Thorns of revenge
Chapter 1
The day my folks finally brought me home,
the house went up in flames.
I shoved Brittany, the fake daughter, out the
door, and ended up with burns all over.
As I lay there, thinking I was a goner, I heard
her giggling in my ear. “You idiot! I started
the fire!”
Then, bam, I woke up, and Brittany was right
there in the fire, begging me. “Ashley, you’re
Mom and Dad’s real kid. I’m just some
nobody. Forget about me, save yourself!”
Fine by me, if that’s what she wanted.
I stopped trying to drag her out and booked it
for the door.
Enjoy those third–degree burns and the
amputation that’s coming your way, honey.
- 1.
Brittany was on the floor, clinging to my jeans
for dear life, flapping her gums. “Ashley,
you’re Mom and Dad’s real kid. I’m just some
throwaway. Forget about me, save yourself!”
Her pretty, little face was all twisted with fear,
like she was some kind of hero ready to bite
the dust.
But I caught that little smirk in her eyes.
That face, the one that haunted my
nightmares, and the blistering heat blasting
me in the face, made it crystal clear: I was
Back before I was roasted alive!
Last time around, I’d just gotten back to the
Miller’s, and my bio parents were all over me,
spoiling me rotten. Brittany, the girl who’d
been living my life, was all sweet and kind,
I thought I’d finally landed in a real family, but
that night, the Miller’s mansion went up like a
Christmas tree.
My room and Brittany’s were both upstairs,
but the wooden staircase was a bonfire,
trapping us up there
That’s when Brittany crawled over to me,
dropped to her knees, and told me to run.
Like I was gonna leave that sweet girl behind?
So, I took all the pain I could take and used
my body as a human shield, dragging her to
the front door.
I barely got a lungful of fresh air when
Brittany doused me with gasoline she’d been
hiding at the door!
She was laughing like a maniac as she poured
it on. “Ashley, enjoy the bonfire! You deserve
Then she slammed the door shut and took
By the time the fire trucks finally showed up, I
was passed out and charred to a crisp, my
right leg was gone, and my voice box was
Brittany, knowing I couldn’t talk, did whatever
she wanted.
She even bribed the hospital staff to fill my
supposedly sterile ICU room with all kinds of
nastiness, and my wounds got infected. I
went into cardiac arrest.
As I lay dying on that operating table, Brittany
strolled into the room like she owned the
place, flashing this evil grin.
“Ashley, you’re a tough one. I can’t believe
you didn’t die in that fire.
“I started the fire. I messed with your wounds.
But who cares? No one’s gonna know.
“The Miller’s don’t need a dummy like you.
Just kick the bucket already. I’ll be sure to
enjoy Mom and Dad’s love and all their
Then, she reached over and pulled my oxygen
I stared at her face, begging to whoever was
up there, I was ready to pay any price to see
her rotting in the ground.
Thank God, when I opened my eyes again,
there was Brittany’s face, all red and puffy
from crying.
Oh sis
This time, I was gonna show her what sisterly
love really meant.
Way hotter than fire, that’s for sure.