Chapter 241
“These frames have some beautiful letterhead designs, Deborah said, admiring the sheets displayed on the wall.
“Look at this one, love,” Jayden said, pointing to a frame that featured a design with rubber ducks riding waves on little boats.
“Waa!” James got excited when he saw the picture and tried to reach for it.
“I agree, son, it’s a cute design,” Deborah said.
“Looks like we found the perfect invitation for his birthday,” Samantha commented. “And it fits the season of his birthday perfectly.”
“Good afternoon,” said a woman entering the room, carrying several sample books.
“Good afternoon,” the family greeted in return, taking seats around the table.
“I see you like the specials,” the woman said, pointing to the wall.
“Specials?” Deborah asked.
“Yes, these sheets are the most requested designs by our clients,” she explained as she began opening the sample books. “David mentioned you’re looking for wedding invitations, so I brought the models we currently offer. But if none of them suit your taste, we can create a custom design,” she added, handing them the sample books.
“Ah…” James got excited when he saw the books and reached for them, crinkling the plastic that protected one of the sheets.
“No, son, not these,” Jayden said, moving the book out of his reach.
James frowned and tried to grab the papers to play with them.
“Someone’s getting rebellious,” Samantha commented with amusement.
“No, James, you need to learn that no means no, young man,” Deborah gently scolded him.
The little one started crying, so Jayden stood up to rock him and distract him.
“Sorry about this; my grandson is starting to become a little rebel,” Samantha apologized.
“Don’t worry, it’s normal at that age. I have a three–year–old, and she’s just as, if not more, mischievous. But a little firmness always helps,” the woman said with a smile.
They thanked her for her understanding and began browsing through the samples while Jayden played with James to keep him entertained, occasionally offering his opinion on the sheets they showed him.
“Look, love, we’ve narrowed it down to three designs for you to choose from,” Deborah said, standing up to show him the sheets.
“I see why they’re the finalists–they all have something special,” Jayden said, looking at the sheets. “Right? They each have elements I like, but you’re the one who gets to choose.”
Chapter 241
“Okay, in that case, I’ll choose…” he began, reaching out to take one, but…
James seized the opportunity to grab all three sheets with his little fist, crumpling them.
“No, James,” his parents scolded him as they tried to take the sheets away, but he clung to them even more tightly, trying to put the paper in his mouth.
For James, it was a game, but when his mom finally managed to take the sheets away, he began to cry. “James, that’s not allowed,” Jayden said as he used a cloth to wipe his mouth.
“Are you okay?” Samantha asked, standing up to approach the three of them.
“We’re sorry, miss,” Deborah said, noticing the woman grimacing at the sight of the crumpled, wet, and torn sheets on the floor.
“Don’t worry, accidents happen.”
“We’ll cover the cost of these samples and…” Samantha began to say apologetically, but when she looked at the floor, she noticed that the crumpled combination of sheets created a new design. “Guys, look,” she said in surprise, pointing to the floor.
“Huh…” The couple looked at the sheets and were amazed by the design that had emerged from the unusual fusion of the sheets.
“It seems James has chosen the best of the three,” Jayden said.
“It’s a beautiful design,” the woman said, pulling out her phone to take a picture of the result.
“So James did it on purpose,” Jayden joked, noticing how happy his baby looked.
“Even so, what he did was wrong,” Deborah said, seeing her little one now playing with his hands and smiling at her. “You little manipulator,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
-End of Flashback-
“My nephew’s already getting mischievous.”