Love Attraction Chapter 4

Love Attraction Chapter 4


Gabriella, what the fuck did you do to my car? He growls out Why the hell would you do something like that to my baby?” 

I snickered at his words. Did he just refer to his car as his baby? I guess I would, seeing how freaking expensive it is 

His face turned deadly serious, with a big scom on it. I don’t know why the hell you are laughing because it isn’t funny.” I grabbed my chest as if his words hurt me 

Aww, I wish I could say I’m sorry. But you and I know I would just be lying through my teeth. You don’t need to be a sad poo; it’s not like you didn’t have your fun yesterday when you almost ran me over.” 

Fuck you, Gabriella,” 

I don’t do charity work, and it’s Bree, I don’t know why he keeps on calling me Gabriella, he knows I don’t like being called by my full name, but he does it to taunt me

I’m so going to get back at you, Cabriellat. Just you wait. He leans toward me and brushes his soft lips against my ear. Just wait and see, princess” 

We had a stare down, neither of us ready to hack down. Bring it on,” I ensunter back 

I plan on it. He said this before walking to his car and driving off 

Okay! That was something

I tried not to think about his threat as I waited for Madde to be done, just as she walked out of the school, I got into the car not saying anything And we began driving towards the direction of my house, with Maddie yapping about the party, while I paid little to no attention to her words, lost in thoughts of my own 

Right when I got home, my mam sent me to get groceries while she went to pick up Asher from school. I walk the lanes through Treats nTipsI had already gouen the necessary items, including eggs, milk, bacon, soda, and so on. I walked down the line to the snack side for some Pringles

Right when I was about to give up. I found the hidden treasure sitting on a high shelf

I noticed there was only one that remained, so I rushed there, standing on my toes, to get to it, and that was when I saw someone’s hands reaching for it too

My hand brushes against the person, and I look at the tall figure and scowl


“I was here first: hand it over I said, my arms crossed over my chest

I wish I could, but like they say, finders keepers, losers suckers. He replied in a dubious tone

Isn’t there a bullet somewhere you could, I don’t knowMaybe jump in front ofI counter back. You don’t even like it.” 

Don’t get bitter, amore, just get better. And you should quit being obsessive with me, I get it. I’m handsome” 

I would like to see things from your point of view, but I can’t get my head that far up my ass.” I was rolling my eyes

Keep rolling your eyes; maybe you will find a brain back there 

Letting out a sigh. Just give it back, Hayden“” 

UmmNOPE!! He shakes his head before walking off

Lord, give me patience, because if you give me strength. Il need bail money too.I whispered to myself as I watched him walk off. He turns to send me a wink before going to the checkout line

I had no other option but to go for a bag of chips before checking out. On getting home. I took out the groceries, placing them in their appropriate places. Mom and Asher were already back. I walked into the room and took out my homework. I sat on the bed to do it with hiphop music blasting out of my mini speaker


DreameRead Romance Stories 




Gabriella Maria Adam, how many times do we have to discuss your zoningout problem?Sofie sassed

Tm so sorry, my dark queen. Sofie rolled her eyes at this, and Maddie just laughed 

Right now, the three of us are currently grabbing lunch because we all have free periods

So are we all down for movies today?Sofie asked

Yep, your place is right.I said to Maddie, sticking a spoonful of pudding into my mouth

*yeah. Oh, and Dylan is coming, and I don’t know who he’s going to bring.” 

I think I’ve had enough of Hayden: just 

at make sure he isn’t coming?” 

“I will ask Dylan and get back to you. Maddie replied 

We continued with our lunch, and I filled the girls in on what happened yesterday

After school was over. I went to shower and change before heading to Maddie’s place. I walk to the front door and ring the doorbell A few minutes later. Maddie opens the door and hugs me almost immediately

You know you could walk in instead of ringing the bell. She says 

and walk in on you and Dylan naked. Never again will I relive such horror” 

She bursts out laughing. That was comical, your face was priceless.” 

Really, you are just going to laugh. A little warning would have been better” 

on in, Sofie is waiting

I know, sorry. Come on 

1 stepped into the house with Maddie trailing behind me, and we both walked into the living room to find Sofie munching on a pepperoni pizza. while scrolling through her phone

Anywhere there is food, you find Solic 

What can I say, Bree? I just have this undying love for foods. She continued stuffing herself with pizza

I wonder where they all go Maddie asked. Sofie was the foodie of the group and yet the tiniest; she could eat a whole zebra and still not add weight, and it’s not like she exercises

I can’t even eat a thing without adding a few pounds

What can I say? I’ve got the body of a goddess. Sofie sass out playfully as she laughed. We both joined her in laughing and took a seat on the chair

So what are we watching. I asked curiously

I don’t know, why don’t you and Sofie scroll through Netflix and see if you can find something fum, while I go make us some popcorn!Maddie stood up and walked to the kitchen

I took the remote from the TV and turned on Netflix. We scrolled through so many movies and decided to watch a comedyadventure movie. The jungle cruise I paused the movie, waiting for Maddie to return with the popcorn

Dylan can’t make it; the coach asked them to practice some more, seeing as their next match is next Saturday Maddie said as she entered the living room with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and her phone in the other

I guess it’s just us girls then.” Sofie spoke, standing up to take the bowl of popcom


Love Attraction Novel

Love Attraction Novel

Status: Ongoing
Love Attraction Novel


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