I looked on google, and it said that someone
was in trouble.
I smirked.
“Oh he is in trouble, I didn’t think he would be
a scumbag.”
Ashley’s smile disappeared and she said “You
don’t know him or his struggles!”
I stared at her while she fumed.
An agent came to us and said, “Maam, this
Chapter 2
I was speechless. But the crazy didn’t stop
Ashley completely snapped out of her crying
fit and strutted to the front. Kelly, dragging
her cheap Forever 21 dress, followed behind
her like a wannabe starlet on the red carpet.
We got to the backstage green room, and
some assistant quietly told Ashley, “Sorry, Mr.
James is busy right now. You can wait in
here. Just let me know if you need anything.”
As soon as the assistant left, Ashley turned
around and ordered me to get her a bottled
“Not everyone gets to meet Ethan James, you
know! You should be grateful!”
I just laughed.
“Yeah, well, same to you.”
Kelly was busy giving Ashley a shoulder
massage, acting like she was some kind of
celebrity assistant.
“Girl, what does it matter how much money
your family has? At the end of the day, it is
Ashley who meets the star!”
Did she really think she was the main
character in a movie?
I ignored her.
When the green room door finally opened,
Ethan walked in.
He bee–lined straight for me and gave me a
massive hug. “Sis! I’ve missed you!”
I pushed him off. “Gross, you’re too old to be
so touchy.”
I looked over at Ashley and Kelly. Their jaws
were on the floor.
Kelly elbowed Ashley, trying to get her to say
Ashley, who was so confident earlier,
“Ethan, you have given me a lot of signals!
I’m still waiting!”
I looked at Ethan, giving him a warning look.
Ethan frowned, raising an eyebrow at me, like
he was saying, “Is this one of your friends?”
Before Ethan could say anything, Ashley burst
into tears and ran out. Kelly hurried after her.
“Sis, did I hurt someone’s feelings?”
I didn’t answer him, I pinched his ear and
asked, “Who is this “Bear” on Twitter? I will
kill you!”
Ethan winced. “Ow, sis! Ow! That’s my
Pomeranian, Ashley Bear!”
“And you let the driver take us, knowing she
would be there?”
“How did you know I was coming?”
When we got back to the dorm, there was
this weird, tense vibe. Kelly and Ashley were
sitting by the door, glaring at me like I’d just
committed some crime.
I raised an eyebrow.
“What? I’m here!”
“Why would you flirt with Ethan? Is that why
he won’t talk to me?”
“Are you blind? Did you not hear him call me
‘sis‘? Do you know what that means?”
I thought it would have been clear that Ethan
was my brother. But I guess some people live
in their own worlds.
Ashley immediately started fake–crying.
“Ethan just broke up with me! Is it your
“Ashley, maybe you should get your head
checked out.”
Surprisingly, Ashley claimed that her ex had
broken up with her, which is why she came to
Los Angeles.
“I didn’t want to let Ethan feel bad, if he saw
me crying for someone else!”
Kelly looked at Ashley and continued to
comfort her.
“Did you know he had a concert? Two hours
long, and he didn’t cry at all! Does he not
There is nothing to cry about!
Fans should cry, but not him.
I feel bad for the fans!
Ashley got sadder.
“Money can’t buy love!”
I finally lost my mind.
“Yeah, I have money, why are you
impersonating me?
Ashley became afraid and started yelling.
“I didn’t tell Ethan’s assistant that I was his