My heart was complex.
On one hand, I felt bad for the child.
On the other hand, that there were the two
babies at the same time in one place.
I couldn’t help but say, “What does the child
know? They came here to see the world,
don’t blame him. Are you not afraid that when
he grows up, he will start to get revenge?”
Aunt Carol turned to me, and looked bad at
- me. “This is my dog, hitting him is fine, he
can just have it.”
I thought that she was bad, so I stopped
talking to her.
I just heard the baby’s sound and felt bad for
Mom was looking at Aunt Carol.
She was getting out of hand.
She happily left.
Jake had no expression, just like he was
treating his child as if he were his enemy.
He hated his wife, so I couldn’t stop him.
I asked: “Do you want me to go to the
hospital with your child? How about a scar
that you will use. This child has a poor heart,
so the kid should pay for it!”
Jake was impatient.
“Can I just spend the money on one of my
children? All his life, this dog is just happy
and healthy.”
I understood everything.
Then I knew it all!
That time, I heard that it was my mother that
was talking to him.
It was getting late, and I needed to call her
back to her room.
Then he left.
That’s it!
Their family was going to get angry at me
It looked like my father was going to support
those bad people in the future!
It looked like my father was going to support
those bad people in the future!
My brother was getting beaten up, and he
wasn’t going to say that!
Later, when my mom and me were sitting
together, I said:
“Mom, are you kidding me?”
I didn’t like his face.
Mom was gasping, and said, “There are a lot
of things that they can dare to do!”
“What about my dad?”
“This isn’t easy, but he is still thinking that
they are the part of the family.”
“He’s getting used to it!”
My face changed.
“I have been doing this for a long time, but
it’s okay, if he goes bankrupt, I’ll be happy!”
Those people weren’t good.
After Mom backed out of the company, Jake
was mad and didn’t want to go, so he put
money in his pocket.
There were people who started complaining
to his office, because they were bad.
“Where are you from! When the chairman was
talking about us, we had a tea and drink
“Where are you from! When the chairman was
talking about us, we had a tea and drink
“But where are you, we haven’t been able to
get those drinks since the company got
There was one boss, and it was the office
that was in the front.
“What are you doing here? What are you
Jake didn’t want to get yelled at.