The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 327

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 327

Chapter 0327 

Logan walked straight into the tower where his grandfather’s office was, went to the elevator and pushed the button to the top floor. The elevator refused to move at first, but Logan still had a keycard. He tried it, and amazingly it still worked

He blamed his grandfather’s hubris. Grandfather likely still suspected that Logan would return to the fold, despite every single piece of evidence to the contrary 

The elevator ride up was the longest of his life. Inside, every muscle tensed

They had taken from him the thing most precious to him. He was going to make sure everyone paid for it

The elevator dinged and the doors opened 

Logan stepped out into the hallway, expecting a war. Instead, no one was there to

stop him

Grandfather’s assistances typed away at their computers. Some glanced at him as he walked by. Of those that did, most seemed relieved to see him

No one tried to stop him, not even the assistant at the main office desk 

Please get her out of here,the assistant said. She pressed a button on her desk that made the lack of the double doors unlatch. She’s making all of us nervous.” 

Grandfather shouldn’t have brought her here.Logan said

That’s above my paygrade,the assistant said and turned her focus onto her work

Yet here you are, helping me,Logan added. She had to know she was potentially endangering herself and her career, just by unlocking the door

She didn’t look up at him. Mr. Hatfield Senior had not been himself lately. The man he was would have never agreed with what he’s doing now. Please, just take her and get out.” 

He won’t go back to normal,Logan said. He’s stepped over the edge.” 

I just want my paycheck,the assistant said and ignored him

Logan could see she wasn’t going to listen to his reasoning. Still, she helped him and for that he was grateful. Thanks.” 

Don’t mention it. Literally don’t.” 

Logan left the desk and moved to the door. Pushing it open, he immediately spotted Hazel looking inside one of the glass cabinets

At once, all of the tension released from Logan’s body. Hazel was here and she didn’t seem hurt. Still, he surged forward, unsatisfied until she was in the security of his arms. 

Logan, you’re hereHer voice was the stuff of dreams, and the wonder in his eyes soothed him from. the inside out

He leaned down and kissed her, just to make sure she was real

She circled her arms around his neck, holding on to him just as fiercely as he was holding her


Chapter 0327 

When they parted, Logan lowered his forehead to Hazel’s and simply breathed with her. Earlier he had nearly gone wild with worry. Now, he had Hazel here, safe in his arms. The world felt right again

Look,Hazel said, and gestured to the glass cabinet. Logan followed the length of her stare and saw his grandmother’s ring, right there sitting in the cabinet. Grandfather was a smug bastard. He didn’t care that he’d stolen it. Now it was back in his hands to display

He probably felt like he’d never fully given it to Logan to start with. Maybe it had only ever been on loan

Should we take it back?Hazel asked

No,Logan replied. We don’t need it. Not anymore.” 

Having Logan here beside me again removed all apprehension and fear from my body. I was still nervous we were going to be caught somehow, but with Logan beside me now, anything felt possible even as ! stood there in Senior’s office in my pajamas and socks 

Logan glanced down at my outfit and frowned. Other men saw you wearing this?” 

I nodded. It wasn’t like I’d had much choice

Logan’s jaw clenched. He slid his jacket off and then draped it over my shoulders. He insisted on buttoning it, too. I didn’t mind. I liked being protected like this. I hadn’t exactly wanted to square off against three goons and Mr. Hatfield Senior especially without wearing a bra

Let’s get out of here,I said, hoping to steer Logan’s thoughts away from possessive rage back to the task at hand

Right,he said, but did not seem happy about it

Wrapping his arm around me, he led me toward the office door

Didn’t anyone try to stop you?I asked him, surprised


Out in the hallway, I could see what he meant. The assistant at the main desk seemed to look anywhere but right at us. The others physically turned themselves away

See no evil, know no evil

Logan guided me to the elevator and we entered without anyone stopping us

Back at the apartment, Logan held me for a long time. We made love, twice, to reaffirm our bond

I was terrified,he whispered into the skin of my neck as we were sweaty and panting

He said that, but I had never seen a man so brave. He’d shown up, ready to fight anyone who got in his way, just to get to me

I loved him. I meant to tell him so, but his passion overrode words for a while, and I could only tell him in my moans and my breathy shout of his name


We rolled out of bed again in time for dinner. Back in our pajamas, we ate our meals in front of the 

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0327 


We’d only meant to watch a sitcom or a romcom. We wanted something funny to distract us, to take our minds off the trauma that had been haunting us for the past few days

This one?Logan asked, stopping on a show I was familiar with

I’d already seen this episode, but I was fine with that. I didn’t want any more surprises tonight. It’s perfect.” 

We finished our meals, then set aside our dishes on the coffee table. Now empty handed, I slid against. Logan’s side. His arm slipped comfortably around my shoulders

I tucked my head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart more than the canned. laughter on the tv screen

Were you frightened?he asked

A little. They said right away they were taking me to your grandfather.” 

His hand draped lower, and he rubbed gently up and down my forearm. I’m sorry you had to go through that 

You don’t need to apologize for the sins of your grandfather,I said


Still, I He cut himself off so abruptly, it alarmed me 

Logan?Looking up, I saw he was suddenly transfixed with the television

I looked too

The screen flashed with a breaking news report. Suddenly, our happy sitcom was gone, replaced by a newscaster sitting behind a desk

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you this breaking news,the newscaster said. She was beautiful, perfect hair and teeth and makeup. Her blue blazer brought out her eyes. An employee close to Mr. Hatfield Senior has been arrested.” 

The picture flashed to a camera set up outside of the building where Senior’s office was. Flashing police lights surrounded them building. A woman was brought out in handcuffs

I gasped, recognizing her

That was the assistant who sat at the main desk outside of Senior’s office

The suspect has been arrested for the theft of property upwards of a million dollars,the newscaster continued

Logan went very still

She’s being punished,he said. For helping me.” 

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage


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