Chapter 39
I woke up to sunrays almost binding my eyesight. I quickly shut my eyes, letting out a yawn. The sound of a phone clicking caught my attention, and my eves snapped open, I saw Hayden by my side with his eyes shit
I kept hearing the sound of cheking coming from behind me, so I turned to the other side to see Sofie and Oliver with their phones out, Liking pictures of Hayden and me. They giggle before giving me a sheepish smile.
“I just wasn’t able to stop myself, you guys look so good. Sofie blushes. Her eyes drifted in another direction away from me. While Oliver places a hand at the back of his neck, looking all guilty.
“Really, Sofie, and you had to drag poor Oliver along with you. She shrugged her shoulders, bringing her phone out to take more pictures.
“You guys look so cute together,” she squealed, making Hayden stir. His eyes snapped open, trying to find out the source of the noise.
He yawns, pulling me closer to him. “Go back to sleep, babe: ignore them. Hayden whispers, my head resting on his chest. He kissed me on the forehead tangling our legs together
“Let’s leave the neo lovebirds” Sofie says, I heard soft snores coming from Hayden, and sloady my eyes started to close
When I woke up again, it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Hayden was still asleep. I wanted to freshen up and, even more so, eat. It’s like a carnival is going on in my stomach since it keeps growling. I tried to get up just for a hand to pull me back down. I tried losing his grip on my waist, but it was
He is really strong. I revolved to another option, and I started shaking him as gently as I could with the crisis that was going through my tummy.
“Hayden” I say, shaking him.
His eyes opened, assessing my face.” Huh. What’s wrong.”
fits grip on my waist loosened. I stood up from the bed, going to the bathroom to pre first, before walking back out
Hayden was rubbing his eyes. “How was your sleep?” I asked, sitting on the bed.
“The best, with you by my side,” he said cheekily, and I chuckled.
At that moment, my stomach thought it was the best time to rumble, reminding me of the reason why I woke up in the first place.
“We better
er get you something inside that tumany of yours before you turn all cranky” He laughed, teasing me a little.
“I don’t get cranky I replied playfully,
“Yes, you do, Bree; you could ask your friends, and they would say the same thing” He smiled,
“I can’t believe you guys think I’m cranky when I haven’t eaten.” 1 whined, pouting
“So cute.” Hayden softly pinches my cheek. He got out of the bed. He went into the walk–in closet, coming out with a white shirt and boxers
“You can wear this; later in the evening, we’ll go get your things” I nodded, taking the clothes from his hold. “Meet me downstairs in the kitchen when you are done freshening up. He placed another kiss on my forehead, leaving the room.
I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed and showered, making sure it was quick. Once I got dried, I put on the shirt, which swallowed me up, and the boxers. I saw tons of cologne by the side and picked one. I sprayed myself, took in the scent, and it smelled like Hayden, which gave me a satisfying smile.
I always loved the way he smelled
I dried my hair and decided to leave it down. I looked in the mirror, tugging my hair behind my ears, before making my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see Hayden stirring something it à pot.
“Where are the rest? The house was quiet, and 1 haven’t seen any of them since this inorning.
“They left while we were still sleeping,” he answered as he kept
Tm surprised to see you in the kitchen, cooking.” I say, taking a seat at the stool.
I do cook, except when my parents are around. My dad hates me doing things he paid his maids for, but my mom has no problem with it.” he explained. His hair was wet. Im guessing he took a bath in a apare bathroom
“You don’t look like the cooking kind of guy, no offense,” I said. Hayden rolled his eyes and then started mixing a bunch of things inside a bow, like garlic, toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, and hoisin sauce. “Who taught you!”
Chapter 29
“learned from my mom that we would always sneak behind my dad’s back, making delicious food together, a small smile grazed his face for a second. It was obvious he missed the moment he had with his mom, but with the constant travel, they hardly bonded
What are you making“” I asked curiously. In a way, it changed the subject.
“Um, chickpea spaghetti”
“That sounds nice. V
What aren’t y
you good at? There has to be” I joked.
