Chapter 0171
Opening the text chain, I saw Dylan’s reply.
It’s too late.
I didn’t know enough about the law to know if that was true, but, even if Dylan was angry with me and hurt by me, I didn’t think he would lie about something like this. I trusted Dylan. He was a good person. If he said it was too late, then maybe it was.
There must be something we can do, I sent.
.Dylan’s response was quicker than before, like he also had the text chain open and had been waiting for
my reply.
There isn’t.
His short answers gave me the impression he was giving me the cold shoulder.
A second message came in right after the first, This is what you wanted.
Yes. That was true, but that had been before I knew the man I was married to was Logan.
Something that Dylan knew… as Logan’s name was also on the divorce papers.
“Shit,” I cursed. I hadn’t realized that before.
How long had he known?
I replied in text, Why didn’t you tell me it was Logan?
Three dots appeared, indicating that Dylan was replying. But then they went away. They did not appear again.
After waiting a few long minutes, I gave up and returned my phone to my pocket. I had a meeting today to close on an apartment for myself. I couldn’t be late.
With that in mind, I rushed out of the building.
Much, much later, my phone buzzed with a new text from Dylan. I’d signed a lease on my new apartment but I couldn’t move in until the first of the month so I was still couch hopping for now.
I was having trouble sleeping, thinking of all of the excitement of the day, when the message came in.
Unlocking my phone, I read the text.
Finalize the divorce. Please.
Was this actual legal advice or the words of a jealous man? I couldn’t be sure. I didn’t know how to reply.
I closed my phone and found no more sleep that night,
Logan sat in his office well into the night. He should have been home hours ago, but he felt restless. Work helped calm his mind.
The day had been filled with many surprises, twists and turns.
Chapter 0171
☐ +25 BONUS
Hazel was his wife.
But they were getting divorced with no way to stop it per Dylan. Hazel had been texting Logan updates throughout the night.
Logan had tried to text Dylan himself, but all of his messages were left on read.
Well, they could figure it out. The law was filled with loopholes. If Logan had to hire a different lawyer to find them, then so be it. He wasn’t overly concerned.
What did worry him right now, was his next planned move.
His relationship with Hazel might be secret for now, but he was determined to see it through. And that meant all of his planned dates with other girls would need to be canceled. He wouldn’t make Hazel responsible for this. He would take care of this himself.
He wasn’t overly concerned with handling the dates themselves. After all, they’d never even gone out once, so the women wouldn’t be overtly disappointed.
What worried him was telling his grandfather he was no longer interested in these dates.
It was certain to end in a lecture. And, well, maybe Logan deserved it. Maybe he was a disappointment to the family.
But he was also determined to give him and Hazel the best shot at this new relationship. That would be difficult to do with the pretext of him seeing other people.
The clock read close to midnight, but Logan’s grandfather was a night owl. So Logan picked up the phone and dialed his grandfather.