The Sixth Year of Crushing on
It was the sixth year I’d been crushing on
Ethan, and we were still just friends. When I
got sick and was hospitalized, he was all in,
paying the bills and visiting more than anyone
else. When my cousin got engaged, he came
with me to the party, handing over the
biggest envelope at the event. Everyone
figured it was just a matter of time before we
got together.
Finally, I worked up the courage and
confessed my feelings. But he just glanced at
me, almost bored. Then, he started fiddling
with his lighter, a little smirk on his face.
“You see me as a boyfriend when I see you
as a buddy? You’re kidding, right? Come on,
Liv, don’t be crazy.”
I was silent for a long time, then nodded.
After that, we didn’t talk much. The next time
I heard from him, it was two months later. He
asked casually, “What have you been up to?
Haven’t seen you in forever.”
I glanced at the stiff, aloof guy across from
me, the one on this blind date, and told him
the truth. “Oh, I’ve been hitting the dating
scene, meeting new guys.‘
The line went dead. Then, I heard the
unmistakable sound of a cell phone shattering
on the other end.
Lesuar thought it would come to this
I never thought it would come to this, not with
Ethan. He was leaning against the railing,
relaxed, a slight smile playing on his lips, like
he was hearing some funny joke.
He asked, “So, tell me, what is it about me
that you like?”
My palms were sweaty. “You’re… you’re
good to me.” Better than anyone.
For six years, he had been there for
everything. On my birthday, he’d take charge,
making my cake, booking the best spot in
town, surrounding me with people, and lazily
lighting the candles. “Make a wish,” he’d say.
“If the universe can’t handle it, I’ve got you
He had this place down in Malibu, a killer
house with a huge rose garden, just because I
loved them. He didn’t even live there. He’d
bought it when I was starting my career,
stressing out, and feeling like I wasn’t good
enough. I’d cried in front of him, all
overwhelmed. Soon after that, he moved in,
leaving me a room with a wink. “If you’re
having a bad day, come over here. I’m close
by, who else are you going to call?”
My work hours were insane, and I didn’t eat
right. He, the silver spoon guy, learned to
cook so he could bring me food every day at
lunch. The first dish he learned was my
favorite, spicy Kung Pao chicken.
He was born into money, but he was never
stuck–up. There were girls lining up around
the block to date him. When one of them
asked me to set up a date, I agreed because I
was too young to say no. That night, the girl
called me, saying, “He seems chill, but he’s
cold to the bone. I don’t have a chance.
She said that Ethan was the most polite guy
she’d ever met. Even when he realized he’d
been tricked into a date, he wasn’t mad. He
calmly finished the meal with her, and then
said, “Liv is just starting out. She doesn’t
have time for these games. You shouldn’t
bother her. Got it, Miss Davis?”
Those were golden times.
Everyone thought we were close and that
we’d end up together. I thought the same
thing. What I didn’t know how to deal with
was the possibility that he might not like me