Love Attraction Chapter 29

Love Attraction Chapter 29

Chapter 29 

School ended thirty minutes ago, and Maddie had already tested me, saying Dylan had no problem with Oliver ragging along. So I sent him a text to let him know that since they were all gathering at my place before we left, I sent my house address to him, telling him to meet us in an hour then we could decide who was going with whom 

I had just gotten home, and I was tidying up my room as I packed the things I needed into a small duffel bag. I didn’t pack much for the trip. I packed two swimming suits and extra outfits, including a sundress and pyjamas. I figured I might as well dean my room a little bit if I was going there for three days

I had already swept the floor, and I was tidying up my bed. After taking a fast thirtyminute bath, I quickly stepped out of the shower and hurriedly dressed for the journey ahead. I made my way out of my bedroom, holding onto any small, heavy bag, when I heard the doorbell ring

My mom opened the door, and out there stood Maddie, Solle, Dylan, Daniel, and Oliver. The only one missing was Hayden

Like they say, speak of the devil, and he shall appear

He drove into my driveway, stepping our of his car, but he wasn’t alone. A ull brunette stepped out from the front and sat beside him

you guys; Hayden was bringing someone as wellD Dylan said sheepishly

I stared at her, and she was beautiful, with her modellike body and her tall, slim legs. She was really amazing and I felt something brew from inside 


“Can we please go? It’s a twohours journey,” Hayden asked impatiently when he was the last to get here. The girl he came with had herself Jeeched on him, like he would disappear if she let him go

Let’s start the arrangement.Dylan chipped in. There are two cars, and there are eight of us. So who is going with who?” 

Since Dylan and Hayden are the ones driving, then 1, Daniel, Dylan, and Hayden’s escort can all go in Dylan’s car, it’s more spacious than Hayden’s Maddie Suggested 

Why do I have to go with you! I prefer going with Hayden A very screechy, annoying voice was heard as she threw her hair against her finger

Take it like that.” Maddie answered, rolling her eyes

Babe,she said, turning to Hayden

the come with me?Hayden asked Maddie as he lazily rested on the hood of his ca 

Why c can’t the comme 

She’s literally likes the tiniest our of us four girls, and your car isn’t that big. Maddie replied

I guess you have to go with them, Raina” 

It’s Tania,” she huffed, and walked to Dylan’s car. We all tried to stifle our laughter

Let me help you with your bag.” Oliver offered, talking about the bag from me

You didn’t really have,I say to him

It’s no problem, ElleHe 

He gave me a smile, walking to Hayden’s car 

Before I forget, I made sandwiches.I took the box from my mom, walked over to Dylan’s car, giving Maddie the bag

Thanks, Bree; see you in two hoursMaddie took the box, placing it on her lap 

With the other box, I walked over to Hayden’s car and got in the front seat with Sofr and Oliver sitting at the back. I discretely winked at Sofie and mouthed, Good luck directing my eyes towards Oliver Sofie blushed in response, sending me a playful glare, and I laughed

Have fun, guys, and you sweets, but not too much fun or your dad would go ballistic. Remember to call me when you get there and if you need anything. My mom hughed, waving us off 

“I promise I won’t have too much fun. 1 laughed along with her

After wishing my mom and Asher goodbye, Dylan drove out of the car with us behind. No one said anything everything was awkward. Hayden wasn’t saying anything and just kept his focus on the road while Sofie and Oliver stared out of the window, lost in thought and making absolutely no effort to get to know each other

These two are just so hopeless and need a little push 

Chapter 29 

I turned on the radio, increasing the volume to hear Joyner Lucas and Logic Isis. I nodded my head, chanting the lyrics lowly, until I heard Oliver sing along and the two of us started singing to the lyrics. We started with the logic rap part

Double homicide: kill the beat and the verses. Everybody liveson the surface

*But we came from the underground, yeah, we deserve it. Yeah, uh, far from the minimum, killinem with no Ritalin And 59was the middleman to get em in the same room. Now we are on the same tune, and we are still the gangdum. The illest of lyricists on the same shit Rampack, clap back on the gang shit. Do it for the love of rap, not for the fame shit, woo.” 

