The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 134

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 134

Chapter 0134 

The next morning when I arrived at work, I found a typed up daily todo list on my desk. I picked it up, and another paper that had been beneath it fluttered to the floor. I set the todo list back down and picked up the paper from the floor. It looked to be a printed news article. My mouth fell open when I read the title

In a Slump at Work? 10 Ways to Improve Your Work Ethic” 

I fumed. Are you goddamn kidding me?I muttered angrily to myself. I tore up the article without reading it and threw the pieces in the trash

Oh Hazel, there you are finally,I heard Sabrina’s voice behind me

Finally?I said, turning to her. I’m ten minutes early.” 

That’s not enough time to help your CEO prep for his day,she said, giving me a look that read are you stupid?Did you see the todo list I gave you? You need to be here at least 30 minutes early to complete those morning tasks before Logan arrives.” 

I picked up the list from my desk and read the first several items that were under the label Morning: make coffee, print off the daily schedule and set it on Logan’s desk, dust our desks, vacuum his office, straighten out Logan’s books and desk items, deliver the breakfast order that I got from Logan the night before, replenish any low office supplies, check Logan’s voice messages and write down the important ones for Logan to read, clean mine and Sabrina’s work areas

I balked. Logan had never asked for or needed those things. I know, because I’m a damn good secretary and we covered his expectations before I even started the job

We do have cleaning staff for some of these things,I pointed out

That doesn’t matter. We need to make sure everything is perfect for him, so he can do his job well,she 


Did Logan request these things? Because we have talked about my duties in the past and he’s never mentioned these things,I asked, feeling dumbfounded by this whole thing. I also wasn’t sure that Logan would love it if I was in his office every day touching his things

I’m sorry, are you questioning my directions? Logan told me I am in charge over you, and this is what I’ve come up with for you to do. I’m here because Logan trusted me to do a job he clearly couldn’t trust you with.” 

I let out a deep sigh and rubbed the bridge of my nose. Lord, I prayed silently, please give me the strength 

to not cut a bitch

Well, why are you just standing there? You’re already behind schedule, get moving,she barked at me then sat in her office chair

I read the list again as I walked to the pantry. There were at least 60 items on the list. There was not enough time in my day to do these tasks in addition to the ones I already did for Logan. Not unless I arrived 8 hours before my normal start time, which Sabrina might actually suggest to me should I bring it 

  1. up

I poured two cups of coffee, because I knew Sabrina would give me hell if I didn’t bring her one too. I looked around for a healthy breakfast option for Logan since I had not known I needed to secure his 

Chapter 0134 

+26 BONUS 


breakfast order last night. I filled a bowl with some fruit from a tray someone had brought in, which was the best I could do in a pinch

Of course I was not opposed to helping Logan in any way he needed, but this was not the stuff he’d ever wanted or needed before. I was anxious to finish my new morning tasks so I could actually do some important work

I carefully stacked the bowl of fruit on top of one of the coffees, stuck a plastic fork in it, and walked back as quickly as I could without dropping it all

Sabrina looked at her watch when I got close enough for her to spot me. I saw her shake her head and she stood and hurried towards me

What is taking you so long?She hissed at me. Logan is already in his office and on a call, now we’ll be interrupting him.” 

She took one of the coffees from my hand and started towards his office

I got him this too,I said helplessly and held out the fruit in front of me

She turned back and looked, then gave me a disgusted look. Do you seriously think that’s good enough for him? Go out and find something that is worthy of a CEO. And maybe make it quick this time?” 

I really have to get this projectI started to protest, but she ignored me and stepped into Logan’s office 

to deliver the coffee

I grabbed my purse and made sure I had everything I might need in case I decided to never come back. I headed towards the elevator

Hazel!Sabrina called after me

I closed my eyes and sighed before turning around

She rushed over to me. I got his breakfast order, since you failed to do so last night,she handed me a sticky note

Oh, I’m so sorry I can’t read minds or see the future, I should have known you were going to want me to do that,I snatched the sticky note from her hand. This dumb bitch was not any older than me and she certainly had not been around here long enough to talk to me the way she was

I looked at the sticky note. Just as I had suspected, it was the same thing he brought in for himself on occasion. The same thing I was about to go grab for him before I was given the stupid note. Because, again, damn good at my job

She crossed her arms and narrowed her brows at me. We’re going to have a discussion about that attitude when you get back,she said

Can’t wait,I snapped back and turned back towards the elevator. I didn’t want to wait for it and risk anymore encounters with her, so I rounded the corner and took the stairs down to the parking garage instead

I slammed the door shut after I got into my car. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel. Could I not Just have a normal work life? Even if it was just like, for one week. It had been one thing after another for 

months now

Chapter 0134 

© +25 BONUS 

I sat up. I could just drive away and never return. I could just get on that highway and drive to a completely new city and start over. I longed to actually be able to do that. I shook my head. I don’t know why I got in my car in the first place. Guess my brain was ready to leave this place for good. I got out of my car

Next time, car,I said as I stepped out of it and headed towards the cafe next door. Next time.” 

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage


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