Hayden laughs. “What can I say! Lexcel in everything” He replies cockily,
“I won’t say everything, bookwise.”
I might not be a nerd like you, princess, but I do well in my studies
He shrugs, stirring the pasta. “Aren’t you going to help me?” he asks, puzzled.
“Nope, I feel so lazy. I’m just going to sit here and watch.”
He shakes his head. “You’ve got lazy bones, babe.”
“No I don’t; I just
just don’t do things I don’t feel like doing! 1 empathized with each word, and he laughed.
“Is that what you tell yourself any time you get lazy?” Hayden asked as he was dicing the vegetables..
“I have no idea what you are talking about” I giggled. “I don’t do things that stress me out
“I’m not.” I whispered quietly
“Hayden turned to look at me, and I stuck my tongue our childishly at him. He laughed, turning back to what he was doing. I also had a smile on my
face, being here with him was nice.
I can’t believe I was Hayden King’s girlfriend
Who would have thought!
We didn’t talk as Hayden continued to make us lunch. I sat there, watching his every move and admiring the view.
“Is the food almost ready?” I asked, jumping off the counter to help dish the food. We both settled on the dining table, sitting side by side with each other. I rolled pasia around my fork and put it in my mouth.
My eyes widened. “This is really good. I complimented, gesturing to the pasta. I took another bite, still amazed. “I didn’t expect it to be this good”
“Oh, really?” He said this, raising an eyebrow.
“Yep, I replied teasingly, tocally not prepared for his next word.
“You shouldn’t be surprised” he said cockily “After all, you know very well that I’m good at a lot of things
that leave you breathless?
The fork fell into my hand, I turned to look at him speechless; a smirk was plastered on has devilishly handsome face. I gulped, not knowing how to reply, so I opted to stay silent, but that didn’t stop my face from turning red. That seems to be my reaction to Hayden lately.
I can’t count the number of times I have blushed in his presence. I turned to look around to see if anyone heard him. I didn’t want them insinuating anything, even though it might be true. They did not need to know that. When I saw we were still alone, I sighed 1 glared at Hayden playfully, and he just smirked.
This boy would be the death of me
We kept on eating and talking amongst ourselves as Hayden told me a funny story about his cousins, making me laugh. It didn’t take long before we were done with lunch
since we are done with lunch. Why don’t we watch something on Netflix, its not like we have anything else to do. I asked excitedly.
Yeah, can we get to the movie from yesterday!” Hayden said join in on the excitement vibe
I thought you didn’t like Korean dramas, Hayden smiled, showing off his dimples
“This one is an exception
“I will get the snacks while you head to the theatre room,” I said, and he walked upstairs.
Chapter 39
Minutes later. I walked upstairs to the theatre room with a bowl of popcorn and a plate of chips. I sat beside Hayden. The two of us cuddled fogether with a blanket wrapped around us and watched the movie while munching on our stucks.
We talk amongst ourselves about the cast, having a little bit of argument about a particular scene, I don’t know how long we sat there in the theatre room watching the movie, but when we left the room after watching the bat episode, it was already dark outside.
fuck. We need to get your things from your place. Let’s go.” He held my hand, dragging me to the parking lot
It was filled with a lot of expensive cars, which was no surprise. Hayden walked us over to his bike, handing me a helmet before getting in, and I
followed after him.
“Ready,” he asked me, and I nodded in response.
He pulled out of the driveway. He was going fast. It was a little too fast, but it was fun. The cold air ran through my body as he rode down the road. skilfully turning the corners, and I kept my hands tightly secured to his waist.
I smile subconsciously while staring at the cars and buildings around us as we speed down the streets with the air breezing through us.
We stopped at my place, and I opened the door, racing upstairs to my room with Hayden beside me. I made my way to my closet, bringing out a small duffel bag and putting in the clothes and things I needed, while Hayden just laid on any bed, watching me with amusement.
After I was done, he took the bag from my hand, and we made our way back downstairs. I locked the door before hopping on the bike. In what feels like hours, we finally got back to his place, making her way up to the guest room. But we both knew I wouldn’t be using it, not when I was no doubt. going to spend the week in his bedroom.