o raise Tiffany’s kid, my parents had to work
even though they were at the age of
I ran into Jake again six months later.
I was having dinner with Song Yan, and he
was our server.
When he saw me, his face got pale and his
eyes turned red.
Song Yan frowned, “Ugh.”
He asked the manager to get us a new server.
After dinner, Song Yan went to pay, I stood
by the door to wait for him.
Then Jake came over.
“Are you with him?” he asked.
I nodded, “Yeah.”
Song Yan was an amazing guy, and it was
inevitable to fall for him. Two months ago, he
told me he loved me, and I agreed to be his
I could feel how much he loved me.
I could feel how much he loved me.
Jake stood there, shocked and then he
started to smile, “Brittany, I’m so sorry. I
finally see now, that only you ever loved me,
she didn’t.”
“Can you give me one more chance? I’ll just leave the kid, we can start over again.”
I looked at him, “You and Tiffany were
married, her kid is your kid, how can you say
Jake’s face turned red. I said, “Those who hurt people, deserve to be hurt.”
“That’s how it’s fair.”
After I finished, Song Yan came back and I
grabbed his hand and left.
It had been six months.
Song Yan and I were good, we were getting
ready to get married. The day we were going
to get our license, I got a text from Jake.
He said that he had a gift for me.
I looked at him, “You and Tiffany were
married, her kid is your kid, how can you say
Jake’s face turned red. I said, “Those who
hurt people, deserve to be hurt.”
“That’s how it’s fair.”
After I finished, Song Yan came back and I grabbed his hand and left.
It had been six months.
Song Yan and I were good, we were getting ready to get married. The day we were going
to get our license, I got a text from Jake.
He said that he had a gift for me.
I didn’t think much of it.
That night, there was big news in the city.
Jake got arrested for child trafficking.
He got five years in prison.