Chapter 0119
Logan stepped in front of Eric and caught me as I fell face first into him. He pulled me the rest of the way off the table and helped me to my feet. Eric tried to help, but Logan kept pushing him away.
“Hey man, good catch,” Eric said. “I’ll take her back to her stool.”
“I’ve got her,” Logan said.
Logan started to lead me out of the bar. Eric ran in front of us to block Logan from going through the door
with me.
“Look, I don’t know who you are, but you need to leave, and leave her in here with me,” Eric said, crossing his arms. I hadn’t realized before just how toned his arms were. I bit my
“I’m her boss,” Logan said. “Now if you will please excuse me…”
“Do you want to go with this man?” Eric looked at me.
I looked at Eric, then looked at Logan. I really didn’t. I didn’t know why Logan was even there.
I pushed myself off of Logan, but since I was still pretty wobbly I found myself falling into a chair that was nearby. Eric and Logan both reached out to help, but I waved them off.
“Can we talk outside, please?” Logan asked.
I let out a loud, long groan. “Fine,” I said. I turned to Eric. “I’ll be right back, don’t get too many drinks without me.” I winked at him. Well, tried to anyway, I closed one eye, then the other followed suit, so really I just closed my eyes at him for a long moment.
When I opened them, I saw Eric warily eyeballing Logan Logan ignored him and helped me walk out of the bar into the crisp, spring night air. He helped me to a nearby bench and we sat.
“Hazel,” he started. “What is going on with you? An impulsive marriage, all these bars you go to to flirt with men, dancing on tables?”
I just shrugged. I was starting to feel drowsy from all the drinks.
“This doesn’t just look bad on you, you know. If anyone that knew you worked for us found out….or knew
worked for me especially…”
I perked up at that. I turned and put my face right in his My brain and heart were at war in that moment: one wanted to kiss him, and the other wanted to scream at him. I opted for a happy medium.
“It is nobody’s business,” I said, quietly but firmly, and maybe a little slurringly, “how I spend my free time. Not the board, not my coworkers, not our clients, and especially not my boss.” I leaned away from him.
He looked down, pain crossing his face.
“I’m tired, Logan. I am tired of you constantly checking up on me, of the overtime just to keep me from going out, of having to pretend what happened at the hospital didn’t because…because…..”
“Yes?” Logan said earnestly.
I burped, and suddenly felt very nauseous. All those buttery nipples were headed back up.
Chapter 0119
“Because…” I tried one more time to finish my sentence, but that’s not what wanted to come out of my mouth. I turned my head to the side and vomited all over the sidewalk next to me.
“Oh god,” Logan said, jumping back from me to avoid any splatter. Then he reached over and took my hair from my hands to hold it back for me as I doubled over, expelling what felt like everything in my body.
Maria and Eric came running out of the bar towards me. I groaned once I was done. This was not my best pick–up–men look. I would not have minded if, in that moment, the ground opened up and swallowed me whole. I looked up at Maria, who gave me a sympathetic look
She wiped a strand of hair from my forehead and looked at Eric. “Can you help me get her inside to the bathroom?”
Eric nodded and pushed past Logan to help me up. We carefully navigated around the pile of vomit on the ground and I leaned into him as he basically carried me to the bathroom.
“I win,” I said weakly.
He let out a laugh. “Did you though?”
Logan watched helplessly as the man helped Hazel back inside. What was it Hazel was about to say? He doubted she would remember her drunken ramblings once she sobered up. His heart sank as he realized that moment and those words were probably lost forever.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, unsure of what his next move should be. He briefly considered following them in to make sure she was okay, but he knew he’d already crossed too many boundaries
with her.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and hesitated. He could only think of one thing that might help him ‘feel better, but he also knew it might make him feel worse.
He went back and forth on it, then sighed and unlocked his phone. He called Dylan.
“Yes?” Dylan said when he answered.
“Are you busy?” Logan asked.
“I’m not going to that bar with you,” Dylan said.
“That’s not. exactly why I called,” Logan said. “I was wondering if you could check on Hazel for me…
Dylan groaned. “Bro. Leave her alone already.”
“Can you just….listen for a sec,” Logan said, frustrated. “While I was at the bar Hazel fell from a table and…”
“She what?! Why was she on a table?”
“She was dancing. Or trying to anyway, it wasn’t…great, Logan said.
There was a pause on Dylan’s end. “Are you sure it was our Hazel? Not her crazy ass sister?
“Saw it with my own two eyes,” Logan said. “I’m worried about her, man. She hasn’t been acting like herself.
Another pause. Then: “Where Is she now?”
“Maria and some dude took her back inside to clean up in the bathroom after she threw up outside,” Logan said, a twinge of jealousy in his chest at the mention of the guy that Hazel had been flirting with.
“Okay. I’ll head there now,” Dylan said, hanging up without waiting for Logan to reply.
Maria wet a paper towel and handed it to me. I wiped my mouth and threw it away. I rinsed my mouth out in the sink and then leaned against the wall, remembering why getting drunk was not a thing I liked to do.
“You okay?” Maria asked.
I nodded. She dug through her purse and pulled out a piece of gum.
“Here,” she said, shoving it into my hand. I popped it into my mouth.
“Thanks,” I mumbled through the chewing of it. “I probably blew it with Eric, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say that necessarily,” she said. “He did help after you blew chunks all over the sidewalk. I think most guys would’ve ignored you after that.” She shrugged.
I groaned at the mention of my vomiting. I felt like another round was coming any second. I ran into the
“Oh boy,” Maria said, running in after me.
After a few minutes of retching out (somehow) more stuff, I sat on the floor next to the toilet. I looked up at Maria. “Am I still pretty?” I asked.
She frowned at me. “Ask me that later.”