- 25.
Jake was scared.
He looked at the news, and didn’t hide it from
- me.
The internet was talking.
Tori was attacked, and she was the person
who posted the video.
Darcy was saying that I was crazy.
The internet was saying, “She imagined her
dad did that to her?”
“I remember the video, her dad didn’t do
“Crazy woman!”
“Will she act out onstage?”
“She tried to sleep with Jake, and will accuse
There were lots of things.
People were talking about my past.
Jake clenched his phone.
He was white.
He was weak.
He lost his grip.
The phone fell.
“She is a joke.”
Jake fell.
“Tori, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have…”
He was going to say he was sorry.
But he didn’t.