Chapter 33
When we got back to the cabin, it was 2 pan, in the afternoon. Daniel and Oliver were in the kitchen on their third attempt to make pizza when we could easily order. The rest of us were in the living room watching TV; where, Dylan and Hayden were. There was a football match being aired. which seems to have caught their attention. They are literally ghted to the TV, boys
Sofie, Maddie and I sat back on the couch, just staring at the TV with no clue what was going on. I didn’t even know the names of the clubs playing.
“So… Maddie said, crossing both legs against each other as she turned to stare at Sofie. “How are things going with you and Oliver? Any improvement?”
Sone playfully rolled her eyes before answering. “No, Maddie, I met the guy yesterday. So obviously, I’m taking things slow.”
“Ugh. You are no fin
“Yah, pizza is ready. Dylan and Hayden, you owe me sen backs. I didn’t burn it this time” Daniel shouted from the kitchen, and surprisingly, it actually smells delicious
Everyone gets up and walks to the kitchen. I walked in with Hayden beside me; we were the last people to enter the kitchen as Hayden discretely brushed his hand on mine, and my hand ached to hold his. I took a seat, and Hayden pulled out a stool next to me. On my left was Sofie, whose eyes were cast on the pizza, and 1 watched her drool.
God, this girl, and food.
I nudged her shoulder gently, and she looked up at me with a cheeky smile. I take a slice of pizza from one of the plates and stuff it into my mouth, and I almost moan at how good it tastes. I have got to hand it to them, they did manage to make it well and delicious.
“I got invited to a party, do you guys want to come?” Hayden says, looking around at everyone on the table.
“How the hell did you get invited to a party in the middle of nowhere?” Maddie asked, baffled. I understand her point because I haven’t seen any fether cabins like this one, so where exactly was the party Hayden was talking about?
“You do know there are other cabins around, right?” It was Dylan who chipped in the girls and I turned to look at him, confused.
“But I didn’t see any when we drove in Lasked.
“Because this is private property.” Dylan explained.
“So are you guys in? Hayden asked again, and everyone nodded, agreeing
We all quickly finished the pizza, and we went back to our room. We girls mostly look for what to wear
“Damn girl, you look hot. Sofie said, looking at me as I walked out of the bathroom wearing a black long–sleeve crop top that opened at the front, showing my cleavage. I matched it up with a black short high waist shot and a black choker.
“You are definitely going to give a guy a run for his money Maddie says it with a big smile on her face.
Sofie walked into the bathroom to get dressed, then stepped out, swirling around for us. “How do I look?” she had on a black strapless top with a red short skirt matching it up with a black bag, with her hair tied up in a bun
“Believe me, girl, 1 don’t think Oliver will be able to take his eyes off you tonight” I commented, making Sobe blush.
“My turn.” Maddie squealed, running into the bathroom and quickly changing. I came out in a red bra–like top, matching up with a short red skirt with a slit at the side.
“You aimed to steal the spotlight. You’re hot.” Sofie said, looking at Maddie
“Thanks, babe,” she said, twirling around and sending a wink our way.
I moved my hair up into a ponytail
“Come on, let’s take a picture before we meet the boys” Maddie said, and we all agreed, posing and taking a b
a bunch of pictures.
Dylan just texted; they are waiting for us outside.” Maddie says that the three of us left the room, going outside the cabin to where the boys were.
The four boys were leaning against the hood of Dylan’s car, laughing at something Oliver said. They were finally warming up to him. I guess he was already part of their crew. Hayden let out a laugh at something Oliver said with a smile on his face. He slowly lifted up his head, and he let out a shocking sound, staring at me shocked. He did a double make, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The other boys followed suit, staring at the three of us, but my eyes were trained on Hayden.
Chapter 33
His lips moved as though he wanted to say something, but no words came out of his mouth, and I almost laughed at his reaction. When we got close to them. Dylan pulled Maddie close to her, whispering something into her ear that made her blush, Soße and Oliver stood staring at each other like they were in a trance.
Tuck Here” Hayden finally whispered. He gulped as his eyes roamed thoroughly over every inch of my body. His gaze lingers more on my cleavage, and I smirk.
He swallowed harshly, his eyes snapping back up to stare at mane. It was like he was in a daze. We were interrupted and brought back to reality by the clearing of throats, and I tore my gaze from him to see Daniel staring at all of us with an amusing smile on his face.
“Wow, 1 feel so left out right now. His lips were pressed down, and we all laughed
“Let’s go; the party has already y started” Hayden clapped his hand, and we all go in. I got into the front seat of Hayden’s car while Oliver and Sobe got into the back. Maddie, Dylan, and Daniel got into Dylan’s car, and we all drove off with Hayden’s car at the front and Dylan driving behind.