One time for the Grammy that I never got. Two times for the garden that I sold out. Three times for the street crimes that I committed. Yeah, I did it, but thank God that I made it out. Four times, cause I’m a fuckin bastard. Five times platinum With my last shit, Six times for the beats and the rhymes. Fuck the heat and the crime. Keep the peace like a waistline, 155, 15TS, ISIS, ISIS” 

After the music finished, the two of us burst out laughing, and Sofie joined us. I turned back to give Oliver a high five, waiting for the next song to play, but before it even started, Hayden turned off the radio; his fist was clenched against the wheel, and his eyes were hooded. He was beyond pissed 

Every linle thing seems to tick him off lately. Was he going through something that he we all didn’t know of, because Dylan and Daniel both seem clueless

I heard whispers from behind and looked through the car mirror to see Sofie and Oliver chatting among themselves. Whatever Oliver was saying was definitely winning points for him because Sofie had a smile on her face

With a mile on my face, I returned my focus back to the road, letting out a sigh as I was bored out of my mind. I couldn’t talk to Hayden, and I didn’t want to disturb those two love birds behind, so what better way to while away time than to sleep it away

I took out my phone and my earpod, connected them to my phone, and then put those pods in my ears. I clicked on AG feat. Connie Lee, shine a light. My eyes closing shut as i drifted off to sleep, only waking up twice during the ride

On the Erst, we had taken a little bathroom break, and we decided to eat our sandwich before continuing on the journey. The second time I woke up, we were already driving into the cabin with Dylan’s car in front of us

We all came down from the car. Sote Maddie, Oliver and I had our mouths open wide, taking in the beauty of the place 

Wow, Dylan, it’s huge Maddie said is in


Well, yeah. My dad wanted something different from any other regular sized cabin.” 

Maddie took my and Sole’s hands, and we both squealed inside the minute Dylan opened the door

We took a seat on the couch and waited for the boys and Tians to get inside. Oliver had both Sobe and my bag along with his, while Dylan carried his and Maddie’s bag in. Hayden walked in with Tanis clenching on his hand again; he had both bags in his hands

My eyes trailed down to his hands his muscles were bulging out. Those hands that were in… 

Okay, hold up. I shouldn’t be thinking about that right now. I shake my head, trying to get rid of any naughty thoughts.. 

Okay, there are six rooms here. Which means four people will be sharing a room. Dylan quipped in

That’s easy; you and Maddie are a couple, so you guys can share a room. I pointed in the both of them, and they nodded their heads in agreement

Since Hayden came with Tania, they can share a room.” Sote suggested, and I hated the thought of the two of them together. Seeing them together was already frustrating and annoying now they had to share a room together

What about if Daniel shares a room with Oliver and Tiana gets her own room?Maddie chipped in before I could say anything

That’s not a bad idea.Sofie says, backing up Maddie

Then it’s settled. Maddie and I share a room, and Daniel and Oliver share a room.Dylan went through all we said again, and we all nodded in agreement 

We went our separate ways to pick a room: Maddie. Dylan, and Sofie’s rooms were on the left side of the cabin. There was one room remaining on the left side and three rooms on the right. I quickly picked the middle room Hayden and Tiana were on either side of my room, while Daniel and Oliver took the last room on the left

I got into my room, placing my small manibag on the bag. I scanned through the room, taking in the beauty and magnifying the view of the room. It had a bathroom already arranged for it, so I don’t have to share it with anyone. I opened the zip of my bag to unpack and settle my clothes and Essentials 

After I finished with everything. I walked out of the room to meet everyone already sitting by the fireplace in the living room. I took a seat beside Oliver, my leg raised and placed on his lap


Chapter 29 

Now that we have settled, let’s get this

«night goingMaddie screamed, and we all cheered excitedly, except for Tiana

I already ordered some pizza and alcohol? what do you suggest we do?Dylan asked curiously

How about we play a game? truth or dare!Daniel quipped

Or never have


Love Attraction Novel

Love Attraction Novel

Status: Ongoing
Love Attraction Novel


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