Chapter 50
“Oh my God! This dress looks amazing, let’s check out the store” Maddie shouts, pointing to a store. She took hold of Sofie, and my hand dragged the both of us there.
re currently in the mall. Maddie had asked for Sofie and me to meet her earlier this morning. Homecoming was in a few days, and we still haven’t gotten a dress to wear yet. If it were up to me. I would settle for an old dress, but Maddie won’t allow it. Like the said and I quote, “This is our last year in high school; there is no way we are going to homecoming without looking fabulous.”
Which brings us to now. We had walked past
We had been to a couple of stores and seen many dresses, yet nothing seemed to have caught my eye. It was already 1:30 pm in the afternoon, and I was already exhausted, I wasn’t the only one. Sofie was as well. I just want to go home and sit on my bed with a bucket of fee cream as I watch a movie on Netflix.
We walked into the store, and Maddie immediately let go of both our hands, making her way to the clothes rack where different dresses were being
The three of us searched and searched for the perfect dress
I continued to look around the store for a dress but sighed about giving up and just going back home since nothing caught my eye. I looked at the girls, who were also trying to find a dress. I was trying to sneak my way out of the building when I saw it. It was beautiful, though simple, yet sophisticated at the same time.
I made my way towards it, running my hands through it, feeling the softness of the material. Sofie and Maddie were by my side in an instance. looking at the dress in awe as well.
“This is it say, smiling at it
It was a beautiful red dress that was definitely fitted. It was a red drop–waisted mermaid long strapless formal dress.
“It’s perfect why don’t you try it on? Sofie says to take it off the rack and place it in my arms.
“Yeah, Bree, the dressing room is over there. Maddie says pointing to the dresses in the excluded part of the store. She pushed me off towards dressing room.
1 got in, taking off my clothes to put on the dress, I raised my head to stare at my reflection and was stunned. The dress was indeed beautiful—if possible, way too beautiful. It fitted me so perfectly, like it was personally handmade for me.
“Bree, get your ass out here. I can’t wait to see how it looks.” Maddie voiced on a linte impatience, but I could still hear the excitement in her voice.
1 unlocked the door and stepped out. Sofie and Maddie had their jaws dropped to the ground like they couldn’t believe I was the one standing in
front of them
“Oh my God, it’s like the dress was made perfectly for you. I don’t think Hayden will be able to get his eyes off you.” Maddie said she was pulling me into a hug, then pulled away to look at the dress.
“I’m literally speechless, Bree. You really look beautiful,” Sofie says, still staring at the dress in awe.
“Thanks guys,” I say, my lips raised in a smile.
“You must take it Sofie squealed
“Of course she is taking it, Sofie. She will be dumb not to. Right Maddie replied, directing the last part to me.
“Yeah, do you know how long it took me to actually see a dress that fits me perfectly?” I said in a ‘duh‘ I walked back to the dressing room to take off the dress and change back into my own clothes. As I picked up the dress, I caught sight of the price tag and almost fainted
It was freaking expensive.
I guess we all have to make sacrifices. Say goodbye for now, dear car. I walked back out to where the cashier was handing her my card.
“Name” the cashier asked.
Gabrielle Adains,” she nodded her head, then swiped the card into the machine, registering my payment
Have you found any dress yet?” I asked, directing the questions at both Maddie and Sofe
“Not yet; I think I’m going to go for the pink dress I saw at the previous store. Sofie replied, and I turned my gaze to Maddie, who just shrugged, Meaning she hasn’t seen any yet.
Chapter 50
After paying
g for it. Mackdir was able to o find a dress that suited her also, and the paid for it. We walked out of the boutique in search of shoes and
“One last stop, I promise” Maddie raised a finger at us, giving us a look we knew we couldn’t refuse.
“That’s what you said the last four times” Sofie whined, stumbling her feet on the ground.
“I promise
time, after this, we a
are done”
“fine” I mumbled rolling my eyes
1 let her drag me, as well as Sofie, into another store, but this time I didn’t bother checking the name. When I entered, I instantly saw the mannequin in lingerie on them. I looked around to see that everywhere in the store was filed with different types of bras and pants,
“Really. Maddie, Victoria Secret. Why am I not even surprised!” Sofie whispered a shout to her.
“Yeah. So I repeated her words with a scoff. “What the hell are we doing here. Maddie!”
“We need
d lingerie, even if we m
we are putting on a beautiful, sexy dress, We also need beautiful, sexy undies. She stated it in a matter–of fact tone.
We had no choice but to go along with her. I licked some lingerie’s, looking for a sexy one. We stayed in the store for up to thirty minutes before we
left it.
“So, what?” Maddie started, but Sofie cut her off before she finished
“Please, no more shopping; I’m beyond exhausted,” she whined.
“I was about to suggest we get something to eat before you so rudely interrupted me. She assed. Safie let out a sheepish smile while I rolled my
“So what should we gri1 I have been craving some hamburgers with fries. I chipped in as we both made our way to the counter.
“I want some French fries,” Maddie says.
“What about you, Sode?” Lasked but got no response. “Sofie Maddie and I turned to look at her to find her staring at the other side of the mall.
I followed her gaze and spouted Oliver with a girl who looked about our age. I looked back at Sofie to see her hand clenched in a fist.
It looks like someone is jealous
“Why is Oliver with another girl? Who is she?” Maddie questioned watching as Oliver said something to the girl, making her laugh.
“Why don’t we go and ask?” I suggest walking towards them. I heard Sofie whisper out a shout for me to stop, but I continued to make my way
towards them.
I put on a fake smile when I got to where he was “Oliver, Hey”
He looks up when he hears my voice, and he smiles instantly. The girl also turns to look at me.
“Hey Elle.” Oliver says, standing up to give me a quick hug, which I gladly accepted. “Are you here alone”
“No, I came with Sofie and Maddie.” I pointed to where they stood. Maddie waved in our direction while Sofie avoided any cyc contact with Oliver.
“Jurying from the shopping bags in your hands, I’m guessing you guys just came from the mall” He asked, and I nodded. I looked back at Maddie and Sofie to see Maddie dragging Sofie’s over here.
“Hi Oliver,” Maddie says, looking at the girl beside him.
“Hi Maddie, Sobe.” He greeted her, but Sofie didn’t say anything. She kept her gaze above his head with her hands folded together around her chest.
I noticed the look in Oliver’s eyes: he seemed worried. His eyes shifted to me, like he was indirectly asking what was wrong. I looked at the girl beside him, and she was even prettier up close. I send Oliver a look, and he smiles when he hears it before replying
Elle met my cousin. Josephine. “He says.
“Oh cousin,” smiled, Sole seemed to be in shock while Maddie and I tried not to laugh. His words seem to have clamed ber her hand wasn‘
molded to a fist.
“Nice to meet you.” Josephine says, her hands pulled forward for a handshake. I shook her hand as well as Maddie, but when it got to Sole’s turn, she was pulled in for a hug. “I have heard so much about you from Oll. He talks about you all the time,” she gushes,
Chapter 50
“No, I don’t” Oliver leaned back his ears were red
“Yes, you do. Seße is this: Sofie is that. Even before they came here, you were talking about her” Josephine says, smiling
The two lovebirds looked at each other as if they were the only people in the room, Josephine, Maddie, and I gave each other a knowing look. It was as if our brains were wired together, like we were thinking the same thing. We looked at each other with an evil smile on our faces.
I can really f
feel the love; it’s like we are invisible to them.” I snapped my
d my finger in their middle with an amused smile.
Both of them snapped out of whatever trance they were in at the same time, looking at us with a guilty snile and a blush on their faces.
Why can’t they just confess their feelings to each other? It was so obvious they liked each other, but I had no idea what they were still waiting for. I guess it’s time for me to step in again, or it would take ages for one of them to make any moves. All they do is stare at each other and blush. I thought they were getting closer, but there is still no progress to their relationship.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Sohe says to me, side–glancing Oliver.
“I’m sure you don‘” I smirked. “Oliver, why don’t you drop Sofie home? Maddie has some business to attend to, right, Maddie?“
“Yeah, I do; please drop her off” Maddie murmured, playing along
“Um..sure.” Oliver says.
“Come on, let’s go. I locked hands with both Josephine and Maddie, and we walked off. I looked back to see Oliver and Sofie still glancing at each
“Those ved are just so hopeless. Maddie laughs as we walk
„Tell me something I don’t know” The three of us walked down the street laughing.
I hope they enjoy this moment.