We arrived in thirty minutes. Getting out of the car, we walked towards the path to the house when I felt a hand drag me back, and I hit my hard chest. The hand wrapped around my body, and I felt a breath in my ear
“I must say, princess, you look beautiful” His husky voice whispered in my ears, biting gently on rity carlobe. I felt him spank my ass before he walked past me, and a blush crept up my face.
1 can’t believe him.
I looked around to see if anyone had witnessed anything before walking into the house,
“Damn, this party is lit” Maddie commented, and we all nodded in approval. The party was in full swing; it wasn’t that crowded, but it had the perfect party vibe.
“Let’s go get some drinks Maddie pulled Sofie and me away from the boys, and we headed to the kitchen. She passed both Sofie and me a red cup with a drink in it; we downed it in one go. Taking another one and drinking.
don’t recall how many drinks we had before Sobe and Maddie dragged me onto the dance floor where Daniel, Oliver, and Dylan were. We all started dancing and moving to the rhythm, moving our bodies as we sang along in the lyrics of the song. Maddie spun, twirling around, screaming at the top of our voices, totally singing off key to the song. Sonie, Daniel, and Oliver seem to be experts at dancing, as they were joining and screaming amongst each other.
I got tired of dancing and went back to the kitchen to get another drink. I stood by the entrance, watching the people dancing and grinding on each other
“What is a beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?”
I scoffed, looking to my side to see a boy leaning on the other side of the kitchen entrance. He looked to be in his series, with brown hair and blue eyes. His eyes weren’t focused and were red, to show that he was high.
“Not interested” I said it in a dismissive manner, hoping he would go away, but it seems like he just can’t take a hint.
“Don’t be like that, why don’t we have a little bit of fun? You and I He said again, struggling to stand upright, and I rolled my eyes, trying to move, but he moved along with me, and his hand grabbed mine.
“I suggest you let go of her right this instant” Hayden said it in a deep, cold voice. He came to stand between us, pulling the boy’s hand away from mine. He had a glare on his face, his look was passive.
me once you are done?
“Is she yours? Look at the ass on her. Why don’t you give her to me
My face screwed up in disgust Who the bell says that to someone they don’t know? So shameless. The rage in Hayden’s eyes intensified, and his eyes darkened.
“What the fuck did you just say?” He lunches himself at the boy, roughly slamming him into the ground. The boy groaned at the impact, looking at Hayden with wide and terrified eyes. This caught the attention of others, and the music stopped abruptly.
Just as he was about to throw a punch in the boy’s face, Dylan held his hand while Oliver and Daniel tried to drag him away, and this seemed to piss him even more, making him fight back with equal rage.
“Hayden, calm down; you are making a scene” Oliver said, then whispered something into his ear, explaining in between heavy breaths as Daniel and Dylan struggled with holding him down. This seemed to work, and Hayden relaxed, and he stopped trying to attack the terrified boy on the ground.
When he saw they were able to calm Hayden, he quickly screwed off, running like his life depended on it, Hayden snapped his head towards me, his eyes looked guarded, and stormy
Why did he look at me like that? I didn’t do anything
Chapter 33
I watched with wide eyes as he made his way toward me.
“We are leaving he stated, leaving no room for arguments. He grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the cabin. Everyone in the room remuned silent after his outburst. On the way out, my eyes met Maddie and Sobe. They both had a worried look on their faces and were puzzled at the same time. Staring between Hayden and me I moved my lips to let them know I was okay before I was fully dragged out of the party.
I was pushed against the wall the minute we got outside, and I was instantly hit with the sharp smell of his cologne.
You sure do attract a lot of attention, especially from horny bastards like him” He stated, irritated.
It’s not like I can help it.” I recoiled a little.
Hayden let out a harsh laugh. “I know, princess, but I hate when they stare at you like you are some piece of meat. His jaw clenched as he grumbled out. “I can’t do this anymore, Bree.
“To what?” I asked, confused.
Do whatever this is between us. I think we should put an end to the contract” His words felt like a slap in the face, and I felt hurt
“Why.” I said lowly. “Why do you suddenly want to end things between us!
“You got it wrong. Bree, T’m not ending things between us. I’m ending the contract.
My heart started to hammer so quickly. What was he saying “What do you mean?”
“I tried, but I can’t hold it anymore.” His hands cupped my face, and he stared at me so intensely. “I love you, Bree. I’m in love with you.”