Logan was sitting in his chair in his office when I arrived. The lights were out except for a single floor lamp in the corner. He had his hands placed almost like a prayer position in front of him, his elbows resting on the desk, and he had his forehead resting against the thumbs of his hands. His eyes were closed. My heart sank at the sight of him. Whatever this was, it was serious.
I gently knocked on the door. His eyes flew open and he gestured for me to enter. He didn’t stand, he just crossed his arms in front of him on the desk.
“Please, have a seat,” he said. He rubbed the bridge of his nose. His hair was disheveled and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
I sat on the edge of the chair in front of his desk. I held my purse tightly in my lap. I suddenly noticed Ralph was standing in the other corner of the room. I jumped when I saw him. Logan seemed to notice.
“Ralph is here as a witness,” he explained.
A witness? For what? “Oh,” was all I said, however.
“Your client, Paul Hanson, was rushed to the hospital earlier this evening.” Logan said.
“Oh!” I was of course concerned, but what did this have to do with me? “Is he okay?”
“He will be, yes,” Logan said. “Can you walk me through your day today?”
“I don’t understand…”
“Just, please, I need to know first about your day then I’ll explain, okay? It’s important. Can I record this?”
My heart began pounding even faster. Was I being accused of something? “Yes, of course.”
He pulled his phone out and swiped until he found the recorder on his phone. He hit the record button. Okay Ms. Whitaker, please tell me what you did at work today.”
So I went through the entire annoying day, trying to sound as calm and collected as possible. It was tough between my nervousness at this situation and my anger towards Sabrina.
Logan stopped me when I told him I sent my client info to Elena at Sabrina’s request. “Wait, why did she have you do that?”
“She gave me this whole to do list with busy work, and when I told her I can’t possibly do her list and my work in one day, she had me hand over all my clients to Elena.”
A flash of understanding crossed Logan’s eyes. “I see. And this list included Paul Hanson?”
“Can you send that document to me after we’re finished here?” He asked.
I nodded, then remembered I was being recorded. “Yes”
“What happened after that?”
I summed up the rest of my day, making sure to include the meeting Sabrina scheduled with me that started after work. He jotted something down after I said that..
Chapter 01:38
“Okay. I’m going to ask you some questions, and then I’ll explain what happened, okay?”
“Okay,” I said quietly. The suspense was killing me, but I had to trust what Logan was doing.
“Did you contact Katie’s Katerers earlier today?”
“No,” I said. “I haven’t been in contact with them since your wife’s party.” Damn that felt like ages ago.
“Did you take part in any of the planning for the client dinner that occurred earlier tonight?”
I shook my head. Logan held up his phone and pointed to it. “No,” I said.
“Were you aware that this dinner was happening?”
“Elena mentioned it in passing as she left today,” I said.
Logan nodded. He thought for a moment longer. “So at this dinner, Paul consumed something that had peanuts in it after being told they were peanut–free. He was rushed to the hospital, but he’s okay, he’s stable now. When pressed, Elena said that you had placed the order, and that you assured her everything was peanut–free except for the cookies because you knew about his allergies. So then we asked the caterers if we could see the initial order, and it’s under your name with the specific instructions add peanuts to the spring rolls.”
The blood drained from my face. “Oh my god, Logan, I would never. Paul is deathly allergic to those peanuts, if I placed the order I would have made sure that there were not even any peanuts in the kitchen, let alone the food.”
Logan stopped the recording app. “I know,” he said quietly. “I know you’re too good at your job to let something slip through like that, and you’re too nice of a person to put someone’s life in danger, no matter what was going on with them.” He sighed. “Ralph, would you give us a minute?”
Ralph gave a single nod and silently slipped out of the office.
As soon as the office door closed behind him, I stood, still nervously clutching my purse. “Logan, this has Elena written all over it.”
“Look, I know. But we have to find some way to prove it or we risk getting sued, and…” he trailed off and looked down at his desk.
“They want to fire me,” I said quietly.
“Yes. The board wanted me to fire you immediately, but I talked them into just a suspension for now, until we can determine whether or not it was you that did this. I mean, I know it wasn’t you, but we need to find a way to prove that to the board.”
I nodded. I was sick about the suspension, I had never been in trouble like that at work before. But I was also touched and relieved that Logan stood up for me like he had. And a little surprised, if I was being honest. The way he’d been acting lately, I wasn’t sure he cared about me at all anymore.
“It’s a suspension until we give them some evidence to prove your innocence, so anything you can do to expedite it would help,” he said.
“Okay,” I said, fighting back tears.
He stood and started around the desk, then stopped. He grabbed a tissue from his desk and handed it
Chapter 0138
over. “It’s going to be okay, Haze. We’ll have you back here before you know it.”
I nodded again, wishing I could run around the desk and have him wrap his arms around me. Instead, I headed for the door. I grabbed the handle then turned back. “Oh, thank you for standing up for me.”
“Of course,” he said. He looked hurt, almost.
I left the office and closed the door behind me. I walked around to the chair of my desk and pulled a few personal things from the top of the desk and the drawers to take with me. I piled them in the center of the desk and walked to the supply closet to grab a box.
When I returned, Logan was standing in front of my desk. “What are you doing?” He asked.
I shrugged. “Just in case…you know.” I didn’t want to come back for my things if at any point I was permanently let go.
“We’re going to get you back here, Haze,” he said, softly but firmly.
But this time, I wasn’t even sure Logan would be able to save me.