Chapter 0072
I walked back to where Maria was sitting to grab the diagram.
“Don’t think we’re done with this conversation, young lady,” she said.
“Sorry, what? Can’t hear you….” I said as I walked away with the paper.
“Uh huh,” she replied.
I handed Lily the paper and went over it with her to make sure we were on the same page. Then she left the office to start bringing in the flowers.
Maria watched me expectantly as I walked back over to her. “Well?”
I sighed. The truth was, I didn’t know who I would choose in that bizarro–world scenario. Maybe those guys were flirty with me, but no way were they actually interested in me. Both of them had a reputation for being womanizers, maybe that’s just how they are with every woman they encounter.
As for me, I didn’t want to get my hopes up over something so impossible. I’d rather not even think about
Is I’m not playing this game‘ an option?” I finally said.
This time I saw her roll her eyes. “Nope,” she said. “Don’t overthink it. Which one comes to mind first?”
One of the men popped in my head. “Okay, I would choose…”
There was another sharp knock at the door. We turned.
“Logan!” I said.
‘Good morning ladies,” he said and walked over to us. I blushed. I was getting really tired of doing that ast much as I had been lately.
He looked at the balloons and picked one up. “How’s it going? Do you need help with anything?”
So far so good,” I said. “The florist is bringing flowers in now. Everything is on track,” I smiled.
le smiled in return. His eyes lingered on mine for a moment, until I started feeling self–conscious and shy ind turned away.
Well, uh…let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” He gave a tiny wave and left the conference
Good choice,” Maria winked at me. “And by that look he was giving you, I would say the feelings are
Oh my god, we’re setting up a party for his wife. I’m the last person on his mind,” I said, attaching one of ur balloons the the empty arch
Maybe it’s a different head he’s thinking of you with,” Maria said, suppressing a smile.
Oh my godddd,” I groaned and felt my face burn. “You are the worst.”
ne started laughing and I couldn’t help but join in.
Chanter 0072
“You ladies are having way too much fun,” a male voice said from the doorway.
I turned. “Oh, Dylan!” I said, surprised to see him. “I swear you’re here more than you are your own office,” I teased.
“Well my office isn’t near as fun as this place,” he said with a smile. “Setting up for the party?”
He came over and stood very close to me, watching me attach balloons to the arch. Maria walked in front of me and raised an eyebrow at me while she smirked. I can’t stand you,” I mouthed.
“We’re trying to,” Maria answered him. “But we keep getting interrupted by all these handsome men.”
She winked at him and my stomach lurched. I knew she wasn’t interested in him, but clearly I was feeling more than a little jealous of her being flirty with him. My reaction took me by surprise.
“Where are all these men?” He looked around. Maria and I laughed. “I’m sorry to interrupt, I swung by to talk to Logan before the party and just wanted to drop in and say hi. He said that last part directly to me and smiled. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you then,” I couldn’t help but smile.
Maria and I watched him walk out of the conference room. She turned to me.
“You’re right, that’s a damn hard choice to make.”