My daughter got a 99 and my husband made her pay Chapter 1

My daughter got a 99 and my husband made her pay Chapter 1

My Daughter Got a 99, and My Husband Made Her Pay 

My daughter only scored a 99 on a test, and 

my husband punished her for it all night. He 

made her stand for hours, and it triggered

heart attack. When she called him for help, he 

was busy tutoring his old son and 

hung up, telling her to drop deadif she was 

gonna be so dramatic. She died on the first 

day of her winter break

My daughter died on the first day of winter 

break. It was also her birthday

I was out of town for work. The day before

I’d called her, promising I’d be back for her 


On the phone, her voice was so soft, Mom,

didn’t do so well on my test. Maybe we 

should skip my birthday.” 

I was about to reassure her when I heard my 

husband, Mark, yelling. Who are you trying 

to impress? What, are we all supposed to feel 

sorry for you? You’re gonna turn into

criminal with this kind of drama. How did I get 

stuck with such a loser?” 

Then he hung up. I was furious, planning to 

have a serious talk with Mark about how he 

treated our daughter

But that interrupted call was the last time

ever spoke to her. The next day, my calls 

went straight to voicemail

Panicked, I rushed home, only to hear that my 

daughter, Lily, was left back at school.

begged them to help me search

I flew back, only to be greeted with the news 

of her death

The cause was a sudden heart attack

Lily had a weak heart from birth. I’d been so 

careful all these years, and she had never had 

an attack. But now she was dead in a cold

damp storage room at school

My whole body went numb. I lifted the sheet

saw her purple face. Her oncerosy cheeks 

were stained with dried tears, her expression 

full of pain. The medical examiner had closed 

her eyes, but my little girl didn’t die 


I collapsed, grabbing her cold hands, my heart 

breaking. The birthday gift I’d bought her was 

still in the trunk of my car. She’d never get to 

see it

The school staff told me that Mark, her own

father, was the one who forced Lily to stay 

after the parentteacher conferences. Then 

he’d just vanished

I was trembling as I kept calling Mark. He finally picked up after about a dozen tries

What is your problem, Sarah? Why are you 

calling me so much? Don’t you know Jake is 


Jake was Lily’s classmate, someone Mark 

always favored. I never understood it until

found out he was the son of Mark’s high 

I demanded an explanation, but Mark had a response. Jake just transferred, and I’m his 

teacher, so yeah, I’m gonna keep an eye on 

him. Don’t be so freaking judgmental, Sarah!” 

Jake wasn’t a great student. Mark tutored him

every day, showering him with encouragement 

while he had nothing but criticism for Lily

I tried to talk to him about it. He snapped

I’m the teacher here. My daughter is a mess

I have to keep her in line. Otherwise, she’ll 

grow up to be some useless piece of trash.” 

Look at Jake, he’s improving, but look at 

Lily. It’s embarrassing.” 

And now, even now, he’s still talking about 


I yelled, Mark! How can you be so cold? You 

left her at school by herself. Don’t you know- 


Stop screaming!” 

Mark’s voice was sharp. That little brat is

liar. She was just trying to get attention. She 

only got third on her test; you’ve spoiled her 


She’s been faking it all her life. She says 

she’s dying; tell her to get hit by a car if she 

wants to die. At least it wouldn’t annoy me so 


My daughter got a 99 and my husband made her pay

My daughter got a 99 and my husband made her pay

Status: Ongoing
My daughter got a 99 and my husband made her pay


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