Chapter 3
“Hey, Bree, I’m here!“, Sofie joins me and Maddie in the bathroom as I study myself in the mirror. Sofie and 1 smiled at each other, knowing what we were about to do, while Maddie had a big scowl on her face, but she knew she had no way of escaping this
I stuck my head out of the bathroom, making sure the coast was clear. There were no students roaming the balls.
“Come on, let’s move”
For the plan to work, we needed to go out to the parking lot, and Maddie agreed to be our lookout while Sofie and I handled the
A smug look grazed my face as I walked out with a can of paint, and the same goes for Sobe. I have always wanted to practice my artistic skills, and I know just how. I have been told that i was an art protégée, at least by my mom
I went towards Hayden’s car and dropped the can of paint on the floor, opening the lid. I painted the right side of his Lamborghini Huracan Spyder pink and purple. Sofie painted the left side of the car green and blur. I took out a piece of paper that says, Payback is a Bitch, with a smiling emoji by the side.
I can’t wait to see
it wait to see how he reacts.
“Oh, he’s going to be so pissed. Sobe laughed. “it’s his favourite car, you know
“Yeah, that’s exactly why I like this plan better“. We both gave each other high fives, smäling like mantar.
“Come on guys, hurry up before the bell rings” Maddie whispered. We ran back inside, back to the bathroom, to get rid of the paint on our handy.
The bell rang immediately after we stepped out of the bathroom, signalling the beginning of lunch.
This will be gold!
and Maddie both
Students start walking out of class, and we inerge with the crowd walking to the cafeteria. I bought some fries and juice, and Sobe an bought sandwiches and Coke. We walked to our table, taking our seats with our tray of food placed on the table.
“Don’t you think you guys went too far? Maddie asked, concerned.
“please! He should have thought of that before running me over. Lanswered sawily
“Do you think he has seen it yet. Sobe questioned.
“I don’t know.
“He wouldn’t be quiet if he did see it”
“Maybe he hasn’t seen it yet.
“So tell me, Sofie, what time is your brother coming on Friday“, I asked,
“I’m not sure yet, but I think he said something about being here by noon.”
“It looks like someone is still nursing a crush“. Maddie teased.
“What ca
can I say? I’ve got a thing for handsome boys,” I replied cheekily.
“Yeah, we can clearly see it.” Sofie said before stuffing her face with a sandwich.
“What do you mean by that“, My eyebrows raised as I stared at Sofie.
“The sexual tension between you and Hayden is just too much“. She replied, and 1 choked on my drink. I stared at her while coughing repeatedly as Maddie petted my back.
Why the hell do we think that? Hayden and I know that’s never going to happen.
“I don’t think you know what you are saying Sole. Hayden and Bree have been at each other’s necks for as long as I can remember. Trust me, there is no sexual tension“.
“I agree with Maddie on that, Sofie. There is no sexual tension between Hayden and I, ewww.” I made a throw–up face, making my point.
“If you say so, but love sometimes starts from hate.” Sofie counters back.
Dreame–Read Romance Stories
Chapter 3
“It’s never going to happen, never,” I retort back.
The sound of the lunch door being banged open caught everyone’s attention, and the entire cafeteria went silent,
Hayden walked in with hot smoke coming out of his ear, if you get what I mean. His face was red in anger, and
“Who did that to my car. He asked, his voice very calm but deadly.
No one responded, and Sofie and I struggled to control our laughter.
“Who in the hell did that to my car. He roared out, not able to control his anger.
I won’t lie, it scared the mot out of me, but I still don’t plan on backing down.
fingers clenched tight into a fist.
His eyes scanned the hall before settling on me. I shivered inwardly at the intensity of his eyes as my gaze met his without wavering.
This isn’t over,” Hayden said, harging out of the cafeteria.
“Oops, he is beyond pissed“. I said, chuckling nervously.
“Yeah, what do we do?” Sofie asked worriedly, and we both turned to look at Maddie to see her giving us the ‘I told you look
The rest of the day carried on till the bell rang, signifying the end of the day, let out a happy sigh.
Finally, I’m free.
Maddie had to stay thirty minutes after school for some clubs she joined, but Sohr had already left; she was turning some kids. Since Maddie was my ride back, I decided to waste my time in the bathroom, scrolling through instagram. When I walked out, the hallway was already empty.
I still had five minutes to spare. L
I walked our of the school, deciding to wait for Maddie in her car, but before I got there. I heard my name being screamed out,
“GABRIELLA! What the hell? What did you do to my car
Ambush!. I repeat. I’m being ambushed, Help me
I knew there was no way for me to escape, so I leaned onto the car with Hayden standing right in front of me.
Did I mention he was freaking
What have I gotten myself into?
Dreame–Read Romance Stories