was over, I walked out of the car with Sofie, and I sneaked into the halfway, trying not to be caught and given detention,
It’s bad enough that we had to come here; I didn’t want to add to my time here in jail
What a hectic morning! I hurried to my locker and pulled out my books.
As scheduled, I had chemistry as my second class. I closed my locker and started making my way to class. It was already forty minutes late into the
I walked toward the door, peeping through the little glass window on the door, and thankfully the teacher was backing the class. Slowly, I opened the door, trying not to get the chemistry teacher’s attention, anraking my way in and crawling slowly to an empty spot before taking a seat beside Maddie.
“Where the hell have y
you been?
she whispered out.
“praying for my life. She raised an eyebrow in a way, telling me to go on. “Solie got her period”
“Oh, please don’t tell me you drove
I rolled my eyes at this before answering “Sobe did”
Maddie let out a relieved breath. “Good. For a second, I felt my heart stop
“You and Sofie are being mean to me. I pouted, causing Maddie to laugh out loud, which attracted the attention of Mr. Ward, our chemistry 2/3
Dreame–Read Romance Storles
Chapter II
“What seems to be funny, Miss Carter ? Mr. Ward asked Maddie.
“Your face, it’s hilarious“,
“Detention to you both. Mr. Ward scowled.
I was speechless. So much for trying to escape detention.
Ugh, Maddie and her smart mouth.
Though I must admit, that was one hell of a comeback. I guess Solic and I were finally rubbing off on her.
Aftermath, Sofie, Maddie, and I walked into the cafeteria. We walked towards the line to get lunch, settling for a hamburger, chips, and a smoothie before walking to our table.
“Have you taken any painkillers yet? I asked Sofie as she took her seat.
“I went to the nurse’s office, and she gave me some, so it doesn’t hurt that much.”
“Period are the worst, I feel like the boys had is easy” Maddie whined, stuffing her face with chips.
Before any of us could say a word, a seat was dragged out beside me, and I turned to look at the culprit and guess who it was
Ding dong. Hayden is a fucking king
So much for trying to avoid him.
Dylan took a seat beside Maddie, and Daniel sat beside Sofie. I kept my gaze forward, facing Maddie and Dylan.
“So Daniel. I heard your party on Friday was lit. Sofie asked softly, chewing on her fries.
“Yep, though I was drunk most of the time. I can’t remember what happened, but I know iLended well since I woke up with Sophie on my bed” He grinned.