Chapter 0185
Hazel looked taken aback. “Of course not.”
What was he thinking, accusing her? He sighed. God, he was just tired,
“Listen… It’s just –”
“You just think I’m responsible for Fillman’s Freight wanting to pull their accounts.” The hurt grew in her
“You did talk to them. It’s natural that I would think –”
“You should leave.” Hazel turned fully away from Logan “Stay too long and everyone will suspicious.”
Why di
did she say that last half so sarcastically? Didn’t she understand that he was trying to protect the both of them?
“We’re not done talking about this,” Logan said.
Hazel glanced back at him, over her shoulder.
Logan continued, “After I’m done with work-
Hazel turned away again. “Just go, Logan. I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”
“You are upset,” Logan said.
“I’m fine,” Hazel said. Softer, she added, “Work comes first.”
She didn’t seem like she truly believed that, but every moment Logan wasted here threatened his work at the office. The Fillman’s Freight account was important: Surely Hazel would come to understand that, once the initial hurt and disappointment wore off.
I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
Logan started toward her, for maybe a kiss goodbye, or at least a hug. But as he approached, her whole body tensed. He didn’t have to be a linguist to understand her body language here: touching would not bet appreciated right now.
Instead, Logan turned himself toward the door and saw himself out.
Now alone in my new apartment, I covered her face and let the overwhelming disappointment of our ruined evening wash over me.
1 knew, deep down, that this wasn’t Logan’s fault. His busy schedule was just part of the job. I would always come second.
But that still hurt. This was to be our first date since discovering we were married and choosing to stay together. He’d brought champagne. We were supposed to be celebrating!
Cameron’s phone call felt too perfectly timed, and for to involve the Fillman’s Freight account also raised my suspicions. Our contact seemed nothing short of eager when I spoke to him this afternoon.
Did something change? How?
Maybe Logan would tell me tomorrow.
None of it really mattered right now, anyway. Our celebration was ruined, and now I was alone in my brand new house, with no one to help me celebrate, or drink this bottle of expensive champagne.
At least that part could be rectified. Instead of a date, what I needed now was a girl’s night.
I walked to where my phone was charging on the counter and sent off a quick text.
Got ditched for work. Needing my girls right now.
Their responses quickly chimed in one after the next.
Be right there!
Want me to stop for ice cream?
I really loved my friends.
Logan walked into the office expecting chaos, What was waiting for him instead was Cameron and Dawn having tea, their chairs pulled far away from the computer and the phones that were soon to be used for the conference.
Where was the urgency that Logan had heard in that phone call?
“Cameron? Dawn? What is the meaning of this?”
They looked up from their drinks as I approached. Neither seemed particularly alarmed.
“Ah, Mr. Hatfield, I was just about to call you,” Cameron said. “Dawn was able to speak with our contact at Fillman’s Freight and clear everything up.”
“It was a simple matter, really,” Dawn said, smiling. “They had heard of some of our scandals, but not of the resolutions we’ve made to resolve the issues. As soon as I explained to them the new rules, they immediately changed their mind and decided to stay with our company.”
“You spoke to them without me?” Logan asked, his anger growing. He had left Hazel, even argued with her for this?
“Your presence didn’t seem fully necessary, given the topics at hand,” Dawn said. She sipped at her tea. “1 hope you and Hazel were able to finish your out of office work?”