Chapter 0126
Chapter 0126
My breaths grew shorter and faster. I tried to slow them down, but I could not. I was hyperventilating and headed into full–blown panic mode.
“Oh, hey,” Logan rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me. He held my head to his chest and rested his chin on top of my head: “It’s okay. Ralph will figure out soon enough that something is wrong and he’ll find help, okay? We won’t be in here that long.
My breathing began to slow. His tight embrace was so soothing. It was just like I had felt the night before, like as long as I was in his arms I was safe. Before long. I was back to my normal level of anxiety I’d had the whole time we were in the building.
“Better?” He asked.
I nodded, and he loosed his grip on me. We moved to sit side by side, one of his arms still draped around my shoulder.
Despite his warm arm over me, I started feeling cold and clammy. I wished I hadn’t dropped that stupid sweater. I wrapped my arms around myself and started shivering.
Logan looked over at me. “Are you cold?” He asked.
I nodded. He took off his suit jacket and draped it around my shoulders. He put his arm around me again and began rubbing my arm with his hand. He started softly humming a little tune. I didn’t recognize it, but it was soothing. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, suddenly feeling very exhausted. He laid his head on mine.
“Are you hungry?” He asked suddenly.
My stomach growled in response. “I guess so,” I said with a laugh.
“There’s some granola bars in the pocket of that jacket if you want,” he said.
I sat up and gave him a “seriously?” look. I stuck my hands in the pockets and pulled out a couple chocolate chip granola bars. “Okay but like, why?” I asked.
He laughed. “I brought some in case the food sucked,” he said with a shrug. “I like to always be prepared.” “Well you are not going to believe this,” I said. I put the granola bars back in the pockets and reached for my purse. I pulled out a couple of the same exact granola bars. “Mine are just because I always be snackin
A smile spread across his face. “Well, good to know that if we ever actually got into a dire situation we won’t have to worry about food.”
“Um, sir, this is a dire situation,” I said.
“Nah, this is nothing.” he grabbed one of the granola bars from my hand. I’ve been in worse situations.”
“Really?” I said incredulously. “Worse than being stuck in an abandoned building’s elevator with your panicky secretary?”
“Well…okay, maybe not,” he said with a laugh. “But hey, at least the company is nice.”
Chapter 0126
He smiled and I immediately looked down and blushed.
“Ah, sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t keep saying things like that.”
“It’s okay, I…” I paused. How much did I really want to confess to him? I decided to switch subjects instead of telling him how I felt and how I was not in fact married. “Let’s play a game, keep us distracted until we either die or are rescued.”
He laughed. “Okay, what did you have in mind?”
“Hmm,” I thought for a moment. Only one came to mind. “Truth or dare?”
He laughed. “What is this, middle school?”
“Fine,” I said. “You come up with something.”
“No, no, I’m game. Okay, I dare you to jump up and down on this elevator to make it move.”
I playfully slapped his arm. “Oh my god, no. And that’s not how this game works, you walnut.”
“Walnut??” He said with a laugh. “I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.”
“Well then they did you a disservice because it’s high time you knew you are one,” I said.