The Separated Heiress Is Tying the Knot Again! Chapter 187

The Separated Heiress Is Tying the Knot Again! Chapter 187

187 Crushing Waves 

What the hell is she saying?Amelic pressed her back against the cold surface of the pillar, glancing sideways while still listening to the secret conversation between the two of them

Delighted by such an unexpected but definitely advantageous turn of events, Kyle placed his hands on Samantha’s shoulders, offering her a fake smile of hidden warmth. Love? Sam, you are a married woman now, there can be no talks about love between us two. In addition, my father will not approve of me getting involved with a married woman who is about to become a mother!” 

Samantha’s eyes welled with forced tears as she shook her head dramatically. So what? I mightI might be discarded once I give birth to this child, and then we can be together!” 

Kyle couldn’t help but scoff. So you only cling to me because you are scared that your husband will toss you aside once you are no longer useful to him? Just like how he did with his exwife Amelie?” 

The woman’s expression suddenly darkened; she was not that gullible and naive to accept his words lightly, she knew exactly where he was headed, but she herself was holding her own agenda over him with her current behavior

Well, I guess this just makes us a perfect couple in the end,Samantha thought, struggling to conceal her growing irritation. Besides, the shares I will transfer to him will technically be mine even if Richard divorces me so it will already make me a good fit for Kyle to be in a relationship with. I just need to offer him more than he asked for and ask him to take care of it for me in the meantime.‘ 

Don’t you like me too?Sam’s sudden question made Kyle’s face tighten with subtle shock. Wasn’t that the reason you have been so kind to me in the first place? I don’t think any man would be so supportive of another woman if he thinks of her as just his friend.” 

Her foxy grin almost made Kyle laugh in astonishment. The woman was indeed something and he couldn’t help but admire her talents in scheming. Brushing his fair hair away from his face as the gust of wind rustled through it, the man nodded and finally replied

You caught me! I guess I was not that subtle after all.” 

Samantha spread her lips into another wide grin, nodding. You cannot blame me for falling in love with you so lateI haven’t met you before!” 

It’s true, butWhat if Mr. Clark doesn’t plan to divorce you after all? What kind of relationship is it going to be then? Just lovers?” 

II don’t know yet,” Samantha averted her gaze, gluing her teary eyes to the sand under her feet. We can figure it out later!” 

Well, Kyle finally relaxed his features once more, his voice softening too, There is nothing wrong with being just lovers; it happens all the time. But you still need some security in case the man indeed decides to divorce you in the end. In that case, you will have good financial security, unlike the settlement money that Amelic got. Andsince you are still married to him and we found a way to use some of your funds, I guess it will be better for you to transfer more 

187 Crushing Waves 

han what we have previously agreed on.” 

Perfect! Samantha’s eyes glistened with excitement again as she nodded. Seems like we have been on the same wavelength after all!‘ 

Once their conversation was concluded, Kyle was called back into the house to talk to one of his father’s partners while Samantha decided to stay outside a little longer and get some fresh air despite the evening chill that was already making her tremble

The games she had started to play were beginning to seem rather dangerous and although she was convinced that she was not doing anything wrong (after all, just like always, she was merely trying to protect her future), the woman couldn’t help but feel strangely uneasy

Kyle said he would take care of everything for me so I am at least safe from getting directly involved in these schemes. I just need to file a request and put my signature on it, that shouldn’t be hard.‘ 

Come on, do your business already! It’s freaking freezing out here!” 

Samantha’s attention was drawn to a familiar female voice and her face instantly twitched in disgust

Before her, not far from the dancing waves of the ocean, stood Daphne with a chubby corgi running joyously around her like a clockwork toy

What the hell are you doing here?” 

Daphne turned around upon hearing Samantha’s spiteful remark, her brows furrowing with irritation. Mind your own business, will you? You are without your entourage right now so I urge you to be careful when trying to bully me on your own.” 

Samantha instantly turned furious, her hands fisting at her sides, her shoulders almost leveling with her ears. She marched toward the girl, glaring at her with unconcealed malice

When will you learn your place, huh? Do you really think that just because my husband allowed you to stay with us, you have suddenly become someone of importance?!” 

The girl chuckled, offering Sam a rather arrogant expression. Why? Did it hit too close to home? Do you really think that just because your husband was able to impregnate you with his child, it has suddenly turned you from a whore to a princess?

Samantha’s eyes momentarily widened with shock; Daphne’s audacity stunned her speechless. But then, as that feeling dissipated, she turned almost purple with rage, making another wide step towards the girl

Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that?!” 

Without giving Daphne a chance to retort, she pushed her in the chest which made the girl lose balance and fall down on the cold beach sand

Unfortunately, Samantha had forgotten that Daphne was not alone

Not waiting for anything else to happen, Captain Pantaloons let out a warning growl and jumped on the woman, wrapping his sharp teeth around her ankle

187 Crushing Waves 

Samantha shrieked as the dog attacked her, recoiling abruptly and jerking her leg in an attempt to shake the dog off it

Get the hell off me, you filthy mutt! Do you think something this pathetic would scare me?” 

In an evident fit of rage, Samantha grabbed the corgi by his neck, ignoring his whimpering, and nearly ran towards the water, her eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint of hatred.

Leave him be! What the hell is wrong with you, you crazy bitch?!” 

Daphne jumped back to her feet, rushing towards the woman, but she was too late

Grimacing with something that could only be called dangerously ugly, Samantha grinned, and tossed the dog into the freezing water, watching the waves pull it into their dance

What the hell?!” 

The girl pushed Samantha too, her eyes wide with shock but Sam only scoffed at her. Shut up, you idiot! Or better yetgo jump in the water to save your stupid dog!” 

Daphne looked at the waves, ruthlessly moved by the increasing gusts of wind. It was already December so the water was surely too cold to go in without suffering the consequences later 

  1. on

Mrs. Bennett trusted me with the dogGod, what am I to do?!‘ 

She kept looking at the poor corgi struggling against the waves when a familiar female voice hit her on the back of her head like a hammer

Captain Pantaloons!” 

Mrs. Bennett?!Daphne rounded her eyes at the running woman, but Amelie ignored her, rushing past the girl with her face frightened and pale

Mrs. Bennett, don’t!Daphne screamed again but the woman still ignored her and before she knew it, Amelie was already kneed deep in the freezing ocean water, making her way against the ruthless waves that crashed against her legs

God, she is insane…” 

Stunned, Samantha mumbled under her breath, watching Amelie walk through the water to save a worthless dog


Her entire body instantly turned around to the sound of her husband’s voice. Indeed, Richard, his face pale with utter shock, was running toward the water, his wide brown eyes glued to his exwife

Amelie, what the hell are you doing?! You are going to get sick! Get out of the water right this instant!” 

Running past his wife, completely blind to her confused expression, Richard, too, jumped into the water, struggling through the waves as he made his way toward Amelie

Once he finally reached her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, using force to pull her back. What in the world do you think you’re doing?!He shouted right into her car but Amelie 

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ignored him. Let me go! I need to get him!” 

Come to your senses!The man kept shouting in frustration, The water is ice cold!” 

Let me go!Amelie managed to push her ex away, tears streaming down her pale face. I can’t leave himHe is Granpa Oscar’s beloved dog! He loved him so much, I can’t abandon him!” 

The Separated Heiress Is Tying the Knot Again!

The Separated Heiress Is Tying the Knot Again!

Status: Ongoing

The Separated Heiress Is Tying the Knot Again!


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