the real plagiarist Ch 2

the real plagiarist Ch 2

Then I found something from a month ago

Then, I found something from a month ago

On August 26th, Chelsea posted a picture 

with the caption, So many ideas flowing.” 

I zoomed in to get a closer look

Suddenly, my head started pounding

The paper next to her had the same notes 

that I had

Even the deleted lyrics were identical

The song was based on my personal 

experience; there’s no way it could have been 


Maybe Chelsea went through the same thing

No, that’s impossible

Chelsea and Brad grew up in the North

How could they live on a small island down 


How else can you explain the lyrics

Just when I couldn’t wrap my head around 

what was going on, Jen called me again

There was no lead about the leak

Now I’m stuck

Jen’s right

The company spent millions on my single for 

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marketing and advertising, with billboards and 


So, I had to get a new song out

I went to the studio, grabbed my guitar, and 

my hands started shaking

This time, I’m writing about my story

I hope that Chelsea didn’t experience this life 


I spent two days and two nights writing the 

new song

I used a separate phone and sent a demo to 


Jen sent me five emojis right away 

Rock music? Ashley, you’re a musical genius

How many surprises do you have for me?” 

Before I could reply, Jen sent a voice note,

made a reservation at the recording studio. I’ll 

pick you up in an hour.” 

When I left, the sky was already starting to 


Jen stretched

The company thinks it’s a bad time to 

release it, since it’s almost Memorial Day

How about we release it on June 3?” 

I paused

What’s Chelsea been up to?” 

I know someone at Summit. They said 

Chelsea hasn’t been there. What’s she 


You’re supposed to do concerts and 

interviews after you release a song

This is suspicious

So, I agreed with releasing it later

After I got home, I slept the best I’ve had in


Then I woke up to Jen knocking on my door

Ashley, this isn’t good!” 

Chelsea released a new songthat’s the 

exact same song you recorded this morning!” 

Jen’s words broke me

Why couldn’t I stop what was happening

Am I not allowed to do music anymore

Do I have to live in her shadow

I made sure to leave my phone on the patio

and I didn’t use my computer to write my 


How did Chelsea know

Chelsea’s new songs have been trending 


She beat records

Her fame made the celebrities getting 

married irrelevant

Someone asked her how she changed her 

style on the song

Someone stole my music before. Luckily, I changed the dates so they didn’t steal from 

  1. me. This song is for those that take credit 

from other’s work. Talent is what songwriters need, and you’ll never beat me!” 

Her declaration turned social media upside 


People found my posts and started 


You’re the copycat, right? Aren’t you 

releasing a song? It’s been a while since you 

said that, where is it?” 

You’re supposed to be a songwriter. Did you 

have someone write your songs before?” 

I didn’t release a song, but I was still labeled 

as a copycat

But, my fans came to my defense and argued 

back in the comments

Chelsea had just started and had very few 


This situation made her look bad

That’s when my boyfriend stepped in

You’re coming to Chelsea’s party tomorrow!” 

Brad said it

I laughed


Are you serious? Your fans are hating on 

Chelsea! She can’t sleep or eat!” 

If you want to be my girlfriend, you have to 

come to the party.” 

Chelsea stole my song, and I have to go 


I had to go to find out what she’s hiding

The day of the party, Chelsea linked arms 

with Brad and was surrounded by people

Chelsea broke KK Music’s record! Her songs 

have been on the charts for a week!” 

Chelsea’s emotional songs make people cry

and her rock songs make them feel too. She’s 

the real deal!” 


After that disaster, I went straight to Jen

When she heard I was quitting music, she 


The label isn’t going to let you walk away 

that easily! Your contract isn’t up for another 

three years, Ashley. Are you sure about this?” 

I just nodded, and Jen sighed. Alright, the 

sky’s the limit. I can’t stop you. I hope we get 

to work together again someday.” 

I squeezed her hand and smiled, feeling like

weight had been lifted

A few days later, the label announced my 

departure on Twitter, followed by my own 

statement about retiring

All the trolls who had been on my case 


Chelsea was right about her being a copycat

Otherwise, she wouldn’t feel so guilty about 


She acted all high and mighty at Chelsea’s 

party. Now she’s crawling away with her tail 

between her legs. What a joke!” 

the real plagiarist

the real plagiarist

Status: Ongoing


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