Chapter 0144
Logan flipped open the manila folder, and flipped through the evidence within.
Dylan’s distraction had worked perfectly. With Elena gone, Maria had been able to insert the thumb drive into Elena’s computer that installed a virus to lock the computer. IT was called, and Mike carried off the computer himself to ‘work‘ on it.
While he had the computer at his desk, he cracked into her email and saved files and websites. He found more than enough evidence, in the form of emails and receipts that Elena herself had ordered the food from the caterers under Hazel’s name.
The most damning evidence was that Elena had used her own corporate card to pay for the order ап order that was paid for at the time of placement, not pickup. Elena had to be there when the order was made, to use her card. And my emails to her showed that I had alerted her to Mr. Hanson’s allergies.
That, among other emails between the caters and Elena that she signed with my name while using her own email address, helped solidify my innocence.
“I’ll call security at once, Sir,” Sabrina said from the doorway.
“Wait,” Logan stopped her. Everyone waited while he flipped through a few more pages. “Sabrina?”
“Yes, Sir?” She flashed a vicious glare at me.
“Arrange a meeting with the board at once,” Logan said.
“Right away, Sir. And about security…?”
“That won’t be necessary.”
Sabrina glanced at him confused. She took too long to move.
“Now, Sabrina.”
“Of course.” Sabrina ducked out of the room.
with her
gone, Logan’s hard gaze softened somewhat, looking at me. “Do I want to know how you got all
“No,” I told him honestly.
“I’d heard Dylan was on the property yesterday. I don’t suppose he had anything to do with it?”
I couldn’t answer that without implicating Dylan, which I wasn’t so inclined to do, so I kept my mouth shut. Yet the longer I was silent, the more Logan’s mood soured.
He closed the folder. “While I likely won’t approve of the means to acquire this information, I can’t deny their effect. Go home. But be ready to return to work tomorrow.” He said the words as a machine would, monotone. He wasn’t quite looking at me, his gaze over my right shoulder.
“Thank you, Logan,” I said.
He shook his head. “Call me Sir in the office.”
My heart ached, but I swallowed down the flash of pain I was a professional. This was my job.
Chapter 0144
Whatever happened between us in our personal lives should not affect us here.
“Yes… Sir.”
Logan nodded then returned to the work on his desk, setting aside the folder. I was being dismissed.
Taking the hint, I walked out of the office.
Later, as I sat on a park bench, trying to decide where I should sleep for the night, my phone buzzed with a text message. A second came in at the same time.
The first was from Maria. “OMG they fired Elena!”
The next, from Logan. ‘Be at work tomorrow. 8AM sharp.‘
The next morning. I walked into work dressed in my nicest blazer. I’d spent the night on Maria’s couch again, a temporary measure. I knew at some point, I would have to go back to my parents‘ house again. But I still wasn’t ready to face them and my nasty sister.
Maria had lent me her iron so that I could look as professional as could be, arriving into work today. I had my hair done up in a tight bun. My glasses were spotless.
I went to my desk, ignoring Sabrina as best I could, though I could feel her cold gaze on me, causing me
to shiver, a chill running up my spine.
Logan was already in his office. Looking exhausted, he held the phone to his ear with one hand while he rubbed his forehead with the other. Who could he be talking to that would make him look that miserable?
As if he could hear my thoughts, he glanced up from his desk and met my eyes through the window. My heart raced, and I couldn’t look away.
He held my gaze, not once looking away, until he finished his phone call and placed the phone down. When he looked away at last, I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and turned back to my computer.
o sooner did I open my email than a message popped up from Logan.
‘I need to see you in my office. Now.”
This was the job, I reminded myself, and my foolish heart that hadn’t slowed. Now that I was back to work, he likely wanted to load me up with work, maybe to make up for the days I missed.
Leaving my desk, I stood and walked to Logan’s office, Sabrina didn’t try to stop me. He must have sent her a message to let me by.
I knocked as I opened the door to Logan’s office and entered.
He didn’t bother hiding his weary expression. “Welcome back,” he said, though he seemed distracted. He had a datebook open on his desk. There were scribblings in it, many of which were crossed out. Was he trying to plan something? Why not use the work calendar?
“Thank you,” I said. Then realizing I hadn’t yet properly thanked him for going to bat for me, I added, “For everything. If you hadn’t gone to the board
“Innocent people shouldn’t be punished.” Logan waved me off. “Though you are on thin ice, Hazel. You
Chapter 0144
would do well to make sure you are not involved in any more scandals.”
My throat suddenly went dry. It wasn’t like I chose to be set up by Elena. Unless, he was talking about something else. Scandals? Like kissing him?
That wasn’t likely to ever happen again. “I can assure you I am a model employee.”
“I know you are,” he said. “That’s why I called you in here. I need your assistance with a very important matter. Something I can’t really trust to anyone else.”
That was promising. After everything that happened, I was eager to prove myself again, to Logan and to the board. And anyone else who doubted my skills.
1 am at your service,” I said.
“I am assigning most of your work tasks to Sabrina,” Logan said. “I need your full focus on this project.” “Okay…” I liked that much less so. But I couldn’t exactly argue with him, especially with how cold he’d been to me lately. Maybe at one point, I could negotiate with him, and have a little pull about the things that I wanted.
Those days were long gone now, if they ever existed at all.
Logan had been acting so distantly lately, it was hard to imagine a time when he hadn’t been.
We were never friends, I reminded myself. We crossed lines of professionalism in the past, but those lines were so solid now, they were shaped like walls instead. They would not be crossed again.
“Whatever you feel necessary,” I said, adding more strength into my voice. I was the CEO’s assistant. That, meant trusting his judgement in all things. “But, um. Just what is this new project?”
“It’s a more… personal matter,” Logan said.
He pushed the datebook toward me. In it, I saw certain dates circled, with a different woman’s name in each one.
“I need you to help plan my romantic evenings.”