- 6.
The Millers and the Joneses had a lot of
business dealings. I tried to avoid showing
any favoritism.
I signed the files, scheduled the next meeting,
and the secretary huffed and left.
It was raining when I started working here.
I didn’t ask Mark for anything.
He never said anything about it.
But now, Mark was here to back up Lily.
I worked hard to hide my bitterness.
“The only department hiring right now is HR.”
Lily bit her lip, glancing at Ben before looking
Ben slammed his glass on the table. “HR’s
too tiring. Lily can’t handle it!“.
I tried to be professional. “What do you have
in mind, Ben?”
Ben cleared his throat and looked at Lily.
“Lily wants to join the design department.”
Without thinking, I said, “That’s not going to
“If she doesn’t like HR, how about the
secretarial pool?”
Ben interrupted me.
“The secretarial pool? I’m not letting Lily get
coffee for people.”
“You’re the design department manager. If
Lily wants to join the department, you’re the
only one to approve it, so make it happen.”
“Unless you don’t want her to join. Don’t
forget, she’s your sister.”
My eyes turned cold.
Before I didn’t want to pay him any attention.
Now I think Ben is irritating and hopeless.
“The design department is pretty specialized.
There’s a test before you can join.”
Translation: Lily wouldn’t cut it.
The design department was the heart of the
As Jack Jones’s daughter, I started as an
entry–level employee and worked my way up
to where I am.
Ben thought I was deliberately blocking Lily.
Lily tugged on Ben’s sleeve.
“Sarah, I just want to help you. I don’t mind
working hard.”
“And you’re so talented. You’ll help me,
Lily smiled.
I didn’t want to argue.
“You know the design department is very
important to a company.”
Mark avoided my gaze.
“Lily’s just trying to help.”
I was speechless.
They were going to do this because of Lily?
I could deal with anything else, but I wasn’t
going to let anyone mess with the design
We all left.
Ben was disappointed. Mark seemed relieved.
I thought Lily would give up.
The next day, I walked into the design
department and saw Lily.
The secretary fumed, “Mr. Chen personally
brought her over. Everyone thinks you’re
abusing your power to let Lily join the design.
I closed my eyes, trying not to confront Ben.
Mr. Chen was a founding partner of the
Ben must have used our dad’s name.
“Have Lisa train her.”
I didn’t want to cause a scene.
I was avoiding Lily and threw myself into the
upcoming design pitch.
As long as Lily didn’t make any trouble, I
could ignore her.
I was exhausted. As I collapsed on the couch,
Mark called me.
He demanded to know why I was making
things difficult for Lily.