Chapter 0102
The song ended and the crowd began to line up for the next line dance. Hazel hurried off the dance floor and Logan followed. He caught sight of Hazel’s ass in that skin tight dress and he froze momentarily. She’s not wearing underwear, either, he realized.
Stop it, he told himself. She’s a married woman now.
Once they had cleared the dance floor, she turned to fully face him. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. Logan’s mouth dropped open. The light was a little brighter in this spot, and he was finally able to get a really good, close up look of her. He had seen her dressed up before for the corporate parties they’d held, but this was a whole other level.
“Hazel, you look…” Logan stopped himself before he went too far again. “Happy. Congrats on your marriage again, I hope you two will have many happy years together.”
Logan turned on his heels walked straight out of the bar. So much for drinking to forget tonight, he thought as he stepped out into the night spring air.
He pulled his phone from his back pocket and dialed Dylan’s number.
we used to
“Hey,” he said when Dylan answered. “I want to have one of our parties tomorrow, like do in college to pick up girls. You in?”
I watched Logan leave the bar. I suddenly felt much more sober.
I located Maria, Megan, and Rachel and made my way through the crowd of people to them. What had Logan even been doing here, anyway? Couldn’t I go anywhere in this town without seeing the boss I was trying desperately to disconnect from?
“That was Logan?” Rachel said, raising her eyebrows at me.
“Yup,” I said, taking a drink of Megan’s mixed whatever it was.
“And you want to distance yourself because…?” Megan asked.
“Because she’s a goody–two shoes at work,” Maria said. “She is all business. She never lets herself have any fun there.”
“Girl, you need to relax. I bet if you need, that man would love to help you relax in whatever way is necessary,” Megan winked at me.
“No, there will definitely be none of that. It just felt weird, okay? Have you ever been with one of your bosses?” I asked the group.
“Yeah, it was incredibly hot, all that sneaking around we had to do. And he wasn’t nearly as delicious as that boss of yours,” Megan said dreamily.
“It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just mess around with him for a little bit, have some fun then get out,” Rachel shrugged.
“You see who you’re talking to, right?” I asked. “That’s so not me. I’m a relationship person. I can’t do the whole ‘mess around and see thing.
Chapter 0102
“He’s not her only option, Maria jumped in for me. best friend.”
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She winked at me. I just rolled my eyes.
“Ooh, that’s right! Where are things with him?” Megan said.
“I’m distancing myself from him, too,” I said. “The whole thing with both of them felt uncomfy, I’m just cutting my losses.”
“Man,” Megan shook her head. “Bitch is over here with two incredibly hot men swooning after her, and I can’t even get a text back. Look, if you don’t want them, send ‘em my way.”
I started to say ‘all yours“, but the thought of Megan with either of them made me feel extremely jealous. You’ll have to arm wrestle Maria for them, she asked first.” I stood. “I’m going to get another drink,” I said, eager to leave this conversation ASAP. “Do you guys want anything?”
They looked at each other then shook their heads. I walked to the bar, and felt my phone buzz in my purse. I pulled it out. To my surprise, it was a text from Dylan:
“Hey! Party at Logan’s tomorrow, do you want to come?”