Chapter 32
I woke up, stretching my hand to the other side, to find it cold. That means Hayden must have gone back to his room last night. A smile graced my face when bremembered the events of last niglu. Im so glad we talked things out, like they say makeup sex is abrays the best.
Slowly getting up from the bed, feeling a little bit sore, but managed to stand on my feet. I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I started off by bushing my teeth for five minutes before stepping into the shower. I stayed there for some time, washing away the ache from my body. When I was done, I walked back into the room with a towel wrapped around my body. I walked to the closet to pick out the outfit of the day
I did mininnal make–up, which consists of powder, mascara, and a lip beam. I put on my floppy slippers, making my way out of the room.
“Good morning.” I said this to Sobe and Oliver, standing at the entrance of the kitchen.
Solie was flipping pancakes while Oliver helped stir the baner. The doors really looked good together and would make a perfect couple.
*Good morning, Bree.”
“Good morning. Elle”
Sofie and Oliver both said it at the same time. I walked in to help dish the food and brew the coffee. I took out right places, but Oliver stopped me, taking one out and placing it in the rack. I gave him a questionable look, wondering why he took the plate away when we were eight and not even
“Tania left this morning” He explained, and a shocked look crossed my face. I turned to look at Sofie to see if he was telling the truth, and she nodded, confirming his word.
“What happened?” I voice out confusion.
“I really don’t know the details. I woke up to her leaving with her things this morning” Sofie chipped in as she flipped the pancake on the stove. “But Oliver woke up early, so he has all the details?
flooked at Oliver, and he had a sly grin on his face before he spoke. “I couldn’t deep because Danel keeps taking up the whole space on the bed, i was torture” He shivered. Anyway, I woke up really early, like really really early I heard Hayden and her arguing over something, and she was asking him why he brought her here when he didn’t like her, and their argument escalated Im guessing Hayden must have said something hurtful because I heard her crying, and the next thing I knew she was gone.
I wasn’t even going to pretend like I cared because I was glad she was gone.
Theard the sound of doors opening with soft, heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen. Maddie popped into the kitchen with Dylan behind her.
“Good morning, boos, Oliver,” She chirped, taking a seat on a stool in the kitchen
“Someone seems to be in a good mood.” Leased,
“Well, of course I am” She responded with a big grin on her face.
I took a seat on the stool, my pancake in front of me with strawberry toppings and a cup of hot coffee. The rest of the guys also took their seats with a plate of pancakes in front of them.
“Where are Hayden and Miss Branty? Maddie asked, chewing on her pancakes.
“Right here. Hayden walked in, taking the last stool beside me.” Riana has already left.”
Shake my head knowing he had mispronounced her name again.
“Why? I got tired of her already?” Dylan had an amusing look on his face as he looked at Hayden
“You can say that. Hayden shrugged, slowly devouring his pancake,
“What are w
are we doing today?” I asked, and all eyes turned to me,
“There is a lake not far from here, why don’t we go for a swim?” Dylan suggested
“Yeah, that would be cool” Maddie chipped in, and we all nodded in agreement.
“Good, we’ll leave right after breakfast, someone has got to go wake Daniel up” Dylan says
“Do we have to! Y
to? You know how cranky he gets when he wakes up. Hayden groans out in displeas
Well, someone has to wake him if we want to leave early Dylan exclaimed, and we all looked around for who was going to wake him
“Hayden, why don’t you go!” Sofie says.
Chapter 32
or her at
a puzzled look. “Why do I have to go” He whined out.
“Because you are the tough one among us, Daniel can’t get cranky with you” She replied with a sheepish unile.
“Wow. I totally feel the love.” A raspy voice was heard at the entrance of the kitchen. I turned my head slightly to see Daniel standing there, bare chest, with his hair dishevelled.
“Can you really blame us? You are like a cranky hule baby” Dylan says it playfully.
To not cranky.
“Yes, you are
“I am not.”
“Yes, you are
“Hayden, Dylan is being mean to me. Daniel posited, looking at Hayden for support.
“Dylan, quir being mean to Daniel. Even though he is a cranky baby, Hayden says with a smirk that he and Dylan high–five each other while Daniel shows them the middle finger.
The banter continued throughout the breakfast. One minute, you think Dylan is the mature one in the group, until he does something that questions your opinion about him. He was just as childish as the remaining duo.
We waited for an hour after breakfast to leave for the lake. I pulled out the black bikini with a little red stripe design that I got when Maddie, Sofie, and I went shopping.
I slipped onto my body, and as soon as 1 put the top piece on, I realized that I couldn’t see the back of my bikini. I was about to put on a when I heard a knock, and I let out a sigh of relief.
“Come in.” In shouted. Slowly, the door pulled open, and Hayden walked in. “Hey, can you help me tie the top of my biki
Hayden laughs and nods. “Sure,”
I turned around, and Hayden walked closer to me. Hayden pushed my hair assde, and his fingers lightly grazed my skin, muking me shiver as butterflies exploded in my stomach. I bit my lips and closed my eyes, my heart pounding so fast in my chest that I was so sure it would explode. After what felt like an eternity, he tried my top.
“All done. He leans down and whispers in my car. I turn around to look at him.
“Thanks,” I say and smile.
“Your welcome, Bambina” He tells me, then turns and leaves
y did you knock at my door!” I asked, stopping him on his track.
“I wanted to tell you something, but is can wait.” He smiled and said, “oh by the way Bree, you look sexy in that bikini” He winked at me, walking
out of the room.
I quickly put on a shirt, applied sunscreen to my body, and left the room. We all got into the car the way we were assigned before and drove off in the direction of the lake. The beach wasn’t far from the cabin–maybe a thirty–minute drive. I took off my shirt, placing it on the sound, letting out a squeal when I saw waves hitting the shore.
“Come on, let’s try the water” Maddie said, taking Sofie’s shoulder and pushing her into the water. I watched with a smile on my face as they both let out a squeal, laughing.
“Bree, get your ass here now.” Sofie screamed, waving her hand towards me
The boys were already in the water, I let out a loud squeal, running towards the others, and we started splashing each other with the beach water.
The water was not cold, but it was not warm either, enjoyed the feel of it on my body, it has been a long time since I last swim. I swim into the water, basically behaving like a child
n and dive
I watched Hayden splash some water at Dylan. He was putting on a black trunk with his back facing me. The muscles in his back were so sexy, and 1 was sure I was almost drooling.
someone splashed water hard on my face, ending whatever trance I was in. I turned to look at the culprit to see Oliver and Sophie smirking at me.
“Oh! It’s so on.” I let out a crazy laugh, swimming towards them
I took a handful of water in my hand, splashing at on them. And there, guys, was the beginning of a splashing battle. Don’t ask me who won; I’m too
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busy trying not to get splashed on the face.
I got out of the water to sit on the sand as I watched the others play amongst themselves, Oliver looked up in my direction, waving at me, and 1 waved back, watching him leave the water to come sit beside me.
“What are you doing here all alone!” he asked.
“Just taking a little break
I looked back at the water, my eyes trained on a certain boy.
I looked back at Oliver, and he had an amused look on his face. He stared at Hayden, then shifted his gaze towards me. I know it’s totally our of my business, but I just got to ask. Are you sure there is nothing going on between you and Hayden!”
I let out a sigh before replying. Yeah, there is something, but I don’t know how to classify what we are. We’re kind of complicated.” I said it quizzically.
“From what I have seen, it looks like he really likes you.”
“I don’t know; our relationship is more like a benefit between us.” I said.
“I figured, with all the screaming I heard last night.” A shocked look graced my face, and I stared at him. “God! Your face is so priceless. I was just joking.
“Not funny” My i
face was stained red.
“I’m sorry, 1 just couldn’t help myself. But thar didn’t mean I didn’t see him sneak out of your room this morning” He nudges my shoulder, and I blush some more. “Do you like him!” Oliver interrogated me.
Well, yeah Umm, no. I just it’s actually hated him because he would always piss me off at any given chance. But after a party at Daniel’s place, I got drunk and woke up beside Hayden the next morning. You could guess what luppened, but surprisingly, I didn’t regret it. Then Hayden came up with an idea: we wanted each other, so we decided to be friends with benefits. Right now, 1 feel things between us have changed. One minute 1 hated him, and the next I’m nursing a crush on him. Every time he is near, I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest at the rate it keeps on beating. It’s like I can’t control it; I just…
“You love him.” Oliver grinned.
“I’m sorry! I what….now
was confused
“You just don’t have a crush on him, Elle; you are in love with him” He says, ruffled hair………a
I’m not in love with him” I chuckled in disbelief.
“Yes, you are, dummy”
“No. in not. I counter back.
“I see denial here. Elle
Tm not denying anything”
“Whatever makes you sleep at night” Oliver shrugs.