I used to forgive Justin. I thought I owed it to
But now, looking at my ruined hands, I was
My dad left my mom and me when I was six.
My mom never recovered and started cutting
She pushed down her piano dream.
Then one day, she heard me playing, and she
changed her mind.
She worked so hard, teaching me and getting
me lessons.
She delivered food and washed dishes, all for
- me.
She died young, from cancer, when I was in
She told me to keep playing, to get into the
orchestra, and to study under Maestro
Now, because I loved Justin, my hands are
ruined, and I can’t play.
I didn’t understand why my mom took my dad
leaving so hard.
So, Mom, this is the price of love?
I can’t love again.
Chapter 4
The hospital smelled like disinfectant.
I frowned and checked the time.
The auditions must be over by now.
I saw some nurses gossiping.
“Did you hear Maestro Fletcher is here to find
new members?”
“Yeah! Ashley got in! She’s so talented.”
“She’s pretty and plays well. But she’s lucky.
Justin, her childhood friend, is rich. Ashley
mentioned him in her speech!”
“Oh my gosh, that’s like a fairy tale!”
They walked away.
The doctor’s words echoed in my head.
“What a shame. Such beautiful hands, ruined
like this.”
I interrupted. “Will I ever play piano again?”
“Your hands will heal…” the doctor looked at
me strangely. “But even if you can play, you
won’t be as good as you were.”
That was it. All my hope was gone.