Chapter 0093
The following Monday morning, Dylan sat in his office, typing an email on his computer. As he was about to finish his email, his legal secretary Anna knocked on the open door.
“Come in,” he said, finishing up his email and pressing send. He looked at her. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I was working on the Whitaker vs Hatfield paperwork like you asked, and uh…” she hesitated. “Well, I ran
into an issue.
“What kind of issue?” Dylan asked, confused. Anna was the best legal secretary he’d ever employed, he couldn’t ever remember a time where she couldn’t figure out something on her own.
“Ms. Whitaker isn’t married, sir,” she said.
“She’s not…what?”
“Mr. Hatfield is, I found the record for that. But Ms. Whitaker is single,” Anna explained.
Dylan stood. “Show me.”
lead him to the computer. “I searched in all the available databases. I even called them to ask them -to double check for me, in case there was an issue with the search engines. But they confirmed it for me,
she is not legally married to him or anyone.”
“Woah,” Dylan said, sitting down in Anna’s chair, stunned. This was certainly a first for him. He picked up the phone on Anna’s desk and dialed Logan’s phone number. “Hey, can we meet up somewhere? I have some…news for you.”
Fifteen minutes later Dylan walked into Brew Ha Ha, a nearby coffee and pastry shop. Logan was already seated at one of the tables inside. Dylan waved at him, ordered a coffee from the front, then joined Logan at his table.
“So this news…is it bad?” Logan asked, looking disheveled and nervous.
“It’s…well, strange,” Dylan said. He thought for a moment. “I guess it’s not necessarily great news.”
“Dylan!” A barista called from the front.
Dylan grabbed his iced coffee and sat back at the table “I had Anna helping me with finalizing your divorce. But it turns out…your wife isn’t actually married.”
“What?” Logan said.
“Anna looked through all the databases for you and her. You are a married man, but she’s a single woman,” Dylan explained.
“But…wait a minute. I don’t understand,” Logan said. “She had the ring, she looked like the girl in the picture…” he suddenly felt light–headed. He rested his forehead in his hands to prevent him from falling
out of his chair.
“I don’t know man. Knowing her, it’s probably some sort of scam on her end,” Dylan Skrugged.
“So we’re back to square one then? Logan said, head still in his hands. Trying to figure out who my wife
Chapter 0093
“Yeah, I’m afraid so,” Dylan said.
I stood at the front door to my parents‘ house, keys in hand, and took a deep breath to calm my anger.
When I had pulled up moments earlier, I was surprised to see Natalie’s car was also here. I hadn’t seen. her the entire weekend. Of course I did spend most of it either with Logan or Maria. But the few times I had been home she had been MIA.
Once I felt a little calmer, I unlocked the door and pushed it open. I paused in the doorway and listened. I heard voices coming from the kitchen, so I decided I would head to my bedroom first to change before dealing with my lovely family.
When I got to the top step, Natalie came out of her room and stormed over to me.
“Hey, thanks for ratting me out about Logan, you narc,” she spat.
“Like it even matters,” I said, brushing past her to my door. “Mom and dad wouldn’t do anything about it anyway, except maybe try and protect you.”
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot angrily. “That’s not the point,” she snapped.
I walked through my door and slammed it shut behind me. I made sure to lock it so she wouldn’t come barging in after me.
Sure enough, a few seconds later I heard the door handle jiggling. “Unlock this door, Hazel!” She yelled from the other side.
I ignored her and found some sweats and a t–shirt to change into. I unbuttoned my blouse and let it drop to the floor, then did the same with my pencil skirt. I threw my comfy clothes on and laid back onto my bed. I had planned on storming in the house and cussing Natalie out for what she did to Logan, but the more I thought about it, the less good I thought it would do. She knew what she did was wrong. She just didn’t care…
I needed a drink.
I threw open the door. Natalie was still standing outside my door.
“How dare you slam your door in my face,” she said.
Without a word, I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. She was right on my heels the entire way.
I found two bottles of wine on the counter. I turned to Natalie. “Are these safe to drink or did you put sleeping pills in them too?”
“Daddy!” She said and turned to him, pouting.
“Hazel, that’s uncalled for,” dad said from his usual spot at the table. “Your sister made a mistake, that’s all,”
“A mistake?” I said incredulously. “She drugged a man, dad. He could have died.”
“Yeah well, I wouldn’t have had to do it if you had keep your slimy little hands off of my man!” Nat yelled
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Chapter 0043
at me.
I got right in her face. “I’ve got news for you, Nat. He was the one that tried to kiss me. Not the other way around. Who can’t keep their men now?”
She narrowed her eyebrows at me then slapped me across the face. I grabbed my cheek with both hands, my face stinging where she made contact. Dad jumped up from the table and stepped between us. Mom just kept sipping her tea, as if she were completely alone in the kitchen.
“Girls, please,” he said, his hands on our shoulders, holding us as far away from each other as he could.” Hazel, tell Natalie you’re sorry.”
“You’re sorry,” I said, trying not to laugh.
“Dad!” Natalie whined.
“Hazel…” dad closed his eyes and shook his head. “Come on. Natalie wouldn’t be in the middle of a divorce if you hadn’t tried to kiss her husband.”
“I’m sorry, if it weren’t for me?” I said. “I’ve got news for you dad. Your favorite daughter over there is a world–class bitch, and Logan was thinking of divorcing her long before that almost–kiss she saw.”
She gasped.
“And here’s one more piece of news for you,” I leaned in as close to Natalie as I could. I looked her square in the eyes. “Logan didn’t just try to kiss me, he did kiss me. Twice.”
I stormed out of the kitchen before they could react, but damn that felt good.
“Daddy, do something!” I heard Nat cry from the kitchen.
I turned on my heels and walked back into the kitchen. “Don’t worry dad, I’ll take care of this problem. I’m moving out.”
I left the kitchen and stomped back up the stairs. I opened my laptop once I got in my room and did a search for local, cheap apartments. The singles–only apartments Maria recommended to me were at the top of the results page. That seemed like years ago now. The memories of that came rushing back and I gasped when I remembered the application results:
I was married.