Chapter 73
Limpatiently waited for Bier to
Bree to get home from the store, completely a nervous wreck, I could feel my palms almost beginning to sweat in anticipation of what tonight might bring
When she had told me about her being pregnant, carrying my child, there was no denying that my heart did skip a hit. A part of me billed with happiness knowing the fruit of our love was growing in her and another part completely scared and worried as to what next.
If she was in fact pregnant, how were we going to tell our parent! More importantly, her dul
He had been against our relationship when it first began because he hated the fact that his little girl was alating. What was he to do if he found out that she was pregnant? I could very well start planning my funeral,
Come on, Haydens, relas.
I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. We weren’t sure if tree was pregnant yet; handling her father should be the least of any concerns, at least not now, Not until we had nude our confirmati
My thoughts were interrupted by a sound from the front door. I was sitting in the living room staring off into space, but the noise trained my eyes on the door as Bree opened the door and stepped in closing it behind her and taking a deep breath as she Jeaned against it.
God, she was beautiful Even when she had that distressed look on her face that was sure to tear my heart apart. She still managed to look flawless
Bree’s hair looked like the wind had played games with it, as a couple of strands settled wherever they wanted. She still had on my shirt, which swallowed up her tiny frame.
My gaze found itself wandering down to gaze at her stomach. There were no signs of her belly starting to grow. It was too early for that kind of thing, yes I couldn’t help but picture it,
I pulled her into me so that could wrap my arms around her, wanting so badly to let her know that I wasn’t going anywhere, that if we were doing this, we were going to do this together. And that I meant every word I said, irrespective of whatever the result might be, my thoughts and plans still. remained the same.
She was the only one for me, the only one I envisioned being married to, the only one I wished for to start a family with. No one else but her, as it has only been during our high school days, right from the very first beginning.
“You don’t have to do this now if you aren’t ready. There is always tomorrow or the day after. But one thing is for certain I’m not going anywhere, and I don’t plan on leaving you alone to deal with this I say to her, placing a kiss at the side of her head
As curious as I was about what the result might be. I was more focused on Bree’s feelings. I didn’t want her feeling pressured or facing this when she wasn’t ready to.
She squeezed me and thumped her head against my shoulder. “No, I want to do this unless it’s going to keep rating me up till I know what the result is” She responds with a sigh. “I got as many test kits as I could, mainly picking out the ones that seemed reliable”
Bree pulled away from the hug and grabbed my right hand, leading me to the bedroom with the bag of texts in one hand. She threw the test kits un her bedside table, and I was certain there were up in twenty of them, all looking almost the same.
“Do you want me to be in the room with you, or should I wait outside until you’ve pred on them al2“I wanted to be as supportive as I could, but I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable with me hovering. We were already in the bathroom, both of us probably unknowingly almost running to get
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this but an assembly line with you funding me the sticks wouldn’t be the worst idea. I usually can’t pee if I think someone is listening in, but right now I think I’m too freaking nervous to care. She smiled nervously, and I gave her hand a squeeze, knowing this was all I could do right now to ease the tension
Neither one of us said anything else as we went through the process of setting up live test kits. Once the juggling of urinating on five small test strips was done, the tests were put on the vanity, and I set a timer on my phone. They all had slightly different times, so I decided to set it for the longest and figured a little extra time for the others wouldn’t hurt things.
That meant we had fifteen minutes to find out if we were going to be parents. It was still early in the process, but if all the tests said the same thing. chances were good we had our answer.
de we wait. I wanted you to know that I meant every word said earler”
fully, the bathroom attached to the bedroom was big enough that we could stand in the middle of in together without one of us having to in the doorway, I reached out for Bree’s hand, which she gave me a little hesitantly
“We are barely 21. Hayden. Not to talk about the fact that you have a bright future and career ahead of you. So much that you need to achieve. I
Chapter 73
don’t want to be the one to hold you down from getting to your full potential or be the reason why you give up on something you love?
1 wrapped the arm 1 held around me, bringing her in closer till her body touched mine, not close enough that I couldn’t see her face as she stared up at me but close enough that I could feel the heat coming off her body.
“You are my future, Bree, life without you in it means nothing to me, I don’t know what the outcome might be a few moments from now, but 1 want you to know that if it in fact turns out to be that you are carrying my child, it changes nothing.” She opened her mouth to say something, but I continued, wanting to make sure she understood every word I was saying. “You carrying my child will be the greatest juy and blessing to me. Fin ready to lay down everything, even if it’s my life, to protect you and our baby.”
She shakes her head. “Don’t say that.” She sniffs, trying to stop the tears from flowing. “I don’t think I can ever bear the thought of losing you”
“Shhat’s okay, love” I whispered softly before placing a kiss on her forehead.
Our moment was cut short by the sound of my phone starting to beep. I watched as Bree let out a nervous sigh; her once moist eyes stared at mine for a moment as she tried to keep calm.
She gives me a nod, letting me know that she was ready to check what the results were. And to be honest, I was trying to keep calm even when I was also, in fact, nervous as to what the result may be.
I could feel my heart beat a thousand times faster as we both walked a few steps to see the results, which we did hand in hand. Bree’s jaw gripped tightly, and I was pretty sure we both held our breath.
1 had studied the boxes, so i immediately knew what each stick said, even on the two that let lines do the talking
We were pregnant.
At the confirmation of the test kit, I found my lips slowly stretching into a simile. Realising deep down how bad I had wanted it to be true.
Bree tugs on my fingers, making me stop and face her again. “Aren’t you mad that this happened?”
why would I be mad, Princess?” I place my hand on her stomach, and even though there’s no bump or anything. I feel a sense of belonging already. We might not be ready for this, but we are going to see this through. Showering love and every positive emotions to this beautiful bundle of joy.”
She nods frantically, holding on to my hand that’s on her stomach. “I can’t deny the fact that I’m a little bit conflicted. Torn between if this is the right time or not. We are both still young ourselves. But one thing is for certain. I don’t hate the fact that I carry in me thus lietle bundle of joy. Maybe a part of me had hoped so badly to be the mother of your children. I just didn’t expect it to happen sooner
I grin. The mother of my children. I like that.”
“You do?”
“Fuck right, I do.” I kiss her li
lips to the point that she’s breathless when I release her.
Bree smiles weakly, leaning forward. I watched as Etique swamped over her again, and she dug her fingers into her temples as she fought the tiredness. I picked her up in an instant, carrying her into the bedroom.
Clearly this past few minutes had been a rollercoaster, and Bree still seems to be sinking in the fact that she was pregnant.
I carefully laid her on the bed, my eyes bright with concern. “Reat now, love. She nodded and curled into the comfortable bed, her eyes already closing with exhaustion.
My eyes softly scanned her face, watching how the crease in her head slowly eased up. My hand rested on her cheek, and my thumb ran against the softness of her skin as reality slowly dawned on me
I was about to be a dad.