She started to laugh and started to remember
my child hood.
“When your parents would drop you off, you
sit there and not say anything. We knew that
you wanted your mom when she picked you
up, cause you were ready to burst into tears.
But you held them back. You are tough.”
I got to see what it would be like to work as a
teacher in the grade school.
Under her encouragement, I decided to apply
for a teaching license.
I had a good degree.
I stayed in the school.
She wanted her to teach the older kids.
“They are more mature, and easy to work
with ”
I declined and wanted to teach the young
The small kids were only 2-3 years old.
But I was satisfied.
Sometime I think, If my children had a easy
life and were able to grow up and be 2-3
years old, would they have been like this?
I thought of her family and laughed.
I such a family, they would be tough and
never like the kids.
I am working with them after school.
I cleaned the room.
She turned her head to see Brandon.
He stood there.
I was being pulled away.
“Sarah, You! Leaving and live like this!”
“You want to be divorced to take care of little
“Do you like kid?! We can make one together!
“If you like to teach I can tell them to get you
to teach here.
“Now come back to me! You can be angry
with me!”
He said to me.
“I am not going back!”
He started at me.
Then laughed.
“Sarah, Know your position.”
“You are a Killer!”
“I should have you in prison!”
I pulled away and slapped him.
The people were starting to look.
I looked at him.
I took him to her old house.
The tape started and it showed her mom
giving it up.
I then spoke how she felt bad.
“Look now!”
“She passed away because it was her idea!
Not Mine!”
She did not want to live.
That we followed her lead that day.
Then passed away.
Every was to sad to know.
Except Her mom.
She loved it and did not care.
She had someone delete it and take it.
I was going to get her hand bag but I found
this tape.
She wanted something from me and keep me
here because it was her goal.
How was that possible.
I showed the tape and told her I had more.
She let her out!
I was tired.
We were stunned.
I started to try and calm myself.
“Enough, Brandon, You had your chance.”
After crying, I was more calm.
“I am tired, bye.”
He stood there, so I gave it to him.
“I am back, you are not here yet.‘
I bought food and the tape was gone.
I was released.
It was her.
Then he was at the door.
He stood at the door looking at me, and I put
the kids in there car.
At the end.
He started to clean the room.
I went to the office.
Brandon started to follow her.
She turned around.
He looked scared.
“Sarah! I’m going back! I can fix you! I will
back back the old Time!”
“He looked funny!”
“Leave her with her!”
“His face said it all!”
“We cant have a baby, We wont.”
He froze and said in each word.
“Brandon I heard, Unless the person can
resurrect there life, Or the person can pass
away from the tomb!
I pushed him out!
He did not move.
I can see him in the car.
He started to smoke,
The house went down and was on the news!
He was back
“Sarah, You!
I was going to fix you!
There were no more jobs for me and i was
So far away.
“People cant come back.
and start to on and he fell at
Brandon knew and start to cry and he fell at
the door.
Later he didn’t come.
He didn’t have any workers.
He went bankrupt and gave all the money to
- me.
She made a tomb for everyone and started to
come everyday!
We all knew he was wanting me.
People were going forward and never looking