Return of the Crowned Heiress Chapter 721

Return of the Crowned Heiress Chapter 721

Chapter 721 

Felicia’s palms were covered in sweat. She didn’t dare move recklessly. She used the opportunity to observe her surroundings and the terrifyinglooking snake that, for some trason, wasn’t attacking her 

They stared at each other for a long time. Then, the goldeneyed snake flicked its tongue, releasing a faint, putrid scent

The smell was distinctdifferent from the fog that had covered the island before but definitely toxic or hallucinogenic 

In her shock, Felicia immediately tried to hold her breath, but it was too late. A heavy wave of exhaustion crashed over her

Her mind remained completely alert, but her body refused to obey. She skamped to the ground, her eyelids falling shut against her will

And just like that, she slipped into a dreamor perhaps a bout of hallucination

In this surreal vision, Felicia so the history of the island She witnessed its transformation over time, and then an old man………

The old man sat on the water’s surface, unmoving, holding something that resembled a fishing rod. The line was simply woven grass, and the end of it had no hook, much less

How did he expect to catch anything like that

But that wasn’t the important

tpart. Felicia’s priority was to figure out how to wake up

She tried pinching herself, but she telt no pain. It she wanted to break free from this strange dream, she would need to find another way

Thus, she approached the shore. Just as she was about to speak, the old man beat her to it, saying, This is not a place you should be ” 

Felicia blinked. Her lips twitched shetly, but she quickly responded, Gramps, I think so too. So, can you send me back? Or at least point me in the right direction?” 

The old man shook his fishing rod slightly, then named his face to look at her and smiled. Sure, but you need to answer one question of mine first 

was this a test 

Go aheadFelicia nodded

The old man raised a brow. His question, however, seemned completely unrelated to anything. How long do you think it’ll take for me to catch a tish?” 

There were no fish in sight. And even if there were, his socalled fishing rod had no hook. Unless he was some legendary mythical fisherman, he was never catching anything with that setup 

But if he was asking, then he wanted an answer

She sighed, then strode into the water

Moments later, she returneddragging a freshly caught fish behind her. She tied it to the old man’s fishing line and said with a deadpan expression, Now.” 

The old man looked at the fish flopping about at the end of his line, then at Felicia.

Finally, he burst into laughter

Good! Wonderful! You’re an interesting one, linle gird” 

Once he had laughed enough, he stood up while balancing his fishing rod on his shoulder with the fish still dangling from it. As he passed Felicia, he reached out with his right hand and tapped her lightly on the forehead 

At that exact moment, she saw his face clearly 

Before she could process the shock, the entire scene collapsed

The dream was ending 

The world seemed to swirl around her, and she snapped awake. She was still lying in the cave that was filled with snakes. But now, the cave was rapidly flooding, and the pain in 

her ankle worsted

Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to stand. It was too dark to tell which way to go. She could only fallow the direction the snakes were fleeing to 

Unfortunately, with the strong waves, the water level had quickly risen to her chest

Felicia tried to control her breathing, but the force of the water rushed in too fast, and she was almost entirely submerged

She fought to stay afloat, but the oxygen was being robbed from her bit by bit she was still unable to find an exit 

She kept swimming, but her strength was lading. As her consciousness began to fade, the only thought in her mind was Stephan 

Where was he? Had he managed to reach the others

Stephan Stephan… 

Even as her body was engulfed in freezing seawater and earn as her consciousness delited, his name remained on her lips. Whenever she muttered his name, her heart would feel 

Unfortunately, it seemed that she would have the chance to see lill again.. 

Her body slowly sank Just then, the currents around her body started to sİİİL 

Someone was swimming quickly to her side. Hight as that person held her, they also pressed their lips to hers, giving her alt



Return of the Crowned Heiress

Return of the Crowned Heiress

Status: Ongoing
Return of the Crowned Heiress


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