Chapter 0123
Logan studied my face for a moment.
“Do you want to check it out at least?” He finally asked me.
I didn’t see what choice I had. “Okay.”
We followed the clerk back to the counter and he gave us the room key. “If you are happy with it, just come back down and we’ll finish getting you checked in. The elevators are just across the lobby here.”
“Thank you,” Logan said.
We grabbed our luggage and turned to head across the lobby.
“I know this is less than ideal,” Logan said as we walked to the elevators. “Especially given our recent past. I’m not sure what other options we have though,”
I nodded, my mind racing. This was the opposite of what I had been trying to do with Logan. Why was the universe working so hard against me?
We reached the top floor and located the room just to the left of the elevators. Logan held the room key up to the card reader and the light turned green. He pushed the door open.
We stepped inside and I gasped when I saw the size of the room. It looked like an apartment. I wondered how much the company had dropped for this expense alone.
There was a small kitchen where we entered. We walked through that and found the living space with the couch the clerk had promised. To the left was the bedroom. There was enough space that we could easily stay away from each other.
“What you do think? You could have the bedroom, that way you’ll have all the privacy you need,” he said.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t take the room from you. I’ll be fine on the couch,” I said. “This is fine, I can spend one night here.”
“You sure?” Logan asked.
I looked over at Logan. This new, sweet Logan was incredibly attractive. I was glad there was a bedroom to keep us separated because damn, was I tempted to push him onto that couch and make out with him.
I bit my lip and forced the image from my brain. “Yep. I’m sure.” I gave him a smile.
“Okay! I’ll get us checked in. Do you need anything?”
Water to cool off with. “No, I’m okay, thanks.”
He smiled at me and walked out the door. I grabbed my bathroom bag and my pajamas from my suitcase and went through the bedroom to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I was low key glad I had just grabbed sweats and a t–shirt to wear, maybe that would keep each of us from being tempted by the other. Once I had finished my bedtime brushing and face washing routine, I pulled the couch cushions off to pull out the bed. But to my dismay, the pull out part seemed to be stuck. I braced my feet against the bottom of the couch and pulled harder, but still no luck. It wouldn’t budge.
“Guess I’ll just have to sleep on the couch,” I muttered went to the bedroom closet to find some extra
Chapter 0123
blankets and pillows. I pulled them out and took them to the couch. I pulled my phone from my purse and opened my messages to Maria.
“I have to share a room with Logan,” I sent her.
“!!!” she sent back. Then: “Look, the universe just wants you to do him and get it over with already.”
I rolled my eyes and snapped a picture of myself to send her. “Not gonna happen looking like this.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” she wrote back.
I closed out of our messages and debated telling Dylan about what had happened. But it was late, and I didn’t want to disturb him over nothing. Nothing was going to happen. We would barely even be in this room while we were here. I locked my phone and set it on the small table in front of the couch.
Logan stepped back through the door, carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. My heart leapt into my chest.
“From the hotel clerk, as an apology,” he explained.
I relaxed.
“Need help with the couch bed?” He asked, setting the wine and glasses down in the kitchen.
“I think it’s stuck,” I said. “But it’s okay, I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
“Oh my god, don’t be ridiculous. You should take the bed,” Logan insisted.
“What’s that? I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you, I’m already sleeping.” I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes.
I heard him laugh. “Fine,” he said. “But don’t come whining to me when you wake up stiff from that couch.”
I heard his footsteps leading away from me, and I opened my eyes to watch him walk into his room. He turned back to me.
“Goodnight,” he said.
“Goodnight.” I don’t know what I was so worried about He was being a perfect gentleman now.
Logan woke up suddenly around 2 in the morning. He looked at the clock, then stretched and groaned. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, then quietly opened the bedroom door. He tiptoed into the kitchen to look for some water.
As he passed by Hazel he glanced over at her. The couch was short, and she had one leg hanging over the arm of the couch and the other bent ov
the side, almost touching the floor.
“No way is she comfortable like that,” Logan thought.
He walked over to the couch and lifted her up. She let out a small groan, but didn’t wake up. He carried her into the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed.
He quietly walked back out to the kitchen and found a bottle of water in the fridge. He downed the bottle, then walked back over to the couch. He took off the cushions and tried to pull out the bed part, but he didn’t have any luck either. It would not budge.
He replaced the cushions and laid down on it. He was taller than Hazel, and curling up on it wasn’t any
Chapter 0123
better for him than it was for her. He looked around. He considered the floor for a moment, then realized that only the bedroom had carpeting. He scooped up the blanket and pillow from the couch and tiptoed back into the bedroom.
He laid down the thickest blanket on the floor next to the bed and placed the pillow at the top of it. He laid down on it. It wasn’t the most comfortably he’d ever slept, but it sure beat the couch.
He closed his eyes and realized Hazel was snoring very lightly. He smiled. Normally snoring bothered him but hers? It was kind of cute.
Sometime in the middle of the night I snored a little too loudly and woke myself up. I cracked my eyes open. It was still dark, thank God. I yawned and stretched. I rolled over onto my side and realized too late that there was no more bed in the direction I rolled.
My heart pounded as I fell to the ground. I screamed.
“Oof!” Someone groaned from beneath me. My eyes flew open.
Today’s Bonus Offer
Chapter 0123
better for him than it was for her. He looked around. He considered the floor for a moment, then realized that only the bedroom had carpeting. He scooped up the blanket and pillow from the couch and tiptoed back into the bedroom.
He laid down the thickest blanket on the floor next to the bed and placed the pillow at the top of it. He laid down on it. It wasn’t the most comfortably he’d ever slept, but it sure beat the couch.
He closed his eyes and realized Hazel was snoring very lightly. He smiled. Normally snoring bothered him but hers? It was kind of cute.
Sometime in the middle of the night I snored a little too loudly and woke myself up. I cracked my eyes open. It was still dark, thank God. I yawned and stretched. I rolled over onto my side and realized too late that there was no more bed in the direction I rolled.
My heart pounded as I fell to the ground. I screamed.
“Oof!” Someone groaned from beneath me. My eyes flew open.