Chapter 0111
Logan walked through the door to the banquet hall, Dylan right behind him. Logan tried to focus on finding their names
at the round tables that were set up around the room, but no matter how hard he tried not to look, he found his eyes drifting back over to Hazel as she made her way through the buffet.
“Dude, our seats are here. You passed our name cards at least three times now,” Dylan said, pointing to two seats on the other side of Logan.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I’ve been a little distracted lately,” his eyes subconsciously flitting over to Hazel again.
Dylan felt jealousy rising in his chest again. Logan was so obviously checking Hazel out. “I wonder why she didn’t bring her husband as her plus one?”
Logan snapped his head back towards Dylan. “Hey…you’re right. She’s been acting really strangely since she got married. Maybe she wasn’t ready for it.”
“Strange how?” Dylan asked, but Logan was lost in his thoughts again. Dylan sighed and started for the buffet.
Logan stood frozen at the table. He’d almost forgotten Hazel was married. He wanted to tell her what a mistake it was to take that man back. How she deserved so much better. His lips began to tingle. He so desperately wants to kiss her, but he shook his head at that thought. It’s just the dress making him feel that way. Right?
He watched her as she reached the end of the buffet. An elderly man stood at the end of the line, almost as though he’d been waiting for Hazel. She took a step back when he spoke to her, and Logan noticed both she and Maria looked very uncomfortable talking to this man. He headed towards them,
The old man dropped something on the floor that then rolled under the table. Logan watched as Hazel set her plate on the table, then knelt on the floor to retrieve it for him. Once she had the item she handed
it to him.
He smiled at her. Logan was within earshot now, and he heard the man say, “That’s a sight I could get used to.”
Hazel pushed herself off the floor and stood. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you look good down there on your knees like that.”
Hazel and Maria froze. Logan quickly stepped over to Hazel and gently clutched her elbow. “Hi sweetie,” he said and gave her a small peck on her temple. “Is this man bothering you?”
“No no,” the old man interjected. “I was just getting to know our new office supplier friends. My name is Greg. I’m the president at Huckabee’s.”
“Well Greg. My name is Logan Hatfield, CEO of your newest office needs supplier and next in line to be fully in charge of our company. And I do not appreciate how you spoke to my wife just now.”
Hazel looked stunned for a moment, then played along. She held up her left hand to show Greg the ring.
“……” Greg stammered, staring at the ring. “My sincerest apologies, I had no ideal”
“Hm. Hazel, dear, do you think it would have been okay for him to speak to you like that even if you weren’t my wife?” Logan asked.
Chapter 0111
Hazel shook her head.
“Fuck no,” Maria muttered under her breath.
Logan turned back to Greg. Your comments were incredibly out of line. I’ll be reaching out to your on Monday, and I will be going to my board to discuss whether or not we want to associate with someone that would deem it okay to speak with ladies in that manner.”
HR rep
“Please, no, I’m sure we can work something out,” Greg’s eyes grew wide. He reached for his wedding band and began spinning it around his finger. “My reputation…”
“You should have thought of that before you spewed such filth,” Logan said. “Thank you for the lovely dinner party.”
He held out his arm for Hazel and she took. He lead both Maria and Hazel back to their assigned seats,
Maria could barely contain her giddiness. As soon as they reached the table she started laughing quietly. Oh my god, the look on that man’s face when you got done with him!”
“Are you okay?” Logan said to Hazel, who was uncharacteristically quiet.
She nodded. “I just need a minute.”
She headed for the door to the banquet hall. Maria watched her.
“Excuse me,” Maria said to Logan and ran to catch up to Hazel.
Dylan returned to the table with his plate. He set it down and sat. “Man, what a spread!” He noticed the concerned look on Logan’s face. “What’s wrong?”
Logan shook his head. “The president of our client’s business made some lewd remarks to Hazel.”
Dylan stood up fast. “Where is he?”
“I handled it,” Logan said.
Dylan’s brain knew that was a good thing. But Dylan’s heart was full of envy that once again, Logan had saved Hazel’s day.
“I’m going to go find her,” Dylan said.
Logan watched Dylan walk out the door, a pang of jealousy hitting his heart.
I grabbed a paper towel and turned on the faucet to get it wet. I patted the back of my neck with it.
Maria entered the bathroom a moment later. “It’s always the bathroom with you,” she said.
I laughed. “It’s the only place I can get away from men, I said.
“You okay? That guy was such a creep,” she said, moving to stand next to me at the sink.
“Oh, yeah, he was. But that’s not why I came in here,” I said, grabbing a dry paper towel and patting my neck with that. “It’s Logan”
“Oh,” Maria said quietly.
“I’m glad he came over but, the way he keeps jumping in for me it just it feels like more than a boss
Chapter 0111
should do sometimes, I guess,” I was struggling to put my feelings into words. “I can’t push him away if he won’t stay out of my personal life like that.”
“He’s a good guy, Haze,” Maria said. I don’t think he can help wanting to protect you. I would kill to have someone like that in my life.” She crossed her arms and looked down at the floor.
“You’ve got to kick that sometimes man of yours to the curb,” I said, eager to change the subject.
There was a knock at the bathroom door. Maria and I looked at each other confused.
“Uh…come in?” Maria said.
“I don’t think I can,” Dylan’s voice came through the door. “I just came to make sure Hazel was okay?”
Maria gave a look that read, “really?” I shrugged.
“You and your knights in shining armor,” she whispered. “It’s sickening.”
I went over and cracked the door open. “I’m okay,” I said. “Thanks for checking.” I smiled, despite my annoyance that neither him nor Logan were making hard to push them out of my life.
He smiled back, looking a little sad. He gave me a nod then walked back towards the banquet hall.
I turned back and jumped, surprised to find Maria standing right behind me now. She shook her head at me. She started hitting me on the arm, adding the following words to each slap: “What. Is. The. Matter.
With. You.”