hapter 17 A Fussy CEO
arrah snorted and rolled her eyes. Then, she put her phone away and shut her eyes to get some rest. drian already knew what her family was like, anyway. How could the CEO of Prestige Group allow a ambler to control him?
pon, the bus arrived at the stop, and she got off. When she entered the apartment, she saw Adrian’s toes and the light on in the study. She knew he was home.
arrah headed to the bedroom, showered, and got in bed. She leaned against the bedhead and allowed er mind to wander. For some reason, she felt gloomy at the thought of Adrian’s Identity.
he would probably be calmer if there weren’t such a disparity between them, but now, she had a
adache just thinking about it.
was starting to feel sleepy and about to fall asleep when her phone rang. It was Riley. Farrah lay in ed as she answered the phone. “Hey, Riley.”
heard from Sandra and Tina that you’re married, Farrah! Is it true? Who did you marry? How could you ot tell me about something like this?” Riley cried.
arrah didn’t know which question to answer first. “Uh… it’s true. I’m married.”
ist then, she smelled something burning. She immediately jumped out of bed and said, “Hold that ought–I need to see what’s happening. I’ll call you back later!”
he was flabbergasted when she followed the smell to the kitchen. The water used to cook the ravioli ad dried up after being put to boil for too long, and the ravioli were burnt. Yet, the stove was still on. drian stood there with a spatula, looking lost.
arrah hurriedly turned off the gas. The kitchen was filled with the smell of something burning, and the it was smoking.
arrah looked at Adrian and saw that he seemed to have frozen while brandishing the spatula. After a hile, he said childishly. “I was hungry. I didn’t have anything for dinner.”
le heard his stomach rumble and found the situation hilarious. Still, she suppressed her laughter and ‘ed him appraisingly. Wasn’t he supposed to be better than this? He’d ordered a table full of food but idn’t touched anything!
le sighed and held out a hand. He handed her the spatula. Then, she waved him out of the kitchen. He rediently backed out as she put on an apron to clean up the mess before cooking another batch of violi.
utside, Adrian walked to the display shelf, his gaze on the family heirloom Philip had given Farrah. It was Il where she’d left it he hadn’t touched it.
ion, she came out with a bowl of piping hot ravioli. “The food’s ready.”
ou should keep this.” Adrian approached her with the bag and handed it to her. “It’s yours since Grandpa s given it to you.”
it expensive?”
‘s a Locke family heirloom,” he said casually. He sat down and started eating
rrah was dumbstruck. A family heirloom? Didn’t that mean it was priceless?
ou can keep it for your future son,” he added. “Anyway, you should keep it elsewhere instead of leaving on the display shelf, Grandpa will be upset if he sees it like that.”
Chat A Funny CEO
“Okay.” Farrah took the bag. Then, she said, “You need to put more water into the pot when you cook ravioli. Put them in when the water is about 140 degrees Fahrenheit instead of cold.
“Otherwise, the ravioli will break apart in the water, and the pot will easily burn dry if you don’t have enough water.”
After that, she returned to the bedroom, Riley had blasted her phone with a barrage of messages asking about her marriage. It was such a long story that she didn’t know where to start.
Shortly after finishing the ravioli, Adrian washed the dishes. Then, he grabbed his bathrobe and headed to the bathroom to shower. He took his clothes off, the warm lights making his toned body look particarly delectable. His tanned skin gave him a healthy vibe.
The flawlessness of his body made the ugly scar on his left arm stand out. He stood under the shower as the warm water poured over him, trickling over his scar. It no longer hurt, but the pain in his heart would never fade.
He’d searched high and low for 18 years, but it seemed he was just destined not to find certain answers, no matter where he was or how powerful he became.
lepter 19 A Toys, He Avoids
hapter 18 A Topic He Avoids