David and my mother had heard this
countless times before, through years of
seeking treatment. But they were desperate,
resorting to pushing and shoving me.
“How can you be so cruel?! You’re going to
let her die?!”
“I told you she’s always been jealous of Lily!
She’ll never help her!”
“You call yourself a doctor? You can’t even
save your own family! You’re selfish! You
don’t deserve to be a doctor!”
My favored status with the professor had
always attracted resentment. Now, the
hallway outside was filled with onlookers,
eager to see me fall from grace.
I slapped David hard, his cheek swelling
instantly. The crowd, including my mother, fell
“Selfish? Cruel? Jealous of Lily?” I said, my
voice trembling with rage. “You said Lily was
J‘, so I gave her my room and slept in the
maid’s quarters. You said she needed more
care, so I walked to school alone from the
age of seven. You said she needed expensive
treatments, so I lived off scholarships, never
asking for a penny. Lily sneezes, and the
whole family rushes her to the hospital. I had
a 103–degree fever and no one cared.”
“You only went to Lily’s parent–teacher
conferences. You only remembered Lily’s
birthday. My whole life, I had to give her
whatever she wanted. I even gave up my
parents! What more could I have done? Yes,
she’s had a hard life, but I didn’t kill her
parents! I didn’t give her a disease!”
“You say I don’t deserve to be a doctor? I
paid for every single textbook myself. I got
into medical school on my own merit. I found
my own mentor. You haven’t shown a shred
of concern for me in years! You have no right
to call yourself a mother!”
Years of pent–up pain poured out. The
onlookers, initially judgmental, now directed
their disapproval at David and my mother. My
mother looked years older, the realization of
her profound unfairness finally hitting her.
The catharsis left me feeling strangely light. I
called security and had them escorted out.
The hospital returned to its usual quiet hum,
but from that day on, my colleagues regarded
me with a newfound respect.