the real plagiarist Ch 3

the real plagiarist Ch 3

She knew she couldn’t compete. Now she’s 

running away, so she doesn’t get hurt.” 

Good riddance. It’s better to quit than to get 

fired. At least she knows what’s up.” 

I’d already quit, so what they said online 

didn’t matter anymore

I packed my bags, ready to head to the 

airport, when Jen sent me a video

Chelsea was doing a live stream event

putting on a show for the cameras

It was all a misunderstanding! I didn’t mean 

to accuse Ashley of plagiarism.” 

Ashley is an irreplaceable talent in the music 

world, and I desperately hope she 


Chelsea cried on camera, bowing to the 


camera. Ashley, I’m sorry! If I did anything 

wrong, I hope you can forgive me. I’m just

newbie, so please go easy on me.” 

If you quit because of me, I’ll be the most 

hated person in music!” 

She acted so sorry, and the reporters around 

her felt bad for her

I didn’t know why Chelsea was doing this

Music industry resources are limited, and we 

were similar singers

She should be happy I was gone

I turned off the video, opened the car window

and enjoyed the autumn breeze


A fivehour flight

I’ll just sleep

I grabbed my bags and saw my dad’s Rolls 

Royce parked by the curb

He shoved flowers into my hand, and my 

mom gave me a big hug

Feeling their love, all the pain from both 

lifetimes rushed back

I started crying in my mom’s arms

It’s a happy reunion! Why are you crying?” 

Mom gave me a hug and wiped my tears

I knew there was something wrong Nobody 

good comes from Hollywood. If they make my baby cry, we won’t play with them!” 

I laughed and sniffled. You don’t even know 

what happened. How do you know I’m upset?” 

Dad smiled. Tell me, and I’ll know!” 

He knew how to handle business

A few words, and I was stuck

After I ate, my mom hesitantly asked, Ashley

tell us what’s going on.” 

I pulled myself together and told them 

everything from both lives

Mom held me, tears streaming down her face

Baby, you’ve been through so much!” 

Dad threw his cigarette to the ground. Those 

bastards! They weren’t even born when I was 

pulling shady deals! If they mess with my 

daughter, I’ll destroy them!” 

Honey, your mom keeps saying I never take 

her around the world. Can you take care of 

her for a few months?” 

I’ll take care of this,he said

Three days later, my mom and I were on


We went to Egypt, saw the pyramids and the 

Sphinx, and then to Morocco to see 


In winter, we saw the Northern Lights in 


The aurora borealis gave me inspiration, but

was too scared to write

Mom sensed something was wrong and held 

  1. me. Life isn’t just about one thing

Sometimes you have to look back. Honey

remember that Mom and Dad always have 

your back.” 

After our fourmonth trip, I felt better and 

joined Dad’s company

I was busy all the time, but Dad was happy

One night, Dad took me to an event, and Brad 


Ashley, stop it and come back! Don’t make 

me block you from working in this industry 

again. You can’t come back.” 

Brad pretends to be nice, but he’s obsessed 

with money

He thought I wouldn’t give up Hollywood

I didn’t answer, so he softened

Chelsea apologized. You have to be over it

Ashley, be good and come back.” 

Don’t you love hearing me play the piano

Have you been writing? Play it for me.” 

Brad’s twofaced personality made me 

certain he and Chelsea were working 


I blocked his number

Leaving the music industry, life was normal

But Jen showed up

So, you’re a business owner now?” 

the real plagiarist

the real plagiarist

Status: Ongoing


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