My best friend went crazy after my boyfriend betrayed me Chapter 2

My best friend went crazy after my boyfriend betrayed me Chapter 2
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Chloe and I had been inseparable since 

kindergarten. She was the popular one

always surrounded by admirers. I benefited, of 

course. Free movie tickets, inside scoops on 

the cute boys 

perks of being the best 

friend. Chloe had high standards, though. She 

never seemed interested in any of them

We went to the same college, where I met 

Ethan at a student government meeting. He 

was campus royalty handsome, charming

and heir to a small fortune. I had a massive 

crush, but it stayed safely tucked away

Then, the lead for the college Christmas show 

fell ill. Ethan, knowing I had some theatre 

experience, begged me to step in. We spent 

every waking hour rehearsing, and

friendship blossomed

Chloe, feeling neglected, started giving Ethan 

the cold shoulder. He returned the favor, and 

they became a constant source of bickering

Junior year, fueled by liquid courage,

confessed my feelings to Ethan. To my 

surprise, he said yes

Chloe was furious. She sulked for weeks, then 


finally forgave me, but she never missed

chance to badmouth Ethan. He, in turn

constantly told me to spend less time with 

her. This awkward dynamic became our new 

normal. I figured it was just one of those 


things the boyfriend and the best friend 

who couldn’t stand each other. I never 

imagined they were both playing me for


My best friend went crazy after my boyfriend betrayed me

My best friend went crazy after my boyfriend betrayed me

Status: Ongoing
My best friend went crazy after my boyfriend betrayed me


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