Chapter 0188
“You should really put water on that before it stains,” Cameron said. She smiled slightly, as if caught between mocking and teasing.
She was right, however, so I stepped around her and out of the elevator.
1 trust you won’t spill any coffee on me?” Cameron asked as the elevator doors closed behind me. I didn’t have the courage to turn and look at them.
My cheeks burned red. Did Cameron know what was really going on? Even if Logan tried to cover with the spilled coffee, she must have at least suspected, or she wouldn’t have made that remark.
God, Logan and I really were not very good at keeping our hands to ourselves. Though, after last night, having him be so romantic made me feel a hell of a lot better.
So are you.
Those three little words would keep me going for a while. I could survive any hardship so long as he kept saying things like that to me, throwing me little life preservers while I’m adrift at sea.
It’s those words that carry me forward even with the embarrassment I feel, as I head to the women’s locker room.
Inside, many of my female co–workers were preparing for the day, fixing their hair and makeup in the mirrors at the sinks. I parked myself at the last sink and removed my shirt. I had an undershirt on underneath.
With the shirt free, I ran the stain under cold water. For good measure, I added some soap.
Beside me, the girls were gossiping about this and that, mostly about people from outside of work that I didn’t know. But then…
“I bet Logan will attend that high society gala coming up.”
I nearly dropped my shirt, Logan hadn’t mentioned any upcoming event to me. Usually I helped him coordinate his ride and help select his outfit. I made appointments if he needed his hair styled a specific way.
But I hadn’t heard a single word about this high society gala. Was he… keeping it from me?
No. It must have just slipped his mind. If I were to bring it up with him later, I was sure he’d tell me what he needed.
“Of course he will be there,” said another girl applying her mascara. “All of the area’s most prestigious families will be there. They are every year. The question is, who will he take as his date?”
The other girl laughed. “You aren’t hoping it’s you, are you?”
The mascara girl’s face turned bright red. “Like hell he would ask me. No one at the office is a blip on his radar, even with all of HR’s new rules”
Lowering my head, I didn’t want to give into self–doubt, but it still knocked on the door to my heart all the same. Logan obviously couldn’t take me to this gala, of we’d risk breaking HR’s rules. But would he find himself another date? Was that why he hadn’t mentioned this to me? He wanted to keep it secret?
No. I had to believe in Logan. He wouldn’t do to me what my ex had. He wouldn’t pretend to care about me while secretly dating someone else right behind my back.
Logan wasn’t Chance.
“He’ll probably take some beautiful movie star or an heiress,” said another girl at the mirror. “A guy like that, he’s got it all. Money, looks, a good career. Why would he want anything less in a partner?”
I tried to focus on cleaning my shirt, blocking out the rest of their words. But a heavy heart made for slow
Doubts were creeping all around me, sinking into my thoughts.
Logan could have anyone he wanted. Why was he still married to me?