On the day of our engagement party, Ben and Amy were supposed to be getting married. But instead of being at his own wedding, Ben
showed up in my dressing room, looking like he’d been dragged through a hedge backwards.
I tensed, ready to ask him what he wanted.
His voice was thick with emotion. “Lisa, I’ve talked to Amy. I told her everything. I realized… I’m in love with you. I called off the wedding. Please, don’t go through with this engagement. I’ll marry you. You can be Mrs. Thompson!”
I stared at him like he was a stranger.
Footsteps sounded outside.
I leaned in close and whispered, “Ben, I’m
marrying Tom, and you’re going to be my lover.
How does that sound?”
His eyes widened, then narrowed. He nodded
I pushed him under the bed just as Tom walked in. The room was calm and quiet. Tom’s eyes never left me as he walked over. I reached up and kissed him softly. He pulled me close, his body pressing against mine. It felt… right.
I thought about what I’d said to Ben. It was cruel, I knew, but he deserved it. Turnabout was fair play.
Tom seemed to sense my distraction. He kissed me harder, pulling me back to the present.
By the time we were done, not only did my hair and makeup need fixing, but my dress was ripped beyond repair. I had to choose a new
After Tom left to give me some privacy, I called Ben out from under the bed. He looked like a ghost, his face pale and drawn. I let him suffer for a few minutes, then said, “Leave through the fire escape. I don’t want anyone to see
Before he left, he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
The engagement party went off without a hitch.
A few days later, Amy, apparently having lost her mind, confronted me in a public square. “Lisa, you homewrecking slut!” she shrieked.
Everyone knew Ben had left her at the altar. She was clearly lashing out, unable to bear the thought of my happiness. I stayed calm, watching as a crowd gathered. People always sympathize with the underdog, and I could feel their judgment. Amy was a far cry from the composed heiress I’d met. She looked more like a fishwife, screaming obscenities.
The spectacle didn’t last long. Amy’s parents showed up and slapped her across the face. “Haven’t you embarrassed us enough? Do you want to ruin us completely?” her father roared.
66 A
“Apologize to Miss Carter, right now! Then get out of the country.”
Amy was furious, tears streaming down her face as she glared at me. “Who is she? Why should I apologize? She’s nothing but a…
I stepped forward and slapped her. “Did you forget to brush your teeth this morning? Your breath is atrocious.”
Amy’s father looked like he was about to have a heart attack. “Why should she apologize? Because she’s going to be Mrs. Anderson!” He turned to me, bowing and scraping. “Miss
Carter, I am so sorry. My daughter is out of
control. Please, forgive her. Don’t lower yourself to her level.”
Amy, defeated, mumbled an apology.
Just when the drama seemed to be over, Ben appeared. “Lisa, are you okay? Did they hurt
Amy exploded. “Ben, are you blind? I’m the one who got slapped!” She turned on him, her voice dripping with venom. “You dumped me for her? And she’s already moved on to bigger and better things! She doesn’t even want you!”
I kept my distance, but Ben insisted on checking me over. He had no idea how happy those words and actions would have made me
Amy, seeing that Ben was ignoring her, walked towards me. Ben stepped in front of me, protective. Amy laughed. “Relax, I’m not going to attack her in front of all these people.” She leaned in close and whispered, “Hold on tight, honey. Don’t fall.”
I couldn’t resist. “Amy,” I whispered back, “Did you know? I didn’t seduce Ben. He volunteered to be my… side piece.”
I watched the shock and disbelief spread
across her face as her eyes darted between
Ben and me. I was immensely satisfied. “Ask him,” I added.
Amy sank to the ground, defeated. “Aren’t you afraid of Tom finding out?”
I smiled. “What do you think?” I whispered. This was a game, and I was playing to win.
After everyone had dispersed. Ben took my hand. “Lisa, can I… see you tonight?” he asked tentatively.
I rummaged in my purse, looking for something. “Ben, go away. And don’t ever show your face around Tom and me again.” I found what I was looking for
the credit card he’d given me. I
handed it back. “Here’s your compensation.
You didn’t lose out, after all. I never asked you
for anything.” That night had been about
making him experience the same pain I had felt.
“I was wrong, Lisa. I won’t bother you again.
But… can we still see each other when you’re
free? Please, give me another chance.’
“I’m sorry,” I said, turning to Tom, who had just arrived. “My fiancé’s here.”
I ignored Ben’s pleas and walked into Tom’s
Once, I asked Tom why he’d chosen me. He just looked at me, his eyes full of warmth, and didn’t answer. But he thought to himself, Before
I met you, I never thought about marriage. After
I met you, I never thought about marrying
anyone